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fcrochik's Avatar
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Now that the donations issue has been handled, what about the voting?
How is it going to work? Starts on? Ends on? Who can cast votes? How? Where?

I remember reading somewhere that the idea was to use the "testing" repository voting system. Is it? I am curious because the "new" applications are bound to have bugs and every new package with fixes will have a different "voting instance" on testing. Also, I find voting on "testing" a bit cumbersome, it would be better if we could bring a lot of the community to vote.... just my 2cts.

My maemo work:
For Harmattan:
GeePS - native UI around google maps - GApp - access to optimized mobile "google apps".
Shutdown - shutdown and reboot with one click - QuickCall - one click call, skypeout and google voice integration using dial tones.
WakeOnLan - wake computers on your local network.
For Maemo/N900:
GApp - access to optimized mobile "google apps". - MobWebMail: browser optimized to access multiple gmail accounts
MyContacts: 75 Contacts on your desktop, ring tones per group and more - GeePS: native front-end for google maps
Macuco2 : web browser to access web sites optimized for the iphone - WakeOnLan: wake up computers on your local network
dbBrowser: Simple application to browse sqlite databases

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Nathraiben's Avatar
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I'm not quite familiar with the limitations of the forum's voting feature, but wouldn't it be possible to simply create a topic for each category with a list of the applications to vote for?

An added benefit might be that in the first post of those voting threads, additional information for each project provided by the developers (where to download, short description, screenshots, links to websites and development threads) could be added to help the voters with making a decision.

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Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
Kalle, Im not sure how much you have donated so Im going to put you down as a '??' on the list, in the meantime, til I find out. It'd be great to see you get involved with a project as well!
I donated 40eur (minus the fees). But I'm afraid I'm not gonna made it to this one. I would need to upgrade to Snow Leopard and still would get only the beta version of the SDK. So I rather wait it to be more mature. I have no interest in fighting to put on the basic environment - i want to get straight to business

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Originally Posted by kalle View Post
I donated 40eur (minus the fees). But I'm afraid I'm not gonna made it to this one. I would need to upgrade to Snow Leopard and still would get only the beta version of the SDK. So I rather wait it to be more mature. I have no interest in fighting to put on the basic environment - i want to get straight to business
Just use some Linux in a VM and install the SDK there.

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Nathraiben's Avatar
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Or succumb to the dark side of Python programming...

(Btw, for everybody who already did that: Eric runs from within EasyDebian, and pretty fast/stable/smoothly, too.)

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epage's Avatar
Posts: 1,684 | Thanked: 1,562 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Austin, TX
I've just entered Gonvert. Its an existing program but has had "significant" changes. I'll let others judge if they are significant enough to be worth being in the competition
  • Rewritten to use Qt in preparations for Meego
  • "Favorites" for unit categories and units
  • Quick Jump
  • Recent Conversions selection
  • Adding a single window Category, To, From conversion mode.
  • More? I can't remember
770, n810, n900, Ideapad S10-3t
TheOneRing, DialCentral, Gonvert, Quicknote, Multilist, ejpi, nQa, Waters of Shiloah
Programming Blog

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zehjotkah's Avatar
Posts: 2,361 | Thanked: 3,746 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Berlin - Love this city!!
Small update, new donations:

€10,00 EUR
-€0,54 EUR
=€9,46 EUR

€15,00 EUR
-€0,64 EUR
=€14,36 EUR

€20,00 EUR
-€1,13 EUR
=€18,87 EUR

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my contribution for this coding competition:

I put it in the category "Other" in the competition-wiki page.
Because there is no "Office" categery. Or should it be
"System & Utilities" instead?


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No!No!No!Yes!'s Avatar
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OK ... Queen BeeCon Widget release is now in extras-testing queue and candidate to reach EXTRAS
Partial Change Log since 0.1.4
queen-beecon (

  * New: Nothing - Release Candidate to Extras ( ->    
  * Changed: Nothing - Release Candidate to Extras ( ->
  * Bugfixing: Nothing - Release Candidate to Extras ( ->

queen-beecon (1.0.0)

  * New: -
  * Changed: -
  * Bugfixing: - 

queen-beecon (

  * New: Added "On Sight" Update Policy (If flagged, content is not updated if widget is out of sight (on other desktop) or if display is locked or in stand-by)   
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which holds "On Sight" or "Out Of Sight" status: $QBW_ON_SIGHT (true=QBW Instance is "ON SIGHT", that is widget is on current desktop and display is not locked or on stand by. false=QBW Instance is not on current desktop and visible or display is off or on stand by)
  * New: DBUS method "is_on_sight" which returns true (QBW Instance is "ON SIGHT", that is, widget is on current desktop and display is not locked or on stand by) or false (QBW Instance is not on current desktop and visible or display is off or on stand by)
  * Changed: Optimized usability of settings for Widget Width and Height
  * Changed: Optimized progress animation logic for visibility when instance not On Sight
  * Bugfixing: - 

queen-beecon (

  * New: Implemented per-instance progress animation with customizable number of frames, timer, position and possibility to have it shown or hidden (Now every instance can have its own progress animation) + Settings for Hide/Show, frames #, timer, position and basename. 
  * Changed: Extended error message text to all DBUS methods
  * Changed: Now when command or script do not return any output no more "No Output" text gets printed inside the widget
  * Bugfixing: Added error message if non existing parameter is supplied to all DBUS methods "set_param_*" 
  * Bugfixing: Under certain conditions HotSpot Index was not properly reset in case update policies prevented execution of script from happening. Fixed.

queen-beecon (

  * New: -
  * Changed: Line width for widget contours FX when widget pressed set to 1px    
  * Bugfixing: Reentrancy issues for DBUS Monitor. Fixed
  * Bugfixing: "If you enter a long name for the title, the right part of the prefs gui isn't visible anymore and you can't scroll to the now hidden gadgets!". Fixed. Area is now scrollable also horizontally.
  * Bugfixing: Issues with positioning of small widgets with respect to bottom and right margins. Fixed. 

queen-beecon (

  * New: REVOLUTION!!! :) Implementation of multiple (9 = grid 3x3) Hot Spots to click on the widget. Clicked Hot Spot Index Position can then be passed to the executed script via Parameter Variables Substitution $QBW_HOTSPOT_PRESS (0=Not Pressed or other update policy,1=Top Left,2=Top Center,3=Top Right,4=Center Left,5=Center,6=Center Right,7=Bottom Left,8=Bottom Center,9=Bottom Right)
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which hold Proxy related information: $QBW_HTTP_PROXY, $QBW_HTTPS_PROXY, $QBW_FTP_PROXY, $QBW_SOCKS_PROXY, $QBW_RTSP_PROXY (In the format <host:port>)
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which hold Proxy related information: $QBW_IGNORE_HOSTS_PROXY (In the format <host1;host2;host...>)
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which hold Proxy related information: $QBW_AUTO_CONFIG_PROXY_URL
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which hold status or persistency information stored in configuration via DBUS method call set_param_string string:"rememberMe" string:<rememberthis> : $QBW_REMEMBER_ME. Useful, for example, for remembering values like counters across subsequent command executions. 
  * Changed: Logic to purge configuration settings of non-existent QBW instances from configuration file. (Check/Purge performed at every entrance in Settings dialog)    
  * Bugfixing: Reentrancy problem with Settings dialog box. At times, in case of laggy interface, 2 or more instances of dialog were opening. Fixed. 
  * Bugfixing: Incomplete unreferentiation of DBUS resources. Fixed. 
  * Bugfixing: Incomplete unreferentiation of callback functions for async command execution and timers. Fixed. 
  * Bugfixing: Incorrect logic for updating when widget desktop was active/on. It was updating also when active widget's desktop was swept off. Now updates content only if "Update on Desktop" is TRUE and Widget's Desktop is being swept on. Fixed. 

queen-beecon (

  * New: Added supplementary progress images/icons (cycle is "queen-beecon-progress[0-3].png") searching logic in directory storage in this order 1) "~/Mydocs/.images/queen_beecon_dir" 2) "~/.queen_beecon_dir"   
  * New: Added button in Command Edit dialog to add instance only commands to the list of stored commands   
  * New: Implementation of following DBUS methods: get_current_results_text (Get current content of results text) 
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts which holds the current content of results text ($QBW_CURRENT_RESULTS_TEXT=Current content of results text)
  * Changed: Default shape for Beecons is now rectangle. Hexagonal cell will be only shown when pressed  
  * Changed: Shadow/Light effects on widget surface, either when pressed or not, are now fixed in size (~4px)  
  * Changed: Changed some logic in simple Command Edit dialog box  
  * Changed: After instance imported, now advanced dialog box closes and reverts back to settings with all parameters reloaded
  * Changed: Changed Warning and Information notification in Advanced Settings to display hildon_banner*  
  * Changed: Changed DBUS connection acquisition for DBUS Monitor.  
  * Bugfixing: Refined and fixed logic for DBUS Monitor initialization and deinitialization   
  * Bugfixing: Changed and fixed logic for handling/displaying Exit Code if error spawning asynchronous command  
  * Bugfixing: New asynchronous execution logic was not releasing file handles. Fixed

queen-beecon (

  * New: Ability to execute scripts by intercepting specific DBUS broadcasted signals/methods/errors issued by the system or other applications + Relevant configuration parameters (Ex.keyboard lock, slide open/close, ecc.)   
  * New: Parameter Variables substitution for using with scripts triggered by intercepted DBUS broadcasted signals/methods ($QBW_EXEC_REASON=QBW_DBUS_MONITOR, $QBW_DBUS_VERBOSE_OUTPUT=Verbose Output see wiki)
  * Changed: Changed icons for displaying command execution in progress (shown when script in progress and hidden on execution completion)
  * Changed: Package installation now performs an automatic restart of hildon-home process
  * Changed: Synchronization in asynchronous script execution logic for Exit Status and Output   
  * Bugfixing: Memory reallocation bugs fixed in new async command execution logic  

queen-beecon (

  * New: Added icon for displaying command execution in progress (shown when script in progress and hidden on execution completion) 
  * New: Implementation of Asynchronous Non Hildon-Home blocking command execution (Test Drive is still Synchronous for command timing evaluation purposes)  
  * Changed: -  
  * Bugfixing: Memory reallocation bugs fixed for all string values management in settigs dialog box  

queen-beecon (

  * New: Added custom timeout in seconds for periodic update, not just predefined list of values
  * Changed: Restyle in settings configuration for Update Policies, Fonts & Colors Buttons  
  * Bugfixing:  

queen-beecon (

  * New: Parameter Variables substitution usable by script (Ex. Own Instance ID, Reason for updating content)
  * New: Implementation of Command and Results text orientation angle (w/ relevant configuration parameters)
  * New: New extended color dialog for background and foreground colors (Old color selection deprecated; backward compatibility for instances exported from previous releases is guaranteed and settings upgraded as necessary)
  * Changed: Restyle in settings configuration for Beecon Command Exit Statuses area & Command Title/Results Settings area + changed color settings appearance  
  * Changed: Removed Help hints from settings dialog box (refer to the WIKI)!  
  * Changed: Changed transpacency settings both for beecons and for snippets... now both are less transparent  
  * Bugfixing: Disabled instance (icon) wasn't correctly drawn on startup; fixed 
  * Bugfixing: Memory deallocation bug for >=3 Exit Status image file beecon_idxge2_ImgFilename; fixed 

queen-beecon (0.1.9)

    * New: New extended font dialog for command and results labels (Old font selection deprecated; backward compatibility for instances exported from previous releases is guaranteed and settings upgraded as necessary)
    * Changed: Due to new font settings implementation, exported instances from this release onward will have their fonts reset to command="Nokia Sans bold italic 12" results="Nokia Sans bold 12" when imported in previous releases
    * Bugfixing: Some fixing and cleanup in package install/uninstall 

queen-beecon (0.1.8-testonly-PR1.2)

    * WARNING This release is for testing purposes only as PR1.2 upgrade brought some instabilities which need forensics!!!
    * New: Implementation of DBUS methods: reset_rearm_timer
    * New: QBW is now integrated into the N900 system backup/restore features according to standard specifications as better described in SDK "Using Backup Application"
    * Changed: Completely revised Timer logic and reset/re-arming for widget periodic auto-update
    * Changed: Visual feedback when Beecons pressed; now rectangle gets drawn as well as cell (better chance of noticing feedback for canvas-less Beecons)
    * Bugfixing: Fixed segmentation fault if dbus get_position method called and dbus_method_monitor turned on 

queen-beecon (0.1.7-PR1.1.1)

    * NOTE: Special Build for PR1.1.1
    * New: Implementation of Widget Instance visibility toggle and configuration parameter (for showing or hiding the widget also via DBUS)
    * New: Implementation of following DBUS methods: dbus_method_monitor, show, hide, wakeup, sleep, update_content, update_layout, exec, set_param_string, set_param_int32, set_param_uint32, set_param_double, set_param_boolean, get_param string, set_position, get_position, get_exit_status
    * New: Implementation of following DBUS signals: sig_content_updated
    * Changed: Enhanced DBUS implementation for Widget2Widget & System2Widget Inter Process Communication
    * Changed: Changed default values for some Update Policies in new QBW instances (updOnStartup now defaults to FALSE; updOnDesktop now defaults to FALSE) to prevent bugged Beecons from freezing hildon-home even after restart
    * Respect: To Many, many, many, many, many thanks for supporting QBW IPC implementation 

queen-beecon (0.1.6)

    * New: Simple DBUS implementation for Widget2Widget & System2Widget Inter Process Communication
    * New: Added Widget Instance ID in Settings Dialog Title
    * Changed: Compiled Vs. PR1.2 

queen-beecon (0.1.5)

    * Changed: Thanks "qwerty12" disabled automatic capitalization for all text entry fields 

queen-beecon (0.1.4)

    * New: Implementation of Widget Instance disabling and minimizing on desktop (click on minimized icon on desktop will wakeup and maximize instance)
    * New: Implementation of image/icon scaling function for all images used (Zoom In/Out from 5% to 200% or Fit to Widget Width/Height)
    * Bugfixing: In Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box several bugfixes for Import/Export commands and instances.
See complete Change Log in the WIKI

Time for v1.0.0.1 to go to Extras-Testing
Please go to this link, test and thumb-up QBW so that it can be promoted and reach EXTRAs ASAP
Have a look at Queen BeeCon Widget (WIKI) Customizable and flexible widget-based multi-instance monitoring, alerting and interactive tool for the N900
Please provide comments and feedback for having QBW supported and enhanced further - (DONATE) - v1.3.3devel / v1.3.3testing / v1.3.3extras

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Posts: 1,086 | Thanked: 2,964 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Is it really coming to the last week already!! Eeek! Don't leave it to the last minute to try and package them up!

By the way we have a project drop out.. me! I only just realized my entry was still in the participants table. Obviously I can't enter so I'll scrub it from the table

Originally Posted by fcrochik View Post
Now that the donations issue has been handled, what about the voting?
How is it going to work? Starts on? Ends on? Who can cast votes? How? Where?
Im going to try and keep it simple with a forum vote on a thread for each category. I haven't made the thread yet because we wont know all the entrants until the deadline, also people will start voting right away.. then ask to change it later

Originally Posted by nicolai View Post

my contribution for this coding competition:

I put it in the category "Other" in the competition-wiki page.
Because there is no "Office" categery. Or should it be
"System & Utilities" instead?
Welcome nicolai Hmm sounds a bit "Systems & Utilities"-y to me In the end the decision is yours and what you feel best fits your application

Speaking of categories, these are the categories and entries we got listed on the wiki so far.

No!No!No!Yes! - Queen Beecon Widget
Ianaré - Moon phase widget
b0unc3 - maenotify-0.4
Slocan - FeedingIt (Home-Screen Widget only)
fcrochik - Contacts Desktop Widget
Venemo - Sticky Notes

mmlado - PeQersi
smoku - Bos Wars
smoku - PSX
Slocan - Flobby
thp - TBA

Graphics & Multimedia
amandalam - eSpeak GUI Client
jolouis && Spenc3 - NetSlider
helex - DreamRemote
fieldofcows - Classic Cam
fieldofcows - Classic Print
Candas1 - PythmBox
Dotblank - Groove
joorin - footify, a Spotify client
Ben Lau - PenPen Sketchbook
vmp - eSpeakTime
Andrea Grandi Lorenzo Bettini - mSoma

Location & Navigation
pine - MetroMap
tahitibob35 - Libellule
webhamster - Advanced Geocaching Tool (new Features)

rmerren Old School
JMacalinao - Tumblr for N900
lullen - tbd
Mikhail_Ramalho && Rodavelino - TweeGo (new features)
nicolai - scout

System & Utilities
lukash - Case File Manager
jolouis && Spenc3 - Flipclock 1.0
JereM - NetStory
CaCO3 - ShipRolling
Rob1n - AutoComplete Editor
krk969 - TBA
CaCO3 - SleepAnalyser
helihyv - KitchenAlert
artohyv & helihyv - URPO
amandalam - Stroke Order Chinese Input Method
Nathraiben - ApMeFo
AlexBravo - Nokia Bots on N900
realsportcars -FastSMS
matrim - Extended Call Log
Ed Page - Gonvert
davidh101 - ParcelGenie
emesem - Push-It!
Ianaré - Tipqalc

digitalsurgeon - I havent forgotten you, but you currently have Easy Wallpaper down as Utilities & Desktop, it has to be one or the other I'm afraid I'll let you decide which one you want!

rmerren - I edited your entry from saying "misc (do we have a useless category?)" to 'other', oh and we don't have a 'misc' or a 'useless' category either

Please feel free to update the wiki at any time if anything above is incomplete/incorrect or otherwise needs edited... or let me know and I'll do it for you.

Oh also, let us know if you're stuck or you need any help getting your projects packaged up - remember we're aiming to get these on extras-dev/testing
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-07-14 at 13:24.

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