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ahaa I see.
so if I back up all my data or if I don't have anything important on my n900,
I can install devel apps without fear of permanent damage.
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I would reccommend installing Conky and Battery eye so you can monitor rootfs space and bat life after installing new apps from testing or dev - this way you can also give useful feedback to developers. One other bit of advice would be to install apps one by one so u know what is causing odd behaviour should you get any! Have fun

Last edited by zail; 2010-04-04 at 15:03.

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Originally Posted by zail View Post
I would reccommend installing Conky and Battery eye so you can monitor rootfs space and bat life after installing new apps from testing or dev - this way you can also give useful feedback to developers. One other bit of advice would be to install apps one by one so u know what is causing odd behaviour should you get any! Have fun
What exactly are we looking for when looking at rootfs using Conky?
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Posts: 171 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bristol, uk
Originally Posted by SAABoy View Post
What exactly are we looking for when looking at rootfs using Conky?
I generally look at it before and after instaling packages to see if any are taking up space...Also good to use just to keep an eye on things ....
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Originally Posted by zail View Post
I generally look at it before and after instaling packages to see if any are taking up space...Also good to use just to keep an eye on things ....
Cool. Can you or anyone else point me towards some reading so I can learn why installing too many apps will slow down my n900 even if im not running them? I can't seem to understand why, as installing apps would fill up my 32gb of space, but shouldn't change my ram or cpu usage at all as long as I'm not running the apps at that time....
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Originally Posted by SAABoy View Post
Hello all,

So far I've been a good noob and only installed apps from the maemo-extras repository. But all the cool things I want to play with seem to be in testing and devel. I have a few questions on how BEST to do this... Please, no rm rf in this thread

1) What are the risks of installing apps from the -testing and -devel repositories? Unrefined apps hogging up battery life? Crashing? Rebooting? Bricking?

2) Can I create a 'backup' of everything? Like my desktop backgrounds, contacts, apps installed, everything? Link please?

3) What is the best way to 'flash' my device if/when I decide I have something unworthy on my device, or flat out brick it ? Do I need any special equipment other n900, computer, and usb cable? Can I somehow flash to the most current firmware? Is this a better way to go? Can someone please post a link so I can learn how to 'flash' my device?

4) Are there other communities/repositories (other than the 3 extras, devel, and testing I can load to see more apps?

5) What are your favorite non-extras apps?

Thanks in advance. Please be easy on me. I'm just a noob who wants to learn and use his n900 more.
1) research more.

2) read the manual

3) research more

come on, it is called

it has pretty logical front page. And save these links and browse through before you ask:
Want to know something?
K.I.S.S. approach:
wiki category:beginners. Browse it through and you'll be much wiser!
If the link doesn't help, just use
Google Custom Search
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
1) research more.

2) read the manual

3) research more

come on, it is called

it has pretty logical front page. And save these links and browse through before you ask:
Ossipena, apart from the usual cockyness.... if a user comes directly to T.M.O.... they do not see the front page.... there is no mention of Wiki......
(Actually just checked .... no sign of wiki either)
The front page is not general user friendly, and the toolbar is also setup for techies...
So i do not feel it fair being so arrogant... This in itself is an argument for a different place and time...

Yes SAABoy could go and read the wiki, and search the forums, but i think the tmo users need to come up with a polite template to assist people and not just shoving it back in their face every time.........

Or at least the people assisting need to have a little more patience.
Although, saying that the links you posted are all good, just not the attitude in my opinion.
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Posts: 604 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Phoenix, WA
I forgot to do this before.

Thank you everyone, for all your help.
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Dublin, Ireland
Thanks for asking the question saaboy and generating the illuminating replies, i sold my n900 but will be buying another soon as i realise i made a mistake which i will not repeat!

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