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Originally Posted by Joorin View Post
How is it "crap"? How would you like to make it better?
Software testing must be not a democratic task.
After devel-test phase, app must be raised to extras by "experts team" cheking (only) system related issues.
Minor issues will be reported by interested user.
We (users) are not skilled enough to find system related dangers.
And this is the basis of extras-testing-devel division, I'm right?

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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Extras IS the community repository. Maemo Select is a (neglected) unified web front-end to Ovi and Extras.

There are currently SEVERAL HUNDRED applications/new versions that are not available through Extras only because there users simply do not know how to give feedback (or simply find it easier to whine).
There are not several hundred applications in line. Several hundred implied >300. Waiting to be promoted are exactly 221 packets. Many of them themes, which cannot be thought of as applications, so real number perhaps somewhere between 150 and 175.

I've voted on some things, but this system is not as user friendly as it could be.

Last edited by olighak; 2010-06-20 at 09:46.
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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
Simple answer: Never.

Longer answer:
N900 and its Maemo5 operating system is already abandoned by Nokia and is pretty much dead.
Next device from Nokia, will have Maemo6 operating system which is:
a) very different from Maemo5
b) a dead-end of Maemo operating systems, because we already know it will be discontinued in favor of MeeGo

So... None in the right mind would start developing an application for already dead Maemo5.
And none in the right mind would start developing an application for Maemo6, knowing that it's targeted for death right after seeing the daylight.

They say that we should start developing applications for MeeGo, but no one knows how, because specification is work-in-progress and kept secret.

For me the answer is simple - move to Android.
I ordered Motorola Milestone yesterday.
Well said! The whole "take Maemo6 as meego instance" thing just tells that Nokia doesn't even have a clue when thay can announce real flagship device from internet tablet devices. Until that there is not point making software for they're platform.

Next Nokias Meego instance will be yet another step 4/5 or should it be called 6/7? =) Anyway good post what made me think to jump another side of the fence.

Was your choice (Milestone) based on the fact that it has qwerty?
I'm having hard time to choose between iP4 and HTC Desire. Choosing iP4 could be just as bad thing as N900 becouse i would be counting that some one jailbreaks and unlocks it.
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Originally Posted by RolePlayGame View Post
Or simply because promoting system is a crap.
Crap or no crap, it allows users to get apps. We cannot change the HAM in the firmware, we CAN thumb the apps up. And if we, as a community, are too lazy to fire up the browser to thumb something up, sadly tells more about us than Nokia. From the download count, you can tell that most of the apps in there have been downloaded thousands of times, and yet, not a tenth of a percentile bothered enough to give feedback after using/checking the app.
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There are already a lot more good and usefull applications than there every were for symbian phones.

Sure that depends on what you need. But I don't feel screwed from Nokia. The N900 is just as I expected.
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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
"Search" is your friend.
How can Search be my friend if I want to know what RolePlayGame thinks?

I asked because saying that something is "crap" and nothing more is the lowest form of feedback there is.

It was proposed hundred of times already - Thumbs Up/Down should be integrated in HAM.
AFAIR there is a Brainstorm proposal for this.
Nokia does not give a damn, so there was a separate app created for the previous (OS2008) rating system, but it's incompatible with the current voting system.
I see. So if someone comes up with an application that works with the current voting system, things would be much better?

Did the number of votes on the OS2008 system increase by some magnitude compared to the Maemo5 solution with this voting application?

It's difficult to find the real application package name, then find it in package web interface, login (it does not remember you logged in) and vote.
This all sounds like technical problems. And this being a very technical community, I'm sure someone will make something that works better than the current solution.

/me starts doodling on a piece of paper.
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Originally Posted by Joorin View Post
How can Search be my friend if I want to know what RolePlayGame thinks?

I asked because saying that something is "crap" and nothing more is the lowest form of feedback there is.

I see. So if someone comes up with an application that works with the current voting system, things would be much better?

Did the number of votes on the OS2008 system increase by some magnitude compared to the Maemo5 solution with this voting application?

This all sounds like technical problems. And this being a very technical community, I'm sure someone will make something that works better than the current solution.

/me starts doodling on a piece of paper.
Do you really need more feedback?
How often do you read then?
This was covered lots of times. And you know it. And, sorry, the system don't work, so it's a crap.
Don't be a covard... trying to attack me because you are afraid of Smoku boy.

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Originally Posted by RolePlayGame View Post
Software testing must be not a democratic task.
If the alternative is "no testing at all", what you call "democratic testing" is better. Finding people who'd spend the time and effort to test applications and report is not easy.

After devel-test phase, app must be raised to extras by "experts team" cheking (only) system related issues.
Minor issues will be reported by interested user.
Creating such an "expert team" isn't easy. Again, "no testing at all" is worse than "some testing".

We (users) are not skilled enough to find system related dangers.
And this is the basis of extras-testing-devel division, I'm right?
I haven't spent enough time on this forum to know the exact motivation for this separation but the devel level is most likely there to let people try whatever they want whenever they want.

The testing level is to help the developer, more than the users, and make sure that whatever is promoted to Extras at least won't brick the device.
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Originally Posted by RolePlayGame View Post
Do you really need more feedback?
How often do you read then?
This was covered lots of times. And you know it. And, sorry, the system don't work, so it's a crap.
Don't be a covard... trying to attack me because you are afraid of Smoku boy.
Please calm down.

Let's keep the discussion on the technical level.

You can argue on privmsg
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Sorry Joorin, but you are telling nothing, and I'm not trolling you.
If you still want to be a pure fanboy, ok then.
But, please, look arround you. Now, it's June, not April, and things had changed.

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