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Oh man... this showed up on my Twitter feeds earlier. I doubt that people will support what's being said around these parts though.

Not in the least.
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 114 times | Joined on Apr 2010
I know. But I figure that when it comes from these two long-time Nokia fanboys/girls, some of the folks on this site will be less quick to jump down someones throat when the have the slightest critique of Nokia or the N900 especially.

After initial disappointment with my N900, I really tried to make it work. But after putting in even more time and effort, I am left just even more frustrated than before.
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010
The fact is that Nokia know that there popularity and marketshare are going downhill...

In regards to this they have to be planning something good because at the rate they are going they will lose so much of the market.

Personally I do think they do have a long term strategic business plan and will be rolling it out in the near future before they become a very weak competitor in this market.

I love and support what the fansite has done in relation to Nokia and its also sad to see but its all so true.

I mean honestly the people at Nokia cant just be walking around blind with their heads up there butts. It really seems like only one person is assigned to manage each phone.

Last edited by KoolMoeDee; 2010-07-02 at 02:50.
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I think it's a case of sour grapes. The blog was great years ago but it's been going downhill for a while now. There are a lot more exciting bloggers writing about Nokia these days. I would only be concerned if closed down. They are like the godfathers of Symbian blogging. Of course the FOX News of gadget sites would dig their Nokia-hating jaws into it.
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Personally I think this is a case of someone being pissed that they've repeatedly backed the wrong horse. And, well, it's Symbian. Honestly, I don't know how *anyone* can get enthusiastic about Symbian.

tablet-guru? been there, done that, closed down because Maemo wasn't going anywhere big (oh, boy, was that wrong)

.. to become ..

maemo-guru .. been there, done that, closed down when MeeGo came along.

Now, with Symbian being given the wind down onto lower end devices, I think someone might be a bit sore that they keep making the wrong decisions compared to where Nokia is actually going. (MeeGo-Guru already being taken also probably pisses them off.)

That plus just having the wrong kind of personality. I mean, most people either pick a project and stick to it until they get bored and move on, or stick to it and then close it down for a valid reason, but all of these seem to be a bit .. erhh..

OTOH, it's also a great publicity move. They've gotten more media mentions/announcements than I bet they've had for a long time. It is Symbian after all - I honestly don't see how anyone manages to be enthusiastic over it.

tl;dr I agree with maluka.
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Come to think of it, someone also mentioned that maemo-guru closed down twice, or something. I don't know/remember the details.
i'm a Qt expert and former Jolla sailor (forever sailing, in spirit).
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NOKIA Blows.

The N900 has so much unrealized potential. Right now I wouldn't want anything else, but I still feel abandoned.

I gotta stop this early adopting.

Don't anybody get their hackles up though, this community is what the N900 is all about. It would really be dismal without TMO.
somedude's Avatar
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w00t I enjoyed reading your post in engadget. That was superb
schettj's Avatar
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They finally figured out that symbian is dead. So a site named symbian guru... probably not a big advertising draw.

Remember to choose your domain names carefully, kids. isn't a big draw these days either. I'm thinking is dead.

Daves iPaq became Mobility Today (good save there, go generic)

I used to hang out at, which still exists but is morphing into a mostly Android place while waiting (until next year) for windows mobile 7.

Welcome to the future.

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