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kingoddball's Avatar
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Dual boot?
I have managed to get it to boot.. Would only boot with kernel 0.0.1.
Oddly enough using 0.0.1, it would only boot android after I REflash the kernel over again.
But it's now dual booting with 0.0.3.

Just need to find a way to turn R&D mode OFF and ON in Maemo!

Do we have an instruction for Android? Like what keys do what?
I had nothing on my desktop for ages.. I pressed a few keys and all these progs popped up.

Last edited by kingoddball; 2010-06-12 at 04:01.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2010
found /./etc/ but didn't find /bootmenu.d/ so created it and the file as per and still no love. What am I missing for dual boot?
kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
You're missing the program "Bootmenu".

Hit HAM (package manager) and search for "boot" and you will find a boot menu (in extra's Devel).
bootmenu.d is a location that bootmenu makes.


Edit: DJ Steve! THIS IS GREAT! I have finally got it running after around 20 kernel flashes and an entire N900 PR1.2 reflash

You have mentioned a few pages back that you are looking for requests:
I have 2:

Overclocking in the kernel for Maemo.

Dualboot without RD mode.
Only asking for the RD mode part because having it running all day is killing my battery, but I would like to boot into Android throughout the day... because it's great (well.. Maemo is better!!).

Last edited by kingoddball; 2010-06-12 at 06:56.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2010
installed bootmenu-n900 through package manager and terminal reinstall, I get the boot menu at startup but can only boot from internal flash and cannot find bootmenu.d for the life of me (except for the folder I made). It's something simple I just can't put my finger on it.
kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
I can help with this.

first of all.
Open xterm and type: "sudo apt-get install nano" (or vim. I like nano)

cd .. 
cd ..
cd etc/bootmenu.d

nano android.etc.item
Once in nano type:

ITEM_NAME="Android (external SD, partition 2)"
ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3 fat vfat"

Once done (use correct caps and symbols) press (touch screen button) CTRL + X. Press Y. Press Enter.
Just to varify type "ls".
You will see "android.ext.item"
You can reboot and you will see "Android blah blah blah".
If you have followed all instructions and are in RD mode.. Android should boot (took me over 4 hours today!) I had kernel and OS issues.

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Originally Posted by dj_steve View Post
try dmesg in xterm and check that the n900 mem card is sdb
i did this to find my mem card but i dont find any sdb in this and dont know how the mem card could be named then
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Worked like a charm, thanks. Must of been looking at ubuntu (fark knows what I mounted).

To try and give back now. Check for errors and if it's OK copy-paste it to if it's required. Just mashed up all the guides in this thread. So none of this is mine.

Dual boot Maemo and Android.

You Need:
microSD card (min 1GB)
Nokia microUSB to USB cable
PC with linux distro or liveCD
NITDroid rootfs and kernel (post 1)

Step one. Set up dual boot. On the N900 (by kingoddball)

1) Add extras devel repositry to your app manager. From maemo wiki.

In the Application Manager:

1. Navigate to the application menu (tap the title bar)
2. Select ‘Application catalogs’
3. Select ‘New’
4. Enter a catalog name of ‘Maemo extras-devel’
5. Enter a web address of
6. Enter a distribution of ‘fremantle’
7. Enter components of ‘free non-free’
8. Select ‘Save’

2)Find and install bootmenu-n900

3)Install nano. Open terminal and type.

sudo apt-get install nano
and type y when prompted.

4) Setup boot config. In terminal type.
cd .. 
cd ..
cd etc/bootmenu.d

nano android.etc.item
Using nano create the following.

ITEM_NAME="Android (external SD, partition 2)"
ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3 fat vfat"
Confirm it wrote the file (ctrl+o in nano) by typing ls.

Step 2. Setup SD card (by DJsteve) On PC

1) ID microSD card. In terminal use "dmesg". Look at the end of the long message. If using SD reader should show up by itself or if using N900 you should see a note of the N900 and it's main memory and your card. Will be in the form of sd* where * is a letter

2) Format microSD card. Type the following into terminal.
fdisk /dev/sdb <press return>
o <press return>
n <press return>
p <press return>
1 <press return>
<press return>
+xM <press return> (x is the size of the partition in MB, a formality and not used by android so make it small asy 100)
t <press return>
c <press return>
n <press return>
p <press return>
2 <press return>
<press enter>
<press enter>
w <press return>

sudo mkdosfs /dev/sd*1
sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sd*2 -m0
Again where * is the letter from 1). This can be done in gparted if you wish.

3) Unpack Android. In terminal.

mount /dev/sd*2 /mnt <press return>
cd /mnt <press return>
sudo tar xjvvpf *type NITDroid .tbz2 location here* <press return>
To find the location of tbz2 file, find it, right click -> properties and it's location will be in one of the tabs. ie if on usb it will be /media/disk/NITDroid.tbz2

Once done, unmount.

cd <press return>
umount /mnt <press return>
Step 3. Flash Kernel. (By DJSteve). On PC.

1) Insert microSD card into N900 if you need to.

2)Install flasher (if required). Download flasher .deb package. In terminal type.

dpkg -i *type loaction of .deb package here* <press return>
3)Turn off the N900 if it is on then hold the 'u' key as you insert the usb cable (or reinsert). Nokia logo and USB logo should appear. Leave the keyboard open.

4) On the PC in terminal type.

flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset,no-ext-wd -f -k *type loaction if zImage kernel downloaded here* -R <press return>
Same as with step two for the location of the kernel. Look at the N900. If everything is working then should see the boot menu, select Android and sit back and wait. Initial boot can take a long time.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to El_Poochino For This Useful Post:
Posts: 208 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Belgium
Originally Posted by El_Poochino View Post
Worked like a charm, thanks. Must of been looking at ubuntu (fark knows what I mounted).

To try and give back now. Check for errors and if it's OK copy-paste it to if it's required. Just mashed up all the guides in this thread. So none of this is mine.

Dual boot Maemo and Android.

You Need:
microSD card (min 1GB)
Nokia microUSB to USB cable
PC with linux distro or liveCD
NITDroid rootfs and kernel (post 1)

Step one. Set up dual boot. On the N900 (by kingoddball)

1) Add extras devel repositry to your app manager. From maemo wiki.

2)Find and install bootmenu-n900

3)Install nano. Open terminal and type.

sudo apt-get install nano
and type y when prompted.

4) Setup boot config. In terminal type.
cd .. 
cd ..
cd etc/bootmenu.d

nano android.etc.item
Using nano create the following.

ITEM_NAME="Android (external SD, partition 2)"
ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3 fat vfat"
Confirm it wrote the file (ctrl+o in nano) by typing ls.

Step 2. Setup SD card (by DJsteve) On PC

1) ID microSD card. In terminal use "dmesg". Look at the end of the long message. If using SD reader should show up by itself or if using N900 you should see a note of the N900 and it's main memory and your card. Will be in the form of sd* where * is a letter

2) Format microSD card. Type the following into terminal.
fdisk /dev/sdb <press return>
o <press return>
n <press return>
p <press return>
1 <press return>
<press return>
+xM <press return> (x is the size of the partition in MB, a formality and not used by android so make it small asy 100)
t <press return>
c <press return>
n <press return>
p <press return>
2 <press return>
<press enter>
<press enter>
w <press return>

sudo mkdosfs /dev/sd*1
sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sd*2 -m0
Again where * is the letter from 1). This can be done in gparted if you wish.

3) Unpack Android. In terminal.

mount /dev/sd*2 /mnt <press return>
cd /mnt <press return>
sudo tar xjvvpf *type NITDroid .tbz2 location here* <press return>
To find the location of tbz2 file, find it, right click -> properties and it's location will be in one of the tabs. ie if on usb it will be /media/disk/NITDroid.tbz2

Once done, unmount.

cd <press return>
umount /mnt <press return>
Step 3. Flash Kernel. (By DJSteve). On PC.

1) Insert microSD card into N900 if you need to.

2)Install flasher (if required). Download flasher .deb package. In terminal type.

dpkg -i *type loaction of .deb package here* <press return>
3)Turn off the N900 if it is on then hold the 'u' key as you insert the usb cable (or reinsert). Nokia logo and USB logo should appear. Leave the keyboard open.

4) On the PC in terminal type.

flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset,no-ext-wd -f -k *type loaction if zImage kernel downloaded here* -R <press return>
Same as with step two for the location of the kernel. Look at the N900. If everything is working then should see the boot menu, select Android and sit back and wait. Initial boot can take a long time.


if i do dmesg i see a lot of info but no memory card. How do you see on your phone what the mem card is with this code dmesg????
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Using PC linux with the n900 connected via mass storage typing dmesg on the pc will produce alot of crap. Down the bottom their should be some messages about device sizes. You should be able to id the sd* which corresponds to you microSD. If your N900 is connected you should see it in this area.

Another way is type sudo gparted and go through the drop box on the top right and find your microSD card (using the capacity) and the drop box should have the sd* of the device. I did this on ubuntu 9.04

The Following User Says Thank You to El_Poochino For This Useful Post:
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Mmmmm.... but does this command flash the original kernel of maemo on the root ?? o.O

flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset,no-ext-wd -f -k *type loaction if zImage kernel downloaded here* -R
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android, cool stuff, froyo on n900, nitdroid

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