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Hi all,

I purchased a 770 from woot as many of you did. I was liking it a lot and it seemed to be working great until yesterday. While I was out I figured I would do some surfing while I was waiting on a client so I pulled it out and when I took the cover off it was just a blank screen. I then tried powering it on with the button and nothing happened. Figuring it needed a charge I plugged it in when I got home and left it for a couple hours. When I went to power it on all I got was a white screen with the Nokia logo on it flashing repeatedly. When I tried it while not plugged in I still get absolutely nothing out of it.

Searching around I have found a few references to a White Screen of Death (WSOD) but have not found a description of what exactly a WSOD looks like. I'm assuming it's white. Is this what has happened to my unit or is this something else?

Thanks in advance for your help. I have learned quite bit this past month on this forum.
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Try yanking your battery out as well as power, and letting it sit for a while, then plugging them back in and waiting 30 minutes (to charge) before you try powering on.
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megabyte405, thanks for your response. I finally got it straightened out just a couple days ago. In the end all it took was to plug it into my computer and reflash the OS. So far it has been working like a champ since. I would really like to know what and why this happened but, I'm just glad it's working again.

Thanks again for your help
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Dumb question, but did you try tapping the screen while it was black? When I first got mine I didn't realize that it went to sleep and I thought that it was broken. If it is something more serious, try reflashing to the latest version of IT OS 2006 after you get it back up from battery out - battery back in.
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Originally Posted by hackjackal View Post
Dumb question, but did you try tapping the screen while it was black? When I first got mine I didn't realize that it went to sleep and I thought that it was broken. If it is something more serious, try reflashing to the latest version of IT OS 2006 after you get it back up from battery out - battery back in.
Except pushing a button would bring it out of sleep mode as well.
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I think mine is doing the same thing. I got mine yesterday. It is pretty cool. I didn't even install the memory card yet, I went straight to playing with it. Anyway this morning I pulled the cover off and woke up to right where it was last night. So, I turned it off and insert the memory card in it. But now the thing will not turn on with or without the memory card. Just a blank screen ie. nothing on it not a white screen. So I plugged it in and it flashes the white nokia screen. I had to leave it to go to work, but does it just sound like the battery was to weak to turn back on? I would like to know what WSOD death looks like also to see if that is what I have.
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Well my wife just called an said she reinstalled the battery and it went to working. Must have been some kind of power problem and not the screen failing. After doing some reading it seems the WSOD is a screen with vertical lines on it.

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