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Originally Posted by nax3000 View Post
Reading OPs posts is making my brain melt.. It's like a caveman was sent to our present time and given a computer. I know English is probably not his native language but he doesn't even try. English ain't my native tongue either.
a) He's from Turkey, English is definitely not his native language

b) Before accusing people of cavemanism, educate yourself. Turk language is very different, as the grammar is virtually inexistent, and what is there is quite special.

c) A few languages are very, very different. These people should have special dispensation, IMO. Russian (alphabet), asian (chinese, japonese, etc) (alphabet, grammar), Turkish (grammar, special chars). Try to be more patient. If you must go on a crusade, pick on people who were born in an English-speaking country, can speak it, but choose not to.

d) There are no things that need to be said. There's always a choice.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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Originally Posted by nax3000 View Post
Reading OPs posts is making my brain melt.. It's like a caveman was sent to our present time and given a computer. I know English is probably not his native language but he doesn't even try. English ain't my native tongue either.

and abill you need to chill dude, you're being aggressive when no one was directly/indirectly attacking you and by the way you phrase and explain your posts you seem like the one with no actually and practical programming knowledge.

I know I'm just contributing to the flamefest here but some things just need to be said.

Also, HELL YEAH I WANT A DAMN GOOD RACING GAME FOR MY N900! But I'll just wait for a stable and speedy version of psx4all/pcsxm so I could play gran turismo
I thought i would reply to your post out of curtosy and explain that ysss has been following me on any thread i go for weeks now and has agrivated me with his comments along with his pal doing the same thing so under them circumstances i cant actually get to say what i really want to say but i am finding this forum full of nit pickers and argumentative people and to be honest i feel like throwing the towel in.
The previous post to yours from ndi and yours was a pleasure to read and was happy that at least someone came up in my defence.

I knew what i wanted to say but aggrivated could not get the words to match my fingers out of tiredness, i will be ok tomorow.

All said and done it is a shame it is turning rather sour on here as it used to be the best really but now going downhill fast and all because of the n900.... oh well.

I have had a long hard day very tired and need a damm whisky i feel and i am not a drinker dammm it ha.

Anyhow thanks for the comments and noted in a good way i might add.

Final comment ... more to life than the N900 and this forum !!!.
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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
a) He's from Turkey, English is definitely not his native language

b) Before accusing people of cavemanism, educate yourself. Turk language is very different, as the grammar is virtually inexistent, and what is there is quite special.

c) A few languages are very, very different. These people should have special dispensation, IMO. Russian (alphabet), asian (chinese, japonese, etc) (alphabet, grammar), Turkish (grammar, special chars). Try to be more patient. If you must go on a crusade, pick on people who were born in an English-speaking country, can speak it, but choose not to.

d) There are no things that need to be said. There's always a choice.
Just for the sake of it, I'm from Israel. Hebrew is ENTIRELY different from English as well. Not too far off the scale as the difference between Turkish and English.
Hell, my native tongue is written in the opposite direction! hah.

Anyway, I won't make anymore offtopic and possibly inflammatory posts like these anymore for the sake of how overall I agree with the general idea of this thread.

There's this one iphone game where it's sim-like with a cockpit view.. real racing or something? would be nice to have that game

abill: I don't really wanna get involved with the deal between you and ysss, neither do I wanna take sides. Seriously, everyone should just calm down and enjoy the fact that they have debian on their computerphonethingies haha
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n900 is not a mass market phone, as such it will not have mass market games. I always warn people about the shortcomings when they play with my phone and decide they must have one too. Would it be nice to have racing games, yes.

I think we can atleast try to be a bit nicer when answering queries instead of sounding like angry hormonal teens.
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I tend to call someone out when they make wild claims that may generate unsubstantiated rumors, and unfortunately some ppl seem to have a natural tendency to repeatedly do that.

Anyways, to address the possibility of running Windows on N900 to gain access to its large software library:

Having Microsoft make a port of Windows to Nokia N900 is as likely as Apple making a port of iPhone OS (iOS) for the Palm Pre. It has a very very low probability of happening due to many reasons. (of no strategic value, low financial return, inconsistent with past corporate behaviors, legal spaghetti, low gain for the amount of effort, etc)

Even if that happens, the performance will be super shite due to the whole stack being targeted for a platform that is so much higher in performance to render it unusable for the application discussed in this thread.
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Last edited by ysss; 2010-06-20 at 04:10.

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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
Windows for mobile platform is stable, as stable as any other OS for the same platform. And mature. I have no idea what troubles you've had in the past with CE, but I have several devices with CE and none of them have as much as displayed an error, let alone crash, leak, etc.

Let's not forget, the whole load of navigation systems have iGo or similar software, that runs over CE. When was the last time one of those blue-screened?
My personal, anecdotal experience tells me the contrary. The two windows CE/mobile devices I had were terribly unstable, HTC Athena and MIO C230 GPS. Regarding your question, the last time my MIO C230 GPS with iGO blue-screened was about one week and a half ago, in the middle of the way to some place. Lost my way and took 5 to 10 minutes to get back en route.

My N900, on the contrary, might have its shortcomings, but it's so much more stable than these devices. I don't even worry about losing stuff, it gives me some 'peace of mind' I hadn't had before.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
why do you keep going on about Linux because its obviously not getting the N900 very far so better to put a different os if it carries on like this, all we need is the missing drivers for the device and it can be done with ease.... for example windows?.
abill_uk, I have been following your comments for some time and I quite liked your insidious comments against Nokia, but... Sorry, this has to be the stupidest suggestion I ever saw on this forum.

What makes N900 shine is being a full-fledged GNU/Linux system, either with Maemo or Meego. Even Android, being ported to the N900, while not a full GNU/Linux, uses the Linux kernel. Wasting efforts with Windows Mobile on the N900 would be not only counterproductive, it would probably create unprecedent rejection for this device.
My nickname on freenode is ptl, that is, the consonants of my nickname here. Kind of a long story.
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Originally Posted by harp View Post
n900 is not a mass market phone, as such it will not have mass market games. I always warn people about the shortcomings when they play with my phone and decide they must have one too. Would it be nice to have racing games, yes.

I think we can atleast try to be a bit nicer when answering queries instead of sounding like angry hormonal teens.
It's a shame more people don't understand that the N900 is not a mass market phone. The only hope of getting more mass market/commercial games on the N900 is if QT compatibility across Meego and Symbian devices is a success.
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...

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This thread confused me on so many levels..

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Originally Posted by Tedri Mark View Post
It's not bitterness - the OP started stated there were no driving games available, and then 6 whole minutes later stated there were still no driving games available.

I'm pretty sure if I did the same thing in a room full of my friends I would be similarly ridiculed...
I'm pretty sure he didn't actually mean that it's been 6 minutes and there's been no change... He used the word "Still" and he meant something else.
Like, "Inspite of all your replies, I still think there are no racing games"
or, "Still after all the time the N900 is out, there are no racing games"
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