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Originally Posted by kureyon View Post
Not sure why Omweather needs reboot though, that always bugs me - maybe written by ex-Windows programmers
I don't think it does need a reboot - it just needs the widget removing from the desktop & re-adding, but a reboot is the simplest way to get that across to the average user.

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Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
Before running Optimize. The N900 had become sluggish and audio was stuttering.
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Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
The n900 feels Smooth and buttery again
Thanks a bunch for the script!
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Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
Originally Posted by Dr.Marcial View Post
maybe this is a nooob question, but putting a # infront of the line does inactivate the command no?
so only echo 3 in this case is being executed?

btw when I ran the script it restarted my theme as well, i was using the Black Plastic theme and it took me back to original blueish water nokia theme, is this a expected effect?

thx for the script, my n900 slows down 80% after a couple of days and its all because of Microb leak, the more i use it the slower the entire system gets.
# will not execute the line
echo 3 > .... drops caches for both 1 and 2
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
[QUOTE=evad;761980]Yes, there is:

This is too much / too hard for the end user. How about something that monitors and logs CPU, memory, io, etc. for each process in fine details with timestamps? This way I can at least find what process / operation is being a bully so I can investigate it further?
Posts: 214 | Thanked: 256 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by noipv4 View Post
The n900 feels Smooth and buttery again
Thanks a bunch for the script!
Thanks! All your comments make me very happy
If you see on this You can notice that he had 170.40MB of RAM used (71%), and also 189.93MB for Swap Memory used (12%).
After running the script, he posted this and now you can notice that he have 140.20MB of RAM used (58%), and 93.13MB for Swap Memory used (6%).
The script lowered the RAM memory on 18%, and the Swap Memory on 50%, based on the numbers above. Don't know but, I think it is working well
Posts: 210 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by JorgeFX View Post
Thanks! All your comments make me very happy
If you see on this You can notice that he had 170.40MB of RAM used (71%), and also 189.93MB for Swap Memory used (12%).
After running the script, he posted this and now you can notice that he have 140.20MB of RAM used (58%), and 93.13MB for Swap Memory used (6%).
The script lowered the RAM memory on 18%, and the Swap Memory on 50%, based on the numbers above. Don't know but, I think it is working well
okay so now that i am feeling comfy with this install and execution, what is the latest script that Jorge has out? anyone able to provide the file?
Posts: 214 | Thanked: 256 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by ddiscodave View Post
okay so now that i am feeling comfy with this install and execution, what is the latest script that Jorge has out? anyone able to provide the file?
Only the first post. The other file only adds one line but it is useless on this script, I had tested the script for months and that line by itself does not make any difference, so, in the university told me "if you can do it with 100 line, then DON'T do it with 500 lines, stay simple"

Anyway, this is the first post
and this is the other file

Soon I will be updating the script with some suggestions I have seen, but It may last one or 2 weeks because I have to test every script to the limits to see if after 7, 10 o 15 days of use it develop any problem. So, please be patient. 2 months of test for only one script is a lot, the script is very mature as I posted first, thank GOD. Feel free to try it and please write us back with your results and experiences. Meanwhile, as I always say, GOD Bless You ALL!

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Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
When i run the script it states that it is optimized but in all lines there was also the messages 'nothing was changed or killed'...

Am I doing something wrong?

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q8phantom's Avatar
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Kuwait
First, Thank you a lot my friend for the script, I have an idea to make things simpler and easier you could do the following :
Download the script and have in in your Root N900 Folder
excute this command in terminal :

Dont use spaces in what ever you want
mv ~/MyDocs/OptimizeN900 ~/<whatever you want easy to remember>
then everytime just run the terminal and
$sh <whatever you want easy to remember>
if you want to get the file back to n900 root
$mv ~/<whatever you want easy to remember> ~/MyDocs/OptimizeN900
Example :

mv ~/MyDocs/OptimizeN900 ~/optimize
then I can directly use this command when I open the terminal

$sh optimize

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faster, reflash, refresh, script-a-brick, sell it

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