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stopgap's Avatar
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I read the wiki page for the PR1.2 changelog at:

and the first entry under Email relates to switching off automatic downloading of attachments on the phone, leaving only emails themselves downloaded. The page states this is fixed and resolved for the PR1.2 release ( but I can't for the life of me find any option for this anywhere in the email settings...

it is entirely possible I'm missing it or maybe it was not even put in the firmware update? Does anyone know?


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I second that. I need this feature, too. it is a must to be able to limit data transfer because of the high cost of GSM/3G data in my carrier.

Any news?
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I'm stumped also, can't find it for my IMAP or Exchange accounts.

Does look like it's been missed out to me :-(
stopgap's Avatar
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I do hope not but you might be right, I have rechecked again absolutely everywhere I can think and just cannot see it. Hmm...

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Posts: 139 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cambridgeshire, UK
Hmm... I can't seem to find the option to switch on/off the automatic downloading/displaying(?) of images now either... It is still set to only happen when I press the image button at the bottom (which is how it was working before the update) but I'm sure there was an option for that before.

I feel like I'm losing my mind here... did other people have that option before? Do you have it now? There are new options like not adding addresses to the contacts list automatically (hallelujah!) but not these...

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Should we reopen the same bug or do we need to start a new one?
stopgap's Avatar
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cambridgeshire, UK
Hmm, it does look as though it is not in there... I guess the bug should be reopened... unless someone knows otherwise, or that it is there and we're missing it?

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$ gconftool -s /apps/modest/msg_size_limit -t int 1
$ gconftool -s /apps/modest/accounts/REPLACEWITHACCOUNTID/retrieve -t int messages

I clearly remember the option being in GUI when I bought N900. WTF?

Last edited by int_ua; 2014-03-20 at 02:43.

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