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Having same issues in the work, and at home and can confirm that N will kill it.
I have spend 100-200 hours with this device and have never been able to do the things why i bought it for, and at last it's breathing stopped with the wlan problems. Thank god i guess.
I have bought nokia mobile products since 1995 but lag of support makes me support other manufacturers from now on (15+ phones, including couple communicators, i-tablets and stuff).
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by Vonsaku View Post
I have bought nokia mobile products since 1995 but lag of support makes me support other manufacturers from now on (15+ phones, including couple communicators, i-tablets and stuff).
Yeah...I think 770 owners got the shaft big time from Nokia. No...I don't expect products to be supported forever, but it seems the drop of support for the 770 was much quicker then most hi-tech products.
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After reading these no network threads I decided to try the stainless steel mixing bowl idea as nothing else would work to connect the 770 to my 802.11g router at home. I borrowed the bowl from my wife's stand mixer and placed the 770 in it facing the router which was less than 12 inches away. Once I searched for a connection my network was immediately available and I connected while leaving the 770 in the bowl. Once connected I could use the 770 normally from anywhere in my home.

I'm sure one of my neighbors recently purchased a N router which caused my no network problem. Perhaps I'll invest in a travel size stainless steel bowl in case I run into this problem while out of town.
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Announcing, From Nokia - New Wireless Security for the Nokia 770

Nokia has officially announced the SS security extension for its 770 model Internet Tablet.

This, in effect, prevents anyone who is not familiar with the technology from connecting the device to an access point.

Mark Itingguy of Nokia says, "We're very excited about this new security model. No one in the current space has anything like it. This follows up perfectly on our White Screen security extension for the 770, which can totally protect the device from all attempted access. The combination of these two security features, which I might add are ONLY available to Nokia 770 users, can render the device almost totally secure. Our engineers are working on a third extension which will totally corrupt any memory in the storage card for complete mobile security. Keep you eyes out for that one!!!"

Mr. Itingguy has said that they are currently working with for a rollout of the SS security extension accessory.
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Originally Posted by whayong View Post
This "bug" just happened to mine too. I had left the 770 unattended for a few months and when I finally picked it up again it started doing this. I now have "trouble" at times connecting to my AP's at home and at work. Nothing has changed in either of them, same routers, etc... Someone also mentioned "power problem." My 770 doesn't last as long in stand by these days, nowhere near 24 hours. Maybe that's related, I don't know.
I have the same situation here: Suddenly Wlan networks were not to found, Bluetooth works though and devices are scanned. Probably my several neighourrs got wlan-n or wlan-g count rised up too much..
I even opened the thing and cleaned antenna connector are other (Youtube v=HdTN6vx2D4M) but nothing worked.

Offline / online toogling did nothing... this s auful..

I'll test the commadLine based manual AP setup...

Edit: I tested the solution, but it did not get the web / application manager to see the net: so what's the point. I dragged the Device to more quiet wlan coverage and it showed the avaiable accespoints! At least the HW works!!
OS: os2007HE
installed packages: xterm, gainroot, wireless-tools
step 1: get root access in a xterm
step 2: run these commands in the xterm:
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 key <your wep key>
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
iwconfig wlan0 essid <your ssid>
ifconfig wlan0 <your ip> netmask <your netmask>
route add -net netmask gw <your default gateway>
echo "nameserver <your dns server>" > /etc/resolv.conf
gconftool -s -t string /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/DEFAULT/type DUMMY

In the above commands, replace "<blahblah>" with parameters of your network(without the '<' and '>'). Then minimo should work fine; when using any built-in applications and the 770 asks you to choose a connection, always choose "DEFAULT" from the list, and then everything should work fine. You can also put all the commands in a script to make it easier to run it again.

Last edited by realjobe; 2010-04-09 at 10:07. Reason: tested

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Workaround with UI (by using maemo-pan application) for solving this problem:

Tested on 2008HE. Installed packages: xterm, gainroot, wireless-tools.

1. Install maemo-pan. This will create Bluetooth-PAN dummy connection that will be used to connect to your home wlan from UI.
2. Edit /usr/lib/maemo-pan/pan-control file and replace the whole file with the below code.
3. Edit MY_NETWORK with your network name. This should be the name of the wireless network that you want to use and is already configured in Connections.
4. Edit MY_ESSID with your wireless SSID.

Maybe someone knows an algorithm to convert list of intergers returned from wlan_ssid to string (see line 25 from script)? In this case it could be set automatically in the script.

Note: Tested only WEP security. WPA security will not work, I guess the implementation is more complex to make it work with iwconfig.

#! /bin/sh

# Script for controlling the WLAN connection.

# exit codes:
#   0: OK
#   1: you are not root
#   2: connection failed

# are we root?
if [ `id -u` != 0 ]; then
    echo "Only root may run $0."
    exit 1


# set network name for wlan as saved in Connections
# only WEP, WPA preshared and NONE security

# MY_ESSID=`su - $USER -c "gconftool-2 -g /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/${MY_NETWORK}/wlan_ssid"`

infoprint() {
    local msg=$1
    su - $USER -c "dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint \"string:$*\""

bnep_start() {
    infoprint "Connecting to $MY_NETWORK ..."
		ifconfig wlan0 up
		MY_SECURITY=`su - $USER -c "gconftool-2 -g /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/${MY_NETWORK}/wlan_security"`
		case $MY_SECURITY in
	  	  		MY_KEY=`su - $USER -c "gconftool-2 -g /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/${MY_NETWORK}/wlan_wepkey1"`
						iwconfig wlan0 enc $MY_KEY mode managed essid $MY_ESSID
    				MY_KEY=`su - $USER -c "gconftool-2 -g /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/${MY_NETWORK}/EAP_wpa_preshared_passphrase"`
						iwconfig wlan0 enc s:$MY_KEY mode managed essid $MY_ESSID
						iwconfig wlan0 mode managed essid $MY_ESSID
		udhcpc -i wlan0 -n
		MY_IP=`ifconfig wlan0 | grep inet`
    infoprint "Connected with $MY_IP"

bnep_stop() {
    infoprint "Disconnecting from $MY_NETWORK ..."
		ifconfig wlan0 down
		udhcpc -i wlan0 -n
		ifconfig wlan0 up

case $COMMAND in

Last edited by yrannadx; 2010-04-30 at 08:36. Reason: Refine the script

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I have been suffering from this ever since my netgear b/g router died. got a linksys n router and the problems started. luckily i had an old netgear b/g router which i used to provide access for my 770. that died and I got a very cheap one off ebay that seemed to do the job. then one day my neighbours upgraded to a bt home hub and that pretty much killed things for me.

I have upgraded the 770 to os2007he and it just started connecting while it was sat there charging one day. I hadn't asked it to search for a network, it just connected!!

I don't mind the workarounds to get the thing online... the thing that bothers me most of all is that when no connections are available, the battery life sucks. by that i mean 4 hours tops. yet when there is an active connection, i can at least leave the thing on overnight without waking up to find it has turned itself off.

is there a setting in the wireless configuration which means that it is constantly seeking out networks whether or not i ask it to?
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Wow, I'm glad I spotted this thread. I live in an apartment and my 770just stopped working soon after getting my n810. I just happened to bring it into work and I was amazed it worked. I guess one of my neighbors got a Wireless-N router.
770, n810, n900, Ideapad S10-3t
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Originally Posted by epage View Post
Wow, I'm glad I spotted this thread. I live in an apartment and my 770just stopped working soon after getting my n810. I just happened to bring it into work and I was amazed it worked. I guess one of my neighbors got a Wireless-N router.
Epage, I hope one day you can bring the DialCentral to work on 770. I am still using my 770 everyday, even though I have a N800.
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i gave up on the shielding, and the scripts, remember there is one sure way to fix this:

Downgrade to OS 2005

I am sure if we pull out the network connectivity scripts from OS 2005 and throw it into a more recent OS, this will all get fixed.

But . . . like everyone else, I keep looking at the new devices and just dont find myself wanting to spend time fixing it for good.

i dont have anything running on my 770 anymore, used to have a ton of apps but now its just a little internet tablet. Which is ok I guess, it still works under OS 2005, lol.

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