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Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
i have it set to "connect automatically", however this does not mean that i always am online or have an internet connection, it just meanst that whenever a connection is established that it chooses that connection.

I think this may be your misunderstanding. "Connect automatically" will connect to any available internet connection, whether or not any program wants to use it at that time.
It does mean that you are always online, so long as you can physically receive wifi or cellular signals & have suitable connections configured.

Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
anyhow, thats how i have it set, email client ->refresh every 15 min, doesnt refresh at all..
You say you have "Connect automatically" set. This should be enough to get a wifi symbol or cellular data symbol in your status area (i.e. connect you to the internet). If you don't have either then you have a connectivity problem not an email client problem.

If you are connected to wifi or cellular data and your email still isn't refreshing, then yes there is an email client problem.

Once again, the email client should not initiate a connection in the background. This is by design.
If you choose "send & receive" manually, then it is allowed to ask you for a connection. Otherwise it is only allowed to use a pre-established connection - not to connect, send/receive & disconnect.

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Originally Posted by spanner View Post

Once again, the email client should not initiate a connection in the background. This is by design.
If you choose "send & receive" manually, then it is allowed to ask you for a connection. Otherwise it is only allowed to use a pre-established connection - not to connect, send/receive & disconnect.
thanks, i have been hearing conflicting info on this! if that is the case then the email client is inferior to a simple weather widget like omweather that is able to do that. thats really mindboggling why nokia would choose that...
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Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
thanks, i have been hearing conflicting info on this! if that is the case then the email client is inferior to a simple weather widget like omweather that is able to do that. thats really mindboggling why nokia would choose that...
I've not used omweather, but if any application is initiating a connection in the background without user interaction, it's violating the guidelines in the Maemo 5 developer guide.

The email client will check email periodically so long as there's an active internet connection. That's the design, that's the behaviour. If you want periodic checking, stay connected.

But you say you've got "connect automatically" checked. You still haven't confirmed that this does actually create a connection for you. If it doesn't (and accounting for the "search interval") you may have found a connectivity bug.
If you disconnect manually, then of course the email client isn't going to be able to check your mail. That's not a bug.
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is it just me, or is it that the email client does not update itself once the internet is connected.

actually, it does, but only when the internet connection is first established, in other words, i get notifications when i connect to the internet, but after that, any new emails are not received.

is anyone experiencing the same?
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Originally Posted by spanner View Post
I've not used omweather, but if any application is initiating a connection in the background without user interaction, it's violating the guidelines in the Maemo 5 developer guide.
under settings-> internet connections i have chosen the internet connection of my provider instead of "ask me". this means whenever i establish an internet connection it chooses this one, it does not mean that i am alwas online. on the omweather widget i have chosen it to refresh every 4 hours.

90% of the time i am not online. when i am not online, sleeping for e,g, the email client does nothing (although it has been told to refresh every hour) whilst the omweather widget connects to the internet, refreshes and goes offline again.

this is exactly what i want the email widget to do and is most common sense. does nokia expect me to be online 24/7?? i might as well manually establish an internet connection every single time myself to check mail. i want it to do that automatically!

@schlumpfie - i will try that myself and answer you later in the evening.

Last edited by Raubtier; 2010-06-03 at 16:05.

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Originally Posted by sophocha View Post
I don`t know what everybody is talking about....I think the email client is excellent.It notifies you when you get emails, and you can have it send and receive every 5 minutes....what else do you need?
  1. Spellcheck.
  2. Send button at bottom of window (rather than having to scroll up after composing an e-mail).
NokiaRocks's Avatar
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Would be perfect if the Email Client would connect and dc like OmWeather, cause I don't want to be connected 24/7 just to check my Emails every 10 Mins...
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Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
under settings-> internet connections i have chosen the internet connection of my provider instead of "ask me". This means whenever i establish an internet connection it chooses this one, it does not mean that i am alwas online.
It certainly should mean that you're always online. Try this:
1) Close programs
2) Choose "internet connections" -> "Connect Automatically" -> "Always Ask"
3) Disconnect from whatever connection you're on at the moment.
4) Choose "internet connections" -> "Connect Automatically" -> <your_network_cell_provider>
5) At this point, I get connected: I have the circle with 2 arrows appear in my status bar. This means I'm online, even though no program is asking for an internet connection. What happens when you do this?

So how do you "establish an internet connection" - what do you mean by that?

If I choose my mobile operator from the "connect automatically" drop-down, I'm always online (unless I go out of signal). It should be the same for you.

Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
90% of the time i am not online. when i am not online, sleeping for e,g, the email client does nothing (although it has been told to refresh every hour)
Look at the mail settings. It clearly says "Update when connected via ... XXX". It is not offering to update when disconnected from the internet.

Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
whilst the omweather widget connects to the internet, refreshes and goes offline again.
I don't use omweather, and based on that behaviour I don't want to. If I've disconnected from the internet, I want to stay disconnected until I say otherwise.

Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
this is exactly what i want the email widget to do and is most common sense. does nokia expect me to be online 24/7??
Simply: yes they do. What, are you billed for your internet by the minute? This was apparently an "always-online" device. For me, the only reason to be offline is battery life. And I usually carry a spare battery.

Originally Posted by Raubtier View Post
i might as well manually establish an internet connection every single time myself to check mail. i want it to do that automatically!
For me, if I'm being conscious of battery life then I keep it offline & check manually every now & then.
If I'm somewhere near a charger, then I keep it online and it checks automatically every 10 mins.

Because the email client works the way it does (uses an existing connection but doesn't create one) then I don't have to change its settings when I flip between these two ways of working.
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I noticed the same problems after updating to 1.2. Even if my GPRS connection is enabled, I generally cannot update e-mail, even manually. The one exception, as others have noted, is that updating works if I have my web browser open.
jcompagner's Avatar
Posts: 290 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Sep 2009
this whole discussion only makes clear that we should have both behaviours.. as an option
people want different things..

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