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Originally Posted by pyther View Post
Can someone tell me the name of the icon that has the folder and the phone?
It's filemanager_phone_folder - but I think it's one of my self-made icons.

If it is, just copy the attached file to "home/user/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/", reboot and you should be able to use it.
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Originally Posted by Nathraiben View Post
It's filemanager_phone_folder - but I think it's one of my self-made icons.

If it is, just copy the attached file to "home/user/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/", reboot and you should be able to use it.
Damn, I was wondering where this icon is, since I couldn't find it. Thanks though, I'll "install" it later on. For future versions of ApMeFo I'd suggest to implement this (and similar) icons to the build, so that the user doesn't have to do it manually.
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New version up and running!

Unless some serious bugs dare to turn up (which, thanks to the not-so-nice UTF-8 implementation of Python, isn't as improbable as I would like it to be), I'll add localisation support next and upload it as V1.0, since all the beta ToDos are resolved now.

Here's the updated list:

Features and Bugs for V1.0
Before adding a lot of new functionality, I'd like to get a stable and usable V1.0 out there. This will include the following requests:
  • The popups for selecting Folders and Applications will be sorted alphabetically. Done
  • The popup for selecting Applications will allow for multiple selections (this makes the request for getting rid of the OK button impossible, so the button will have to stay in there). Done
  • When adding/removing Applications, ONLY the part between the Include tags will be modified. That way, it will be possible to manually add applications between Exclude tags without them being touch by ApMeFo. Done
  • I will try to implement better routines to check whether an application is set to NoDisplay or not (hopefully I only overlooked a small case inconsistency, which would be easy to fix then). Should be fixed now
  • If possible, I would like to fetch localised application names. Sadly, I don't have the faintest idea how to do that - would be happy about any hint you could give me!Done

Post V1.0 features
Once we have a stable release, in relatively small version steps I'd like to implement the rest of the request. Not sure which of them are actually do-able, and with some I'm still unsure on how to best implement them:
  • In the select popup, do not list applications already added to the current folder. Not quite high on my list of priorities, since adding an application twice to the same folder won't do no harm, anyway. But for reasons of clarity it will be fixed eventually.
  • In the select popup, add a button "Show only unallocated applications". Not sure whether this will actually work, because checking every single folder against the list of applications might turn out rather slow. Will give it a try.
  • Add auto-categorisation: Not sure whether this would be a good idea, since most applications are either not marked or put into a totally random folder. If anything, reading Catorise's file would be an option, but that would only work when both applications could run at the same time (see me last post). With both applications running side by side now, I'll add a way to auto-categorise unallocated applications based on Catorise's menu list.
  • Rearrange/sort applications: Would love to add this feature, but until I learn how to do this manually I won't be able to include it with ApMeFo. Done - thanks lemmyslender!
  • Allow for non-Ascii names of folders (and find no-Ascii names of applications): Sadly, I haven't yet found a way to do that with Python. Will definitely try to get a workaround, though. Done.
  • Add the ability to rename folders: Probably one of the first changes, since this is both easy to do AND a great idea.
  • Add a setting to automatically add new applications to a "More..." folder instead of to the main menu.
  • Hide/Unhide folders. Not sure whether this works, but if it does, it will definitely be included!
  • Backup folders and settings to MyDocs/MMC. Note that this is ONLY needed for re-flashing devices, as for deactivating or uninstalling the following takes effects: If you decide to deactivate or uninstall ApMeFo, both the .desktop files and the .menu files will remain, they just won't have any effect on your menu (provided to deleted Once you reinstall/-activate ApMeFo, you'll have full access to those folder settings again.

Requests I'm not sure about
These are request that where made but I'm not quite sure about. Would be happy about any input on what others think about it.
  • Omitting the filenames of icons in the selection popup. While this would make scrolling less tedious, I'm not sure whether to implement this. Filenames can be quite a good indicator on where you are (for example, once I'm around the icons starting with "F" I know I'll have to expect the filemanager_* icons soon).
  • Make separate buttons for Create and Edit. Would this really be an advantage over the current system? If not I'm not sure whether it would be worthwhile to add a couple of new methods and messages to do so.

Requests that are most probably not going to make it in
Because they are either impossible/dangerous or simply not necessary.
  • While I more than understand those requests, I won't do anything that includes modifying at DOM level. I'm just not prepared to risk messing up other people's devices (bad enough that I already do with a less critical copy&paste modification of the file ). Sadly, this also includes rearranging and sorting folders and applications in the main menu...

Last edited by Nathraiben; 2010-07-12 at 17:16.

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Posts: 267 | Thanked: 408 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by rantom View Post
Damn, I was wondering where this icon is, since I couldn't find it. Thanks though, I'll "install" it later on. For future versions of ApMeFo I'd suggest to implement this (and similar) icons to the build, so that the user doesn't have to do it manually.
Hm... that might be convenient, but at the same time I'm not comfortable with "forcing" any additional files onto the user because of the root space limit.

I guess I'll just add links to additional icons / icon sets to the first post, so everybody can decide for themselves what to upload to their root space.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Cheers thanks for the great work! Would it be possible for you to post the editor folder icon as well? Also, with the new version CuteMPC is detected (it wasn't detected before).
Nathraiben's Avatar
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 408 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by pyther View Post
Cheers thanks for the great work! Would it be possible for you to post the editor folder icon as well?
There I promised to attach them to the first post and then totally forgot to actually do so...

It's fixed now!

Also, with the new version CuteMPC is detected (it wasn't detected before).
Thanks for letting me know! That gives hope that it really works as expected now.

Btw, of course V1.0 will need a working readme, so I'll be writing one soon - anybody still up to the task of turning it into valid English before I officially release it?

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Posts: 23 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jun 2010
If you post a draft I would do my best to fix it up.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to pyther For This Useful Post:
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Thanks for the new update. (0.9-6)

MaePad now can be put into a folder.

Transmission also now listed.


The Following User Says Thank You to asyik For This Useful Post:
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Is it possible to move the icons in the menu while keeping ApMeFo activated? The menu structure reverts back to the default setup if I try to manually place any app before the folders.
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Toronto
Great app!!

I created a folder called 'Main', and for some reason, the contents of this folder also become the contents of the top level folder. Bug? Feature?

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