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Originally Posted by hcancelik View Post
Hmmm, that's why the phone says "disconnect charger from power supply to save energy " when I disconnect from the power supply.
It means disconnect the charger from the plug (not the phone from the charger). Plain english. I guess if you don't get it then you don't get it
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How disappointing, I was hoping to get some more info on the actual market share. Thanks to the few who actually posted information pertinent to the topic.

By the way, the market share in the USA is skewed greatly because of the subsidized phone idea that service providers push onto the consumer. As a resident of the states I was happy to by my N900 and use it and not have to renew a contract or get a phone loaded with bloatware.

Just an FYI: This link is based on the market share of phones that are actually being used for mobile data and browsing. Check the link at the bottom for how they get their data.
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KD_alex, you are correct...

Here are other articles from Gartner and otherstake a look:

and here is another static
Posts: 661 | Thanked: 690 times | Joined on Jul 2007
The N900 is not an easy phone to obtain in the US. If you bought one not knowing its limitations it is your fault, not the phone's or Nokia's. But you are not coming off too bright here, so...poor you. Sell it and move on. Whining will get you no where.
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Originally Posted by hcancelik View Post
actually I'm sellting it for $350. Would you like to buy? It comes with extra wall charger and car charger. But I have to be honest.

- It restarts everytime you turn on the paired bluetooth headset.
- You have to click multiple times (more than 5 times) on a link inside the emails.
- You have to click play button again and again to listen any online radio station.
- you have to wait at least 2 minutes to open single f@#$ email
- you have to hold to phone very steady. If you aim it little bit the phone app opens (if you set so)
- you won't get any app support
- I can go more if you want.

would you still buy?
Wow, so not only are you dumb for not doing your research on the device but your excuse (because that's what it is) about buying the phone based solely on the fact that you bought a Nokia before is inexcusable and ridiculous. To take that a step further it's also apparent that you're too dumb to reflash or even send it away to be fixed. So, while you're rolling along on that train of ignorance, sell your device, shut your mouth and quit embarrassing us Americans even further with your nonsense and whining....

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Posts: 116 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Good finds ypslinux. I am glad to see that Windows Mobile's OS share is dropping. I hated using it so much on my old HTC.
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These threads are like hydras... chop one down and two more pop up.

Disgruntled with your purchase? There's a return period that's longer than a day. Should have returned it and avoided buyer's remorse.

Disgruntled with these kinds of posts... then ignore it folks. Nothing makes this forum uglier than seemingly folks ready to attack all that disagree.

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