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....Need help.... bootmenu has no choice "Maemo"..
I press 0 but is looping to nothing. Please help, i cannot boot to phone!
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well been about 12 minutes still nothing,
Posts: 490 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on May 2010
Install midnight commander and just open archive there on one side and the target folder on the other side. press tab to switch sides. select the side where contents of the archive is and press + and * and F5. it should copy everything from archive into the folder.

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finally it dis something but ended up with error saying compressed file is broken
Posts: 230 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Jun 2010
i got it work but then most of the app open end up with force to close and wait pop up message...and i notice its realllllly slowwww...
Posts: 490 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by ryanl33x1511 View Post
i got it work but then most of the app open end up with force to close and wait pop up message...and i notice its realllllly slowwww...
NITDroid-N900-0.0.5-4-Final.tbz2 ?
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this is my 4th time doing it from scratch, using bzip2 for the last time now, If this dont work will buy one more new sd card, and try tomorrow.
Thanks guys
Banned | Posts: 206 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Vancouver
Excellent work on this build guys. Is there a way to swap the functions of the power and back key? I use back far more often, and it would be nice to have it more easily accessible.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Thank you for the great work. But am I the only person who find everything is too small?? Icons, fonts...
And I see the unlock screen is just part of the whole screen, but the animation is incredibly smooth in there.
How can I lower down the resolution?
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Go back into maemo, and mount your android partition in /and;

cd /and/system
nano build.prop

and scroll down to ro.sf.lcd_density and set it to 240 ( higher value means lower res )

Hope that helped

Originally Posted by Callensunny View Post
Thank you for the great work. But am I the only person who find everything is too small?? Icons, fonts...
And I see the unlock screen is just part of the whole screen, but the animation is incredibly smooth in there.
How can I lower down the resolution?
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