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Originally Posted by sampppa View Post

Thanks for the feedback!

We released a Diablo compatible version of eCoach. eCoach is now also available at Maemo Extras repository.

This page seems to have disappeared. Is the diablo version of eCoach still supported, and what is the latest version? Is it possible to use it without a data connection? I would really like something that is as easy as SportsTracker on my E51, but I just couldn't get eCoach working this morning.

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Posts: 166 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Oulu, Finland
Originally Posted by AndyM View Post
This page seems to have disappeared. Is the diablo version of eCoach still supported, and what is the latest version? Is it possible to use it without a data connection? I would really like something that is as easy as SportsTracker on my E51, but I just couldn't get eCoach working this morning.

I removed that page couple of months ago as I no longer support Diablo. I suggest you to get yourself an N900

Posts: 961 | Thanked: 565 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tyneside, North East England
Originally Posted by AndyM View Post
This page seems to have disappeared. Is the diablo version of eCoach still supported, and what is the latest version? Is it possible to use it without a data connection? I would really like something that is as easy as SportsTracker on my E51, but I just couldn't get eCoach working this morning.
It's still in Maemo Extras, although Diablo users have been dumped completely by the eCoach dev. It's a shame as the new version could have had promise on the N8x0s

I never found it as friendly or as reliable as sports tracker though. You could use Maemo Mapper, and save your GPS tracks to a file and then upload them to either a web service, or a PC based tracking program. there is a good free one on Windows called sportstracks
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I am writing eCoach with Qt now and maybe it could also run on the legacy devices if Qt 4.6 works there...
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eCoach is one of the N900's killer apps, especially with heart rate monitor! So the question is which HRMs can be used? The only one I've seen easily byuable is FRWD B400, but that's not listed anywhere... Zephyr HxM would ship from US at $160. I'd rather just buy something from Finland if possible...
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Originally Posted by zillertal View Post
eCoach is one of the N900's killer apps, especially with heart rate monitor! So the question is which HRMs can be used? The only one I've seen easily byuable is FRWD B400, but that's not listed anywhere... Zephyr HxM would ship from US at $160. I'd rather just buy something from Finland if possible...
I ordered the Zephyr and it arrived inside 10 days, but...

Im having some problems using the zephyr heart monitor

It has had a full charge
I have paired it successfully with the n900
Under settings in Ecoach it lists 'HXM003433' in the device section as my heart monitor, but I have tried two training runs, and although Ecoach records my journey, I have no data for heart rate
I have configured the setttings and then Im selecting new activity, name it and then press record.
Is there a step that Im missing - do I have to tell Ecoach somewhere to record heart data?
I have never used a heart rate monitor, so just to check, it is the fabric from the chest strap that has to be in contact with the skin? Just to make sure it is not a silly error like that

Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this?

Many thanks
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Hi, I bought Zephyr HxM too. The heart beat appears correctly on your eCoach screen? If it does, I think that's it, I never get a graph with the heart beat or something, on the end of the journey all I get is the maximum and minimum heart beats.

You might try using hxmtracker, it records all data in a csv file (including GPS positions) that you can use later to build a pretty graphical plot using the spreadsheet of your choice.

(Yeah, I'd like eCoach to have that statistics too! Maybe file a feature request...)
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Originally Posted by sampppa View Post
I am writing eCoach with Qt now and maybe it could also run on the legacy devices if Qt 4.6 works there...
Will this version do things like sports tracker? i.e. display the route on top of an actual map? And show what tracks you were listening to and any media you've attached?

That would be dope as hell. I could possibly build a web front end for that...
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Originally Posted by edgedemon View Post
I ordered the Zephyr and it arrived inside 10 days, but...

Im having some problems using the zephyr heart monitor

It has had a full charge
I have paired it successfully with the n900
Under settings in Ecoach it lists 'HXM003433' in the device section as my heart monitor, but I have tried two training runs, and although Ecoach records my journey, I have no data for heart rate
I have configured the setttings and then Im selecting new activity, name it and then press record.
Is there a step that Im missing - do I have to tell Ecoach somewhere to record heart data?
I have never used a heart rate monitor, so just to check, it is the fabric from the chest strap that has to be in contact with the skin? Just to make sure it is not a silly error like that

Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this?

Many thanks
Can you see heart rate in the data view?
Does bluetooth icon appear blue in the status menu?
Make sure that you have enough moisture between your skin and the belt (I usually put water on the belt before training).

And finally which version of eCoach you are using?

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Originally Posted by Patola View Post
I never get a graph with the heart beat or something, on the end of the journey all I get is the maximum and minimum heart beats.
(Yeah, I'd like eCoach to have that statistics too! Maybe file a feature request...)
In activity log you have to press heart icon next to graphs to get HR graph, it is not enabled by default.

What kind of statistics you are looking for?


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