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Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE View Post
I never never NEVER buy from ebay.

I always thought this way until 6 months ago and i bought a bunch of small stuff and then gained enough confidence to finally get my Nokia N800 from eBay (but I only bought this one because it still had the SEAL intact) and I have had 0 problems with it so far. But I heard about eBay like 10 years ago or so and I vowed to never buy 1 thing on it... in 61 experiences I had just a couple of small lies from the sellers but never got ripped off.
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE View Post
I never never NEVER buy from ebay.
I wouldn't say that for all auctions on eBay, but certainly I would not buy Flash memory from eBay, there are too many re-programmed and fake memory cards on eBay to make it worth the risk.

I think there should be a stick on here somewhere - "Don't buy memory cards from eBay!".
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
He goes by the name of "wholesaleoffer" on Ebay. I've emailed him to see what he intends to do about the bogus 2GB card, but, I'm sure I'll not get any resolution. BTW, it took a month to receive it (I live in Colorado).
Live and learn!
yep, same seller for me. I was promised a replacement card and I've made it clear that I'm considering filing fraud charges.

one quote: "one chip may be defective in the card"
shipping takes forever. My rma return shipment to HK only took a couple of days global priority mail for five bucks and change.
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by revwillie View Post
yep, same seller for me. I was promised a replacement card and I've made it clear that I'm considering filing fraud charges.

one quote: "one chip may be defective in the card"
shipping takes forever. My rma return shipment to HK only took a couple of days global priority mail for five bucks and change.
Yeah, he tried to tell me that he had a problem with his supplier and would send me another 1gb card or refund me $7.50 is I just kept the 1gb card he sent me. He said if I chose a refund for the 1gb card, I had to pay return shipping and he would only refund me the card price and not his shipping cost...which was $20. I replied that if I had wanted a 1gb card, I would have bought one...and not his alleged 2gb card.

Let me know if you decide to pursue action against him...I'm in.
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If you paid with paypal, register a dispute with the paypal website. You can force a refund if you follow all of their silly rules.
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by revwillie View Post
If you paid with paypal, register a dispute with the paypal website. You can force a refund if you follow all of their silly rules.

I did register a complaint with PayPal. I'm still waiting to hear back from them. I urge anyone else who has be hosed by these clowns to register a complaint.
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Sorry to hijack the thread and all. I'm awaiting a replacement card from that ebay seller, but I bit the bullet and got one of the kingston dual voltage 2gig cards for $50 from Meritline. Thanks to the fanoush wiki and this thread, I have the card partitioned, formatted and I'm booting from the 1.6gig ext2 partition. It's a little early to say, but I may have fixed my full memory problems.

At first, the swap partition wasn't working as expected, but I was using tabs in the fstab file instead of double spaces....oops. Now, all the little bars in my system monitor plugin are down low in the green

Last edited by revwillie; 2007-04-16 at 14:00.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2007
Hey everybody,

just got myself 770 and I can say so far its the best thing for reading books, manuals i could find. i have tried many things before

Here is what i'm trying to do:

I got a 2gb card and want to create partions on it and my next step would be to boot from it. What i'm trying to figure is will the post by BanditRider would allow me to create and format the partions?

i was reading the wiki here:

Step 2 says to partition the card and follow this link: to do it. my question is I use this method quoated below to do this? or do i have to folow the wiki page to do it?



Originally Posted by BanditRider View Post
Here's what I did with my 2GB card.
The first partition is 256MB FAT32. I store my e-books and such here. This partition gets unmounted from the 770 and mounted on your PC when you connect with the USB cable.
The second partition is 1.6GB ext2. Here is where my maemo-mapper maps are stored along with a few videos and such.
The remaining 128MB or so is formated as linux swap.

Now, in order to use this setup, you need to edit a few files as root so make sure you can become root and get a # prompt. Also you'll need an editor that you know how to use. I like the built-in vi editor or the vim application but I've been using vi for 20 years. It's not the easiest editor to learn. Midnight Commander (mc) is a cool console file manager that has an editor and I think there's a leafpad for OS2006.

The first thing we'll do is tell the 770 how to mount the partitions by adding a few lines to /etc/fstab. Open xterm (or ssh in from your PC) and "switch user" (su) to root by typing
sudo su -
note the space and dash after su.
Your prompt should end in ~# If not, you're not root. fix this before continuing.

Open /etc/fstab in your editor of choice and add the folowing 2 lines:
/dev/mmcblk0p2  /media/mmc2 ext2 rw,noauto      0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p3  swap    swap    defaults        0 0
Next we want to load the ext2 kernel module and mount the ext2 partition and activate the swap partition. Open /etc/init.d/minircS in your editor. near the top, right after the PATH= line add this line:
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.16-omap1/ext2.ko
Then at the end of the file, just before the exit 0 line, add:
swapon -a
mount /media/mmc2
Now to be nice, we want to unmount mmc2 and de-activate the swap when re-booting or shutting down so edit both /etc/init.d/minireboot and /etc/init.d/minishutdown. Find the line that starts: umount -r and add /media/mmc2 to that line and add swapoff -a so it looks like this:
echo "Unmounting filesystems... "
umount -r /media/mmc1 /media/mmc2 /mnt/initfs /
swapoff -a
echo "done."
reboot and that's it. You now have a 128MB swap, a big FAT32 partition at /media/mmc1 and a nice big ext2 partition at /media/mmc2.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Sep 2005 @ Bangkok, Thailand
Originally Posted by BanditRider View Post
Here's what I did with my 2GB card.
The first partition is 256MB FAT32. I store my e-books and such here. This partition gets unmounted from the 770 and mounted on your PC when you connect with the USB cable.
The second partition is 1.6GB ext2. Here is where my maemo-mapper maps are stored along with a few videos and such.
The remaining 128MB or so is formated as linux swap.

Now, in order to use this setup, you need to edit a few files as root so make sure you can become root and get a # prompt. Also you'll need an editor that you know how to use. I like the built-in vi editor or the vim application but I've been using vi for 20 years. It's not the easiest editor to learn. Midnight Commander (mc) is a cool console file manager that has an editor and I think there's a leafpad for OS2006.

The first thing we'll do is tell the 770 how to mount the partitions by adding a few lines to /etc/fstab. Open xterm (or ssh in from your PC) and "switch user" (su) to root by typing
sudo su -
note the space and dash after su.
Your prompt should end in ~# If not, you're not root. fix this before continuing.

Open /etc/fstab in your editor of choice and add the folowing 2 lines:
/dev/mmcblk0p2  /media/mmc2 ext2 rw,noauto      0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p3  swap    swap    defaults        0 0
Next we want to load the ext2 kernel module and mount the ext2 partition and activate the swap partition. Open /etc/init.d/minircS in your editor. near the top, right after the PATH= line add this line:
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.16-omap1/ext2.ko
Then at the end of the file, just before the exit 0 line, add:
swapon -a
mount /media/mmc2
Now to be nice, we want to unmount mmc2 and de-activate the swap when re-booting or shutting down so edit both /etc/init.d/minireboot and /etc/init.d/minishutdown. Find the line that starts: umount -r and add /media/mmc2 to that line and add swapoff -a so it looks like this:
echo "Unmounting filesystems... "
umount -r /media/mmc1 /media/mmc2 /mnt/initfs /
swapoff -a
echo "done."
reboot and that's it. You now have a 128MB swap, a big FAT32 partition at /media/mmc1 and a nice big ext2 partition at /media/mmc2.
What are the owner/permission for /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2 when finished with the instructions above?

Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007 @ 60201
I just followed the instructions here:

but changed 15000 to 20000

so, my USB partition mounts as 638MB, but I cannot fathom why I would need over a gig for the OS?

I'm thinking of re-doing it.

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