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Once again there's just nothing in the new iPhone to catch my fancy.

- Boring looks: I think the general appearance has already "worn out". There's a reason why they changed the MacBook appearance as well.
- No new technology or software based innovations.
- No wow factor about anything!
(- No physical keyboard :CC)
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2010
No cjp, maybe not. But look how well they have done the old tech.

The video call client (even with its wifi limitation) is a work of art. N900 version simply doesn't compare.

The physical appearance is ok. Nothing new. Those little protectors are going to be popular but there are already aftermarket versions.

The screen is nice and the resolution is easier on the eye but not groundbreaking.

I agree that there is little new here but there's nothing wrong with admitting that they "borrow" heavily from innovators and then make it pretty and shiny. Let's face it; that's what Apple do. And a lot of people buy it so a lot of people develop for it.

It's all a bit "meh" but my next device is likely to be an iPhone 4 or possibly a new Bada device.

For now, I am happy with the N900 and I'll keep it for various purposes but I could see my everyday device being something more mainstream. I am a geek but I like to play with toys. iPhone 4 is the best toy out there right now.

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I am pretty sure the next meego device to be announced in september is going to be the ultimate nokia flagship. Dont fall for the iphone.
Totally playing devil's advocate here... but what if Nokia under-delivers?

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Wanted to say a quote

“Every great invention must experience three stages: ridicule, discussion, adoption” - British philosopher
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ ,, Earth !
No Thanks .. I'm Happy With My Nokia 1200
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Apple shares down after the iPhone 4 announcement:
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Nothing special with the iphone 4. I prefer my n900. usb host mode, usb storage 32gb. plug and play. no itunes crap. i prefer so much nokia n900's freedom, i go on youtube watch video. With tv-out cable i watch movies in EXCELLENT quality. (i've read someone said that quality was ugly, come on change your TV) there is so much other things that i can with N900 and i can't with iphone. The only thing i miss is: 3g voice call.
I will NEVER give my N900 for a iphone 4. i use n900 as a computer, iphone is made for people who like to show their new hich-tech device and says like "hi man, look at my phone! it has a gyrosh*t, crazy isn't it?!"....

PS: xxxxts you're definitly true, thanks :
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I like my N900, however the people at Nokia are way to inconsistent with follow up. It seems that Meego and the N8, X6 are the phones that they want to focus on for now, which to me is lame, since there was so much hype on this device"Ground Breaking?" Google Nexus one and most of the android community have starting seeing flash 10, consistent updates already. All I SEE in this community are how too's and why's if this phone is so great why is Nokia not working harder to make it the greatest? We all paid a lot of money for this device, i WAS under the impression that this phone would be the god of phones. Yes I know its a "tablet" as some of you would say well whatever you want to call it, this device is a BIG FAIL! At least Apple is always improving their Technology. Goodnight and good luck, it has been a pleasure, hope all of you are successful with your N900.

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Wrong section to post this thread. Mod please move this to off topic or competitor please.

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can you, canitouchuthere, hear me now, iphone 4, itoilet paper, waste of money, waste of time, whining, worstthreadever

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