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Posts: 309 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Apr 2007
i noticed that the big thumb keyboard does not come up anymore when I touch the screen with a finger. I remember, though, that it has worked before. Now only if I use the middle (return) key after the small keyboard comes up I can have the big one.

Very strange - I checked the settings and changed the sensitivity of the thumb keyboard, but it does not work.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
I can't seem to make the big keyboard pop up reliably on my 770 either. It's very frustrating, why the heck couldn't they have put a damn "go to big keyboard" button on their little keyboard?
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If your finger is too small/you press with too little "area" of your finger on the screen, it will not be able to tell you aren't using the stylus. Try pushing "cruder".
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