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Can you make the app runs smoother? it's quite slow and less responsive than the standard camera app. Also if you can add video recording would be a great replacement of the original phone app.
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Could the interface (specifically, the buttons on the left and right sides of the frame) be a little brighter? The app becomes very difficult to use in bright sunlight.
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BlessN900 is interesting, but the HDR pictures taken with it are not as good as the ones made with the script earlier in the thread. I think the stops are not far enough apart, or something. The problem with the pictures taken with the script is that the focus didn't work.
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i think blessedn900 could do alot better if it could somehow when used sleep all other programs during use. remember this is a true multitasking unit.
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Originally Posted by eugene.panich View Post
Please clarify - there's no EXIF in your photos taken with the standard camera? you can report this, along with sending an example image file by mailing to
EXIF isn't available with BlessN900.
Mail send with samples. I guess it isn't supported yet, right?
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So it seems there is another option now for HDR. "HDR capture" is a Nokia Research proto type based on fcamera. A similar app "low light" has also been released as well as "fcamera" itself.

Nice features in each one of these but unfortunately they conflict with blessN900.

Havent tried any extensively but thought you all might want to know
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Originally Posted by FarmerF View Post
So it seems there is another option now for HDR. "HDR capture" is a Nokia Research proto type based on fcamera. A similar app "low light" has also been released as well as "fcamera" itself.

Nice features in each one of these but unfortunately they conflict with blessN900.

Havent tried any extensively but thought you all might want to know
Tried the hdrcapture app yesterday. Had to uninstall blessN900 to be able to install it right (else wouldnt be able to install one of the dependencies, that looked like a kernel module, fcam-driver or something like that). Maybe have some conflict with the Titan's kernel or something related because after installing it (and rebooting as instructed) the default camera app stopped working, and couldnt load the hdrcapture app neither. Uninstalling and rebooting fixed the problem anyway.
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Originally Posted by gmuslera View Post
Maybe have some conflict with the Titan's kernel or something related because after installing it (and rebooting as instructed) the default camera app stopped working, and couldnt load the hdrcapture app neither. Uninstalling and rebooting fixed the problem anyway.
Could be, dont know. I installed it on the default kernel, rebooted and the original camera app and the new fcamera, hdr and low light apps work. Have to play around with it some more before i can comment on quality but at least there are a lot of new settings to play with Only miss the blessn900 zoom function.
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Ever since I installed FCamera, when my N900 does something that involves display rotation (e.g., stock Phone app, WifiEye), I get a flash of green on the display during rotation. Is anyone else seeing this?
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I too have the green flash when rotating with wifi eye. As I never rotated the app before I do not know whether it is caused by Fcamera or not. I did notice white pixels when I have FCamera open and then switch to the desktop. These disappear after closing the app so that's not that bad.

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