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euanandrews's Avatar
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Excuse me, your comment is an idiot comment yourself. Making such claims that the N900 will be running MeeGo is such foolish thing to say. For your information I'm not an idiot like you who is ignorantly dream of something that may or may not happened. Beside science doesn't teach you how to prove or disprove the future may be hold. Science is there to co-exist with imagination. Learn your history of CellPhone before you start spitting out bulls.

Nokia did not claimed that N900 is on MeeGo train. Nokia said, to start with MeeGo developer should work it on QT4.6 which is a cross platform SDK that will work on MeeGo devices. But N900 is the only device that supporting QT4.6 right now. So start Developing applications on it for the future MeeGO.

As for the devices out there that suite my needs, it is none of your business which I would preferred. Beside I did not state that I dislike my N900 and telling me to throw it away and I bought the N900 because I wanted to. SO piss off and stop FUD-ing around yourself.

For your information, I do not have an imaginary friends like yourself. And by saying that it will not be on the Device is not FUD. It is better to expecting less than the actual outcome of uncertainty. If you have too much hope and then at the end you will get no MeeGO then what would make of you? Be disappointed now better than waiting for it to happen in the future.

It is great if it does get MeeGO but as for now do not hold your breath until the proper announcement from Nokia in words.

By the way, are you working for NOKIA or something? If not then can move a long and stop FUD-ing the rumours of N900 getting MeeGO until Nokia announced it.

One important thing is to stop calling people Idiot and abusing people in this forum. We are all a part of the forum. We will be treated equally.
What a wolly.

This guy was run out of for his ridiculous ranting, constant whinging, and appaling spelling and grammar, making any threads he posts in very difficult and unenjoyable to read.

He is also easily wound up, and thinks he know everything and everything he says is FACT....he comes across like a teenager who is never wrong (but actually is)

With posts like that, it's only a matter of time before people here get sick off him too and run him out of

I welcome the day.

Last edited by euanandrews; 2010-03-01 at 23:23.

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silvermountain's Avatar
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Originally Posted by euanandrews View Post
What a wolly.

This guy was run out of for his ridiculous ranting, constant whinging, and appaling spelling and grammar, making any threads he posts in very difficult and unenjoyable to read.

He is also easily wound up, and thinks he know everything and everything he says is FACT....he comes across like a teenager who is never wrong (but actually is)

With posts like that, it's only a matter of time before people here get sick off him too and run him outa

I welcome the day.
Yes. People that instead take the time to write posts about how much he sucks makes the threads much more enjoyable.
.N810 experience: Since 6/2009
My Twenty Favorite OS2008 Applications:
AutoScan, Diablo5 Theme, Dialcentral, DragLock, EmelFM2, FlipClock, gPodder, Headphoned, Knots 2, Maemo Mapper, mPlayer, openNTPD, OpenSSH, Panucci, Personal Launcher, QuickNote, Seqretary, SlideLock, Telescope, YellowNotes

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I have to say I am never buying another Nokia device.The CEO of the company admitted they made mistakes in releasing the N97 with the bugs and everything else. I think it was on engadget. This, which they do not tout as their flagship phone-only we do, is unacceptable and they knew full wellwhere this phone was going before releasing. You can go on and on about it being an early-adopter/geek phone but the truth is a lot of consumers didnt find this out until after the phone was released. Nokia did not say on its website that this is a geek phone or the like. It is released as if it is a full finished product. BS. I remember when you had to know which number you were called from to complete the call from call log-unacceptable.

I am learning to accept that this phone will never have the developers of say symbian, apple, or even android. Nokia has lost a customer for life and soon as I am able to get rid of this phone I will. You can flame me if you like but this is a dead platform to the majority of simple users and it is going nowhere fast. I could have kept my n95 if everything is going to be written in qt. I believe they dont know what they want to do and use us, as consumers, to float the company until they figure out what it is they want to do. I am tired of unfinished products making it to retail only to have to update it before you use it. Then you have issues supporting 64bit windows 7 when most mainstream cpu's have that installed from jump street. I think this was a disaster and we will hear two years from now how they made mistakes.

I know a lot of you are perfectly happy with this phone, as u should be, but a lot of people are not. When someone has to borrow my phone I have to navigate it for them as if they cannot read. Meego is a disaster waiting to happen. Putting two platforms that are new to make a super platform of garbage is bs. And they tout qt. Why release a new platform if you are going to do this. Why even have an OS if qt runs on everything? I may be misinformed about meego but it just seems like more marketing and following apple to make an app store to make money.

Nokia was good at making solid phones that had nice features. Now we need an update every ten minutes because some lazy *** developer forgot to add a line or two. I dont even get six hours of use from my phone with the supposed 24hr connectivity. I am constantly charging my phone twice a day. Dont even leave the house without car charger. Might not be the right place to put this but it is a poorly executed endeavor on Nokia's part and I am sad that so many companies release unfinished stuff because it can be updated for later funtions. I can go on and on but will not. Sad days ahead. I am not counting on anymore updates and I want to see how long before we get win7 64bit support.

Written from N900.

Last edited by gom4381; 2010-03-02 at 03:05.

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Originally Posted by gom4381 View Post
literal wall of text
If you would like to contribute, I recommend reformatting your post.

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daperl's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
If you would like to contribute, I recommend reformatting your post.
That might be a record. Best summary ever:

Originally Posted by gom4381 View Post
literal wall of text
N9: Go white or go home
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
See all of us are crying about how Nokia n900 is dead and won't get support for new software (maemo 6). But we forget when the Nokia n800 released with os2007. Later that year Nokia released the new OS 2008 with the n810 and it was upgradeable to the n800 and it even provided a 70mhz boost in processing power. I myself am not worried about this at all. For the time being I am extremely happy with my N900 for what it is.
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Originally Posted by euanandrews View Post
What a wolly.

This guy was run out of for his ridiculous ranting, constant whinging, and appaling spelling and grammar, making any threads he posts in very difficult and unenjoyable to read.

He is also easily wound up, and thinks he know everything and everything he says is FACT....he comes across like a teenager who is never wrong (but actually is)

With posts like that, it's only a matter of time before people here get sick off him too and run him out of

I welcome the day.
Mate, so are you saying that you are knowing everything, stay on your turf, i left Geekzone because of people like you, beside I didn't get banned there, I left and delete all my comments one by one. FYI I can still login into the forum but I choose not to.

So no know your fact before open up your foul mouth. So if you have nothing else to say that is relevant to the topic here please bugger off and don't be such a whiner like an old man here.

You and your spelling sux too. And if my writing and thread is appalling and not enjoyable to read then don't read, move a long and skip it. Why bother reading it?

At least most of the people here are much friendlier and nicer than you people.

Yes my English is not perfect and yes I don't give a damn about checking it, why? because it's a forum, I can write how ever I like.

If you work for Nokia then you then you may say I'm wrong, but you're not. Be nice to others and others will be nice back to you, and stop try to harassing people just because your childhood is bad .

I welcome the day too.

Sorry guys for being off topic, but I just can't stand that guy comments.

Last edited by maxximuscool; 2010-03-02 at 03:14.

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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
Yes, almost everything, why do you ask?
Your in dream land if you think that, phone function is rubbish, media player is rubbish, camera not bad on some phones, recording with the camera is crap, support is crap, ovi maps is crap, phones not even support by nokias own software after three months, ok i like the phone and think it can be the best but these things should work, there is so many blinkered users on here and to say these things work as they should it totally unbelievable.

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Originally Posted by squirreluk View Post
Your in dream land if you think that, phone function is rubbish, media player is rubbish, camera not bad on some phones, recording with the camera is crap, support is crap, ovi maps is crap, phones not even support by nokias own software after three months, ok i like the phone and think it can be the best but these things should work, there is so many blinkered users on here and to say these things work as they should it totally unbelievable.
So true.
While the phone may suit a developer,the average user will be completely dissastisfied.Even tho i dont want MeeGo on my phone,i`d like to recieve updates continiously,but guess what,thats not gonna happen.We may recieve one more update,and its gonna bring bug fixes for the most part,the other features such as Ovi Maps and Ovi Store?We have to wait for them until MeeGo.And even then it`s uncertain if we are going to be able to run those applications on Maemo.Even tho both Meego and Maemo support QT,do you REALLY think that our hardware wont be outdated?Most of the new phones are running more than 512RAM and 1GHZ proccessors,what in the hell makes you think that nokia isnt going to want to compete with them?Its very unlikely that the hardware we have now will support the future software.Dont give us MeeGo,give us updates and software.

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euanandrews's Avatar
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Wellington, New Zealand
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Mate, so are you saying that you are knowing everything, stay on your turf, i left Geekzone because of people like you, beside I didn't get banned there, I left and delete all my comments one by one. FYI I can still login into the forum but I choose not to.

So no know your fact before open up your foul mouth. So if you have nothing else to say that is relevant to the topic here please bugger off and don't be such a whiner like an old man here.

You and your spelling sux too. And if my writing and thread is appalling and not enjoyable to read then don't read, move a long and skip it. Why bother reading it?

At least most of the people here are much friendlier and nicer than you people.

Yes my English is not perfect and yes I don't give a damn about checking it, why? because it's a forum, I can write how ever I like.

If you work for Nokia then you then you may say I'm wrong, but you're not. Be nice to others and others will be nice back to you, and stop try to harassing people just because your childhood is bad .

I welcome the day too.

Sorry guys for being off topic, but I just can't stand that guy comments.

I never said you were banned from packed a sad and ran like a little girl...we all at Geekzone think it's funny as hell!

Come back to Geekzone bud...we need a dropkick like you to take the piss out of...a good laugh!

But if you don't, no worries, I'll be here on, reading, ready to pounce on a dunce like you.

just a bunch of

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