Poll: What is the leaked PR1.2 RC?
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What is the leaked PR1.2 RC?

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Posts: 48 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ United Kingdon
Cant we all just be friends and make up??

Im hoping for PR1.2 (official) when i wake up purely because im sick of seeing nothing on this site but speculation, arguements and slagging off.

lets not forget we are a community and here to help/advise each other eh?

take a chill pill lads and ladets... goodnight.

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So... have any phones blown up yet?
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ United Kingdon
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
So... have any phones blown up yet?


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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
Yep, impeccable logic, but unlikely. I'm willing to bet $100 that this firmware was not maliciously manipulated by a disgruntled Nokia employee and that no proof of same emerges within the next five years. If you would like to take the other side of the bet, email me at geneven@rocketmail.com and we can make the wager!
Ah but here is the rub...

I'm sure it is virgin. However with all this discussion so goes demand.

If little Billy went to that site he would now be greeted with:

404错误 - 文件未找到
我们的系统没有找到您请求的文件, 这个文件可能已经被其上传者删除.

还有, 我们的系统也会定期删除一些"不太健康"的文件, 请到怎么样保持我的账户一直处在健康状态?查看详情.

请注意: 上传侵犯版权以及法律的文件是不被允许的, 这种文件会直接被删除.
I'm thinkin' 404 means the same in Chinese and I'm also thinkin' Nokia has people who can translate "Cease and Desist" into Chinese as well.

So now little Billy thinks to himself:

Why I know what to do. Google is my friend. I'll find torrents o' plenty and all the kids in school will think I'm keen!!!

Who will verify for little Billy that all the uploads that are now out there are sensamilla too?

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Originally Posted by telnet View Post
I know it wasn't meant to... but this made me laugh way too hard.
Posts: 337 | Thanked: 192 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Atlanta
Critical PR1.2L Bugs:

Cannot answer a call while using Ovi Maps. UI becomes unresponsive and the call is missed.

Unreliable Gtalk Video Chat. Rarely connects both parties video and audio. Mostly on PC side. Maybe the PC client needs an update. To much "Can you see me now?" it should just work.

If a call is received from the home screen and hung up by the N900, the UI will NOT go back to the home screen. It will go to a random app like the wb or the task manager.

Can anyone with PR1.2L reproduce these?

Most important to me is the Unable to answer calls during Ovi Maps.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Turku, Finland
Originally Posted by telnet View Post
lets not forget we are a community and here to help/advise each other eh?
Are you serious? I always thought the goal was to find the best and newest way of insulting each other. And I guess we're getting pretty good at that too
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Toronto, Canada
yea... i'm gonna wait for the official release since it's had reported problems with some devices so far.

As well, I got accepted into the OviSuite 2.2 Beta, so i'll see how it works with N900.
Phone: N900
Desktop: Windows 7
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Originally Posted by Deaconclgi View Post
Critical PR1.2L Bugs:

Cannot answer a call while using Ovi Maps. UI becomes unresponsive and the call is missed.

Unreliable Gtalk Video Chat. Rarely connects both parties video and audio. Mostly on PC side. Maybe the PC client needs an update. To much "Can you see me now?" it should just work.

If a call is received from the home screen and hung up by the N900, the UI will NOT go back to the home screen. It will go to a random app like the wb or the task manager.

Can anyone with PR1.2L reproduce these?

Most important to me is the Unable to answer calls during Ovi Maps.
are you sure you could receive calls when using Ovi maps prior to PR1.2 in the same sircumstances?
Just tested:
-device receives mobile calls with Maps on Wifi and sattelite lock (which it gets really quick since the upgrade)
-device does not receive calls same as above but with 2.5g dataconnection
-device DOES receive calls same as above but with 3g dataconnection


this is not a 1.2 bug but a technicall limitation of Edge 2.5G dataconnections.
I know because I got frustrated by not receiving calls due to this very issue months ago.

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Posts: 102 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by Deaconclgi View Post
Critical PR1.2L Bugs:

Cannot answer a call while using Ovi Maps. UI becomes unresponsive and the call is missed.

Most important to me is the Unable to answer calls during Ovi Maps.
Apparently I have the perfect leaked PR 1.2 since I can answer and make a call while using Ovi Maps. With wifi, 3G and 2G. No bugs of any kind so far. Salute to Nokia!

Last edited by Blinde; 2010-05-04 at 02:45.
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chineesequality, fremantle, leaked pr1.2, maemo, maemo 5, n900, ranting, surreality

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