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nicolai's Avatar
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I made a replacement for the built-in profile control panel and status menu plugin.
This one let you add and manage more than two profiles.
Unlike tweaker these additional profiles are "real" profiles and not only different settings for the general profile.
That means this profiles are handled by the libprofile and profiled-dbus ( just like the silent and general
profile. For example, they can be selected and changed from other applications through dbus-calls.

It is called profilesx and you can find in in extras-devel.
It is in beta state, all planned features are working, but I have
to cleanup the code.
I am not a gtk-programmer, some parts realy took an amount of time.
I struggled with the ui-design to let it look like the built-in profiles ui.
Feel free to laugh about my silly status menu icons :-)
Any improvements are welcome.
As I am not a native english speaker, maybe someone can help me with the program /package

Some notes:

You can not use the power button menu two change between the
profiles if the current profile is not one of the two predefined.

Sound preview doesn't work if the active profile is the silent profile,
don't know how the built-in settings dialog plays the preview.

regards nicolai

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F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
thanks !!!!! testing

edit: for me youve made tweakr obsolete and brought powatool back from obsolesence

only thing id like is to be able to change profile order

great app!!!!!!

Last edited by F2thaK; 2010-04-17 at 12:50.

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Posts: 356 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Poland
nice appl but for me usless until it could cooperate with time scheduling of created profiles.
F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
you can already schedule profiles with tweakr and alarmed.. this will work with alarmed and maybe silencer

Last edited by F2thaK; 2010-04-17 at 13:08.
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Poland
with alrmed I can see only profiles I created with tweakr. would be nice not to have tweakr profiles and "original" profiles and could manage them with alarmed f.e.
F2thaK's Avatar
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well ses and silencer dont work with these profiles, so im switching back to the good ol' tweakr and alarmed (which works even with alarmed not fully installed)

and you can only see profiles made by tweakr because theres no other way to make them! and anyway, 2 of the 3 default profiles that show in tweakr are original nokia ones...

Last edited by F2thaK; 2010-04-17 at 13:27.
F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
i will use it when i can use the alarmed GUI again, i love the icon part of this app!!
qwerty12's Avatar
Posts: 4,274 | Thanked: 5,358 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Looking at y'all and sighing
It doesn't need a D-Bus interface. From the first post:

Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
That means this profiles are handled by the libprofile and profiled-dbus ( just like the silent and general
profile. For example, they can be selected and changed from other applications through dbus-calls.


Sounds playing in Silent profile (w/out modifying policy file which won't work in this case) require voodoo with PulseAudio and properties... If I figure it out, I'll post something up...

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F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
not sure what youre getting at but I dont have a use for this app atm as I already have a working setup, being scheduled timed custom profiles with tweakr and alarmed.

but ATM alarmed wont install due to pr1.2 dependency issues.. but even without it installed, my already set timed profile setup works!!

once we get pr1.2 I can install alarmed and this and change my profiles to profilesx ones..
Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
What are the correct dbus commands to change profile for example if the profile name is "mytest"?

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