
Poll: Would you buy freyja media player from ovi store?
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Would you buy freyja media player from ovi store?

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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by fmo View Post
I would definitely buy it if the price is reasonable (less than £10 if it's really good) and it has the following features:
- Equaliser (with presets)
- Hardware accelerated (thourgh DSP) because of battery usage
- Cover automatic download
- Easy playlist creation/management.
- Support for mp3/ogg/flac (at least mp3 hardware accelerated)
- A bit of eye candy
- Landscape and Portrait mode
I third that...
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that would be too good to be true
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Originally Posted by fmo View Post
I would definitely buy it if the price is reasonable (less than £10 if it's really good) and it has the following features:
- Equaliser (with presets)
- Hardware accelerated (thourgh DSP) because of battery usage
- Cover automatic download
- Easy playlist creation/management.
- Support for mp3/ogg/flac (at least mp3 hardware accelerated)
- A bit of eye candy
- Landscape and Portrait mode
I fourth that

+ Video adjustment ( Find good fits in TV out screen sizes )
ToJa92's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fmo View Post
I would definitely buy it if the price is reasonable (less than £10 if it's really good) and it has the following features:
- Equaliser (with presets)
- Hardware accelerated (thourgh DSP) because of battery usage
- Cover automatic download
- Easy playlist creation/management.
- Support for mp3/ogg/flac (at least mp3 hardware accelerated)
- A bit of eye candy
- Landscape and Portrait mode
That plus visualizations and lyrics downloader would be an instant winner in my book. Oh and stutter-free FLAC decoding when doing other stuff.
Posts: 1,427 | Thanked: 2,077 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Sydney
If it's "great", people will pay for it.

Adding to fmo's list:
- Asian language support (display of file names and tags)
- File / folder browsing with file and folder playback options.
- MAFW support like MediaBox (allows volume control while locked)
- Big buttons mode like for when driving etc.
- Various full screen vIsualization effects option during playback
- Audio quality / experience improving effects options. (SRS WOW etc)

btw, are you good at making a video player also? Would love a good video player that manages to play up to 720p video files via using the DSP. (HW can do it but no SW can on N900 atm) With all the nice options such as zoom/pan/scan/ratio, bookmark support for certain times of the video, audio options etc. (or even a very nice front end of mplayer - alternatives to kmplayer or sib)
mrebanza's Avatar
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Originally Posted by admiral0 View Post
Hi people, i am considering to code a media player for mobile Qt platform (maemo,meego, symbian) and sell it on ovi store.

The things i got in mind is rating, dynamic playlists (à la amarok), lyrics display, maemo widget and a cross-platform sync app.

It would be really fun to do, but i'd like to see how many would buy it.


(PS. in autumn me and a friend will probably add to ovi an app useful for wardriving (GUI) )
I don't think too many people would buy a music player app . . . even for 99 cents because ever phone already comes with an app for that.

But I think a better idea would to be to hook the App up too amazon that way you can earn PC off every purchase they make and it could (IN THE LONG RUN) Add up too alot more.


You can use the Yahoo image search api for that

And show them related artists . . . Also using Yahoo's Related Searches api and BANG you got a kick *** free music player than generates income !!!!

This is the same model that Firefox took and they are quite successful.

You can't sell a Web Browser. Your PC comes with IE for free but if your free browser kicks but than you make money on the advertising fees.

For each artist give uses the option to search with a Google Custom search or to shop for mp3's on amazon!

Bang now you got two streams on income that will only stop when people stop using your app!

They better it is the more people will use it and tell their friends about it.

Build in some TELL-A-FRIEND social networking nagging once in a while and it could end up making you allot more money than you every could have made by tring to sell it for .99 cents to users who have never ever tried it or heard of it.
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video player with no resolution limit would be sick. its what it should have

nagware.... GET F___
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jun 2010
it depends on the prize & the quality
Posts: 143 | Thanked: 205 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Originally Posted by jakiman View Post
- MAFW support like MediaBox (allows volume control while locked)
Since mm apps needs to block the screen dimming for video anyhow, it's easy to use that same routine for volume keys.
Something like this is add to kmplayer-0.4.900 (extras-devel)

if (has_video) {
osso_display_blanking_pause (osso_context);
} else {
DBusConnection *conn = (DBusConnection *)
osso_get_sys_dbus_connection (osso_context);
DBusMessage *msg = dbus_message_new_method_call (MCE_SERVICE,
MCE_REQUEST_PATH, MCE_REQUEST_IF, "req_keypad_off_pause");
dbus_connection_send (conn, msg, NULL);
dbus_connection_flush (conn);
dbus_message_unref (msg);

(else branch keeping the hardware keys alive).
IIRC, there is even a simpler osso function for that, but makes the app depend on pr1.2, so I did it like this
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2008
Originally Posted by fmo View Post
I would definitely buy it if the price is reasonable (less than £10 if it's really good) and it has the following features:
- Equaliser (with presets)
- Hardware accelerated (thourgh DSP) because of battery usage
- Cover automatic download
- Easy playlist creation/management.
- Support for mp3/ogg/flac (at least mp3 hardware accelerated)
- A bit of eye candy
- Landscape and Portrait mode
I also think that these are great features in a media player but what i would personally pay money for is a PATCH for the default media player that would fix what everyone is complaining about considering that it already has some of the list above ,so in my opinion why create something from scratch when you can do much less of the work for greater benefit ( overall improvement for the the n900).
anyway thats just me .


Last edited by crazy_agent; 2010-07-11 at 05:20.

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