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Originally Posted by rebhana View Post
I would suggest creating a new wiki page for such advanced topics as bootable Debian and then linking to that in the Easy Debian page. Otherwise the Easy Debian wiki might become prohibitively heavy reading, in particular for new users.
Yeah, that's a good point. If I ever get to that point of understanding, I'll surely do that. The wiki is already lengthy, but I think with a good table of content, it would be easy to navigate a good deal more information that I could surely have used instead of spending the past several hours messing around with the setup.

OTOH, do you think it's off-base to create a new thread just to ask my question? (I would like to get some help and clarity before I go around making new wiki pages, especially since I'm inexperienced in the wiki and just registered now.)

This easy-debian thread is particularly high in traffic, and I'm afraid my questions are going to be lost in the flurry.

Last edited by radiochickenwax; 2010-07-11 at 11:14.
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Hi, guys!
I live in Russia.
Configured the Easy Debian, all russified. The keyboard works well.
But. I can not type russian.
Explain again how to fix?
(Sorry for my english)
Thanks! You are doing a great job!
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Originally Posted by Sabalt View Post
Hi, guys!
I live in Russia.
Configured the Easy Debian, all russified. The keyboard works well.
But. I can not type russian.
Explain again how to fix?
What does it mean that the keyboard works well yet you cannot type Russian? Can you explain more precisely what the problem is?

And what did you do exactly in configuring Easy Debian? Did you follow all the relevant instructions in the wiki?
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Originally Posted by rebhana View Post
What does it mean that the keyboard works well yet you cannot type Russian? Can you explain more precisely what the problem is?

And what did you do exactly in configuring Easy Debian? Did you follow all the relevant instructions in the wiki?
It means "generic" maemo keyboard layout switcher does not work in Easydebian, thus making national layout inaccessible.
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All done on the instructions in the wiki.
Keyboard "Fn" + Up, Down, $, etc. work correctly.
LXDE, OOo entirely in russian. Made dpkg-reconfigure locales.
But applications can enter text only in English.
I can not switch to russian, to write.
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Originally Posted by Sabalt View Post
All done on the instructions in the wiki.
Keyboard "Fn" + Up, Down, $, etc. work correctly.
LXDE, OOo entirely in russian. Made dpkg-reconfigure locales.
But applications can enter text only in English.
I can not switch to russian, to write.
I wonder what's the crucial difference to German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, or Polish, where localization seems to work. How is it on the Maemo side, when you just have booted. Is the keyboard then already Russian, or only after you switch language? Do you do that by Ctrl+Space perhaps? That might get disabled by using xbindkeys unless you remove the corresponding entry from /home/user/.xbindkeysrc.
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how do I mount a folder to function as the desktop in lxde desktop?
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Is it possible to view the Fremantle file system (/etc /bin /sbin /usr) within Easy Debian? I would like to use PCmanfm to access/move/change files with root access as this is the most effective file manager available
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Xbindkes staged in autostart. Remove from xbindkeys switching ctrl + space.
The terminal can write in Russian. In LXDE can not.
Crying :'(
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by Sabalt View Post
Xbindkes staged in autostart. Remove from xbindkeys switching ctrl + space.
The terminal can write in Russian. In LXDE can not.
Crying :'(
So can you write Russian when you start GUI applications such as openoffice through debbie instead of LXDE? That's not too bad then!

Do you have to switch to Russian by Ctrl+Space initially? If so, perhaps it helps to open XTerminal, type "debbie-sue", switch to Russian, and then type "debwm".
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