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After 6months of extreme caution and care finaly I dropped my beloved nokia n900 on CONCRETE. ouch!!! while filming my boy doing his footy skills.

I wouldnt wish the feeling of dropping this beauty onto hard surface of any kind on any nokia n900 lover. Its painful.

Thankfuly no major damage done. However I am left with no of minor scratches across the topside of rim around the screen just below charge scoket. And one on other side of rim.

Is there anyway to fix/repair or refurb these minor scratches?

Maybe a new rim? or some kind a polish/paint that can be applied, or buff it up.. any ideas?


Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
So sorry to hear about the drop. The first drop hurts the most.

I would try Black permanent marker on the rim.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Normaly I drop my phone within first week but I was extra careful this time.

Yes you are right It bloody hurts. Right am off to look for a black permamnent marker in my work place. if not i will order one with stationary next.

Its my company's resposibility to look after mental health of their employees lol.
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The rim is about 20eur but if you drop it a lot you might just stick with the first one. I don't know if it is black-chrome on top of it or just some varnish. Visit a paint-shop and ask them maybe you can get some for a few bucks.
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
Originally Posted by chemist View Post
The rim is about 20eur but if you drop it a lot you might just stick with the first one. I don't know if it is black-chrome on top of it or just some varnish. Visit a paint-shop and ask them maybe you can get some for a few bucks.
A touch up paint is great idea.
If you find an exact color code... that would be great info for sharing on this board.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Just applied perm black marker .. it has worked but not to complete desired effect. thanks again for you help.

Any idea where can I get the rim from?
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2010
right then am off to my local paint shop. I might try my car parts shop. surely they will have something for chrome metals.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2010
permanent marker didnt work for me as it fades after a few days. let us know if the paintjob worked out for you

good luck
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i researched this a bit for you (google for 30 seconds)
i would try getting one of these from a gun shop or mail order from ebay or whatever:

The fastest and easiest way to touch - up nicks and scratches! Super Black Touch-Up Pens An easy and effective way to touch-up nicks, scratches and worn areas of black anodized aluminum or black painted surfaces. The Pen contains a fast drying, lead-free paint with superior adhesion and durability that helps fill in deep scratches or worn areas. These special formulations are for use on highly polished and matte finished alloy gun receivers, trigger guards, scopes, binoculars, cameras, flashlights, fishing reels and other sporting accessories. Use like a marking pen with no mess. Simply rub on with chisel point felt tip. WARNING: This item cannot be shipped to Canada. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering this product. Birchwood Casey Super Black Touch-up Pen, Flat

just bought one on ebay for $8.34 USD
going to try the gloss one. i have enough other black electronics (flashlights mostly) that i'm always scratching up that this is probably worth it.
Other thing you could do is try a hobby shop and get a tiny bottle of paint they use for models, should be about $3 at most. I just don't think that type of paint works on metal?? Lots of people use black nail-polish but I am definately not going to the store to buy some of that!! Probably would come off almost as easy as a normal pen too

Last edited by Creamy Goodness; 2010-06-25 at 17:03.
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Canada
Originally Posted by disappointed View Post
Just applied perm black marker .. it has worked but not to complete desired effect. thanks again for you help.

Any idea where can I get the rim from?
There are a few online stores: see e.g. this one.

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