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I started playing with Maemo Mapper yesterday and found a reference to POI in the Settings. It points at a file called poi.db in my N800's filesystem.

Through googling I found that this likely means "points of interest", for finding one's way to gas stations, restaurants, police stations, etc.

Is there a way to download POIs for use with Maemo Mapper? Or is this some placeholder technology for future versions?

brendan's Avatar
Posts: 531 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ This side of insane, that side of genius
i would give you my POI database, but my family wouldnt like it if you showed up for tea and skrumpets...

You can create your own by pressing and holding on a position on the screen and selecting Location | Add POI... and following the dialogs.
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Originally Posted by brendan View Post
i would give you my POI database, but my family wouldnt like it if you showed up for tea and skrumpets...

You can create your own by pressing and holding on a position on the screen and selecting Location | Add POI... and following the dialogs.
Ah, what a shame, I love tea!

I found the option to create my own, but I'm talking about having the ability to, for example, look for the Starbucks nearest my current location. This would come in very handy while traveling.

Am I misunderstanding the purpose of POI in MM? If not, does anyone know of available POI files in a format MM understands? Any commercially available?

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Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Same question again: for somebody new to maemo mapper, and with no experience in installing different programs, what is the simplest way to display gas-stations, restaurants, etc, near a location?
(or there is no simple way?).
zeez's Avatar
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Aug 2007
I wondering the same thing..
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
And probably the same answer
There are numerous repositories where you can download free Poi files.

Google is your friend

These are mostly tomtom(.ov2) files or Garmin(.csv) files these can be imported into MMs Poi.db using Poi_Loader ( search the forums or use the link provided by revwillie )
You can also import Geocache(.loc) and with the new version 0.9, Google Earth(.kml)

Posts: 56 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have been able to download POI's from

Imported them without any problem and it shows all of them on the map.

However when I choose to travel the closest POI available, i get one that is 200 km further away while the closest one is about 10km away from my GPS location which is displayed correctly on the map..

does anybody have a solution for this?


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