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Originally Posted by Manul View Post
I just noticed that the widget does not list the present day's birthdays, don't know whether that also applies to other whole day events. Is that a bug or a design decision?
I just noticed this myself too. I think the bug may stem from the fact that my birthday entries are populated into the second ("pink") calendar by Hermes. Almost forgot to wish a friend of mine Happy Birthday today (good thing I still have the original calendar widget on a second screen as a backup!)
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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I don't use any sync application
and don't know how this work, but if the software changes the
calendar db directly my widget cannot recognize these changes.
Now you can manually update the widget by tapping the weekday
name (long 1 second tap).
The manual update is a bit tricky. If you tap on the widget and
the duration is to short, it opens the calendar ui. If it is to
long hildon-home enters the edit mode.
Would it be possible to check the events in regular intervals? You could rebuild the list of events, and if something is different, you can refresh the display. This would world event if the sync software would change the calendar DB directly. Although I think at least Erminig is using the calendar API to change the events.

Thanks again for the update, the separator is very useful.

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There are several other widgets that update when the desktop is switched to or when the screen is activated.

Perhaps code from one of these could be re-used to trigger the update?

(Desktop Command Execution Widget, Queen Bee Con, etc)
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I just updated the calendar widget in extras-devel.
Thanks Nicolai. This is an excellent job you are doing.
Posts: 729 | Thanked: 155 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Is it possible to update cal-home-widget with cli command?
I still miss the auto update feature after synchronisation from the original widget but everything else is so much better here
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New Version 0.8 with two new options:
Attached Images

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So this is now the same behaviour as the default widget!?
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Is it just me or is this widget buggy?

It was working fine, but somewhere along the line after one of the updates, I noticed it is now displaying incorrect events...

1) Displaying a birthday tomorrow as today
ie. June 26th, 1963 (tomorrow)
Does this widget use a particular time zone? maybe that could be throwing it out?

2) The age of tomorrows person is incorrect
ie. June 26th, 1963 should = 47 but is showing 40
(only tomorrows persons age is incorrect, rest are fine)

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Nope....timezone my fault....1) my own fault....

Trying to figure out 2) though.....age still wrong....
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Posts: 105 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Wellington, New Zealand
Ahhhh.......for some reason, the age is only going up to a maximum age of 40......any person older than 40 is displayed as do I fix this?

Ahhhhhhhhh......the default calender has a date limit of 1970......hence that affects the age showen in the desktop widget......can this be overcome?

Last edited by euanandrews; 2010-06-25 at 09:13.

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