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Posts: 267 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Campinas, SP, Brazil
This is a giant step backwards. Up to now we had the major environment for Maemo being Linux. Now we will be suggested to use Windows or Mac OS X because they're the "supported" environments? MADDE should PRIMARILY support Linux and secondarily support the other platforms, not the other way around.

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MADDE is now a TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW. It is not official supported way to develop for Maemo, only Scratchbox is.

And YES MADDE supports Linux (32/64 bit versions), take a look on first list on .

Integration of QT Creator and MADDE is still not official - you need to use Qt Creator version >=1.3.80 witch is not stable release. 1.3.81 ~~ 2.0.0 alpha :P This only way to give something to developers working on Win and Mac, they don't have native support for Scratchbox. I think MADDE+Qt Creator will be better way to develop apps for Qt mobile platforms on all supported host platforms, after PR1.2 :P

You can try to install latest QtCreator (from QT ftp) and MADDE and make them work together. It will have the same support, same stability as on Win and Mac.

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But how about the QT Integration for Linux? There is no integration? Why there are no instruction there?

I expressed myself in a wrong way - the problem is not the lack of support for linux, or not working. Is it being "half-baked", that is, one level beyond Windows and Mac OS X in terms of support.
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Originally Posted by Patola View Post
But how about the QT Integration for Linux? There is no integration? Why there are no instruction there?

I expressed myself in a wrong way - the problem is not the lack of support for linux, or not working. Is it being "half-baked", that is, one level beyond Windows and Mac OS X in terms of support.
we published the descriptions week by week. First Windows, then OS X, and Linux will follow. Unfortunately we are a bit delayed with the Linux instructions. Working on it, and you will get it latest tomorrow.


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Madde with Qt Creator works just fine on Linux. Just follow the instructions for Mac.

You can easily run and deploy straight from Qt Creator to the N900

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Yes, integration works, I used this snapshot of Qt Creator:

And followed the Mac instructions. I have a german tutorial here:

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I never managed the integration as the devices option wasn't there. I'm assuming due to having the wrong version of creator.

using mad qmake/make/remote all work good enough for me though.

Posts: 7 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Dont I feel like an idiot now! I wish I thought of it sooner!

I read these posts last night and could not wait to see this morning. I installed the TechPreview this morning (v1.3.81 aka 2.0 alpha) and low and behold under Qt4 is the Maeomo device config option. ARgghhhh! I could slap myself.

Now I am happy. Thanks everyone.
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Linux Qt development :

0/ learn how to use MADDE without Qt, just simple CLI programs.

1/ Install Qt Creator on your linux machine (package qtcreator on ubuntu), and run it

2/ in terminal, run the command :
mad pscreate -t qt_simple program
You just have created a copy of the Qt example provided with MADDE.
"program" is now the name of your project. The folder "program" has been created and you can find the required files in it.

3/ in the folder "program", double click the file "". Qt Creator should open.

4/ On the vertical menu on the left, click "edit". Left click on "qtprog" > Add New... > Qt Designer Form Class (bottom of the list), click Ok > in the list, select "Main Window", click Next > click Next > click Finish.

5/ Open program/src/qtmain.cpp, and :
remove the lines :
-QPushButton hello("Hello world!");;

add the lines :
+#include "mainwindow.h"
before "int main ..."
+MainWindow w;;
before "return ..."

6/ in Qt Creator, double click on "mainwindow.ui", and in the up-right corner, remove all the items listed under "central widget" (normally, "menubar" and "statusbar", if there is also "maintoolbar", remove it too). Click on "MainWindow".
Now, in the down-right corner, look for "geometry", change the values to "Width" : 800 and "Height" : 400 (yes, 400, not 480). Look for "windowTitle", and change the text to what you want to see in the top bar on your N900.

7/ optional : if you want to have a personalised icon, and stuff, follow this guide :

8/ now you can learn how to use Qt Creator with platform-independant tutorials/guides (Qt Creator integrated tutorials and help/documentation was good enough for me).

9/ compilation and packaging is the same as CLI apps. In the "program" folder, run "madde qmake", "madde make", and the following. I didn't use Qt Creator buttons for build and run, I don't know if you can.

I hope this helps some people to get started.

I tried several times to start programming for my N900, but always lost hope. I finally made my first (simple) app 2 or 3 weeks ago, in one day.

cool links that helped me :

I can give the sources of my application if anyone wants. It's just an app that has 2 combo boxes, and looks up in a table and displays the corresponding value.

Last edited by choubbi; 2010-03-23 at 13:14.

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I'm trying MADDE with an existing application I'm working on.

When I try to build, it says :

QGeoPositionInfo: No such file or directory
and so on.

In scratchbox, I had to install the libqtm packages.

How can I do this with Madde?

I see that I need to copy the include files and libs into the project. OK, I hacked it to bits and it's working now - Qt4.6.2 and Mobility, nice

Last edited by davidmaxwaterman; 2010-03-23 at 19:55. Reason: hacked it

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