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Posts: 107 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2010
sad sad news
Posts: 82 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Why don't they release the patched wlan drivers anyway?
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2010

because they want us to focus on their project, we hope for it being free (as they tell us), we hope for their release dates and guess what.. open-source will be closed-source, free os will be paid os, project release date will be pushed further away each week and stupid excuses will be given.

It's easy to think that something good can't be true for free. It will be either good and paid, or crap and free. I'm going with good & paid (& released somewhere near 3050)

The Following User Says Thank You to WorldKaoss For This Useful Post:
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Belgium
I am not sure I understand all this thread. Backtrack is free and good. This is the obvious evidence that free software can be great. If any of you disagree why are you arguing on a forum talking about its implementation on the N900...
Regarding the implementation it self, I would love to have packet injection, however using backtrack to crack wep key is a little bit under the capabilities of such great piece of software.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 182 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Seattle -
I want to clear some of the air.

First off, the project merger with BT had come about under the impression that there would be a small dev team behind it. Unfortunately, those whom were to be involved were very busy with their lives to contribute anything.

I am and have been the sole developer for the project. I have developed 1000% of everything, less the driver on my own. That was not what I wanted. I made a commitment to do this project, and have spent hundreds of hours to make it happen, picking up the slack of others - ensuring that the development wheel remain spinning.

As most others, I have full time 9-5 (+ overtime) employment obligations and a family. I have dedicated most all of my spare time into testing, cross-compiling, scripting, coding, debugging, and pushing the theoretical envelope in developing this project. Putting this project before family in the few spare hours I have outside of my full-time job is my only regret.

I'm obligated to pay the developers that are contracted to provide elements of this project. Since things have changed, and there isn't any other real help in sight (plus the fact that all 2 of you donated $20), I'm forced to develop at a realistic pace and offer those that have been emailing me left and right over the last 4 months, a pre-configured beta release on microSD. I'm not going to build many of these, but they will have the same thing I have on my phone.

When the beta is fit to be considered a final, meaning that all of the design tasks are implemented and a SAFE and viable installation method has been created, the final objective will be to let the masses have at it. Until then, it is what it is.

Closing thoughts

For those of you that feel as if I owe you something, guess what? I do not. I'm praised in emails for my efforts, but at the same time, I'm reading a lot of garbage being said about me and my project. The latter gives me less motivation to invest time to develop something for you to download at your leisure.

If you negative people still have something negative to say after reading this, you can hire your own engineers and develop your own fscking OS if you think you are capable.

All I can say is be patient. I'm skimming through some of the emails I have received by those offering development support and will reach out to them to build a core dev team as soon as I have a beta setup in a week or two, and will invite them into the Redmine project as their skillsets dictate.


Last edited by neopwn; 2010-07-28 at 09:16.

The Following 23 Users Say Thank You to neopwn For This Useful Post:
Posts: 243 | Thanked: 146 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Knowhere
Thank you for clarifying the situation. I quite understand the difficulties but there has been no real call for donations either here or by email to those who subscribed - had there been I am sure that you would have received significantly more than you have.

Is there any reason that the donations field of has been dropped? If you still need to pay people then I am sure that a fair number of people on this forum would like to contribute.
Please don't clutter the forum with questions that have been answered many times previously. Either use Power Search or check the following useful threads.

The Following User Says Thank You to hellnick For This Useful Post:
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by hellnick View Post
Is there any reason that the donations field of has been dropped? If you still need to pay people then I am sure that a fair number of people on this forum would like to contribute.
i was going to donate to this project when complete but it seems it is to late for that im sure alot of people would donate if it help to get you back on track with developing this further
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Feb 2007
first of all let me thank you for your posts (here and on neopwn site). I perfectly understand your feelings and difficulties if having found yourself the only person behind a huge (at least from my very own point of view) project.

I'm among those who (guilty) didn't send you a penny, but as hellnick said, there wasn't any public call for donations ( sorry if that's untrue). Also, from an enduser point of view the project looked more like a "professional" service with enough people behind in order to get things done. This, I think, was a fault on both sides, mine and "your". A lack of communications on your side and a lack of interest on my side. Again, sorry for that. By the way, I think there is no reason to keep complaining and regretting. Just move ahead! Both of us! And whoever is *really* interested in having this project working.

I'd be more than happy to (seriously) help and support/endorse the project.
Drop me a line if you are interested.

Last edited by maddler; 2010-07-28 at 09:50.
Posts: 336 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ France
Yacketi-Yacketi-Yacketi-Yack. Bla bla bla. Yada yada yada.

I call bollocks on you neopwn. And on your project. I've been an OS supporter for a number of years, a dedicated user, and an understanding contributor. More than anything, I understand the need to feed a family, but you're going a bit too far.

There's open source, and then there's vaporware. When you released the teasers, I was a happy camper. I finally felt that we were getting somewhere, and praised your word on multiple media. Now, you're sounding more and more like a snake oil salesman. Sorry.

You're moaning that nobody donated? You never asked for it, and never gave us anything so we would. You're moaning that Open Source devs are shallow and can't commit in the long run? What cave have you been living in? You never asked for help, so don't cry when you run out of steam.

Nobody (except for the parties involved) knows what happened between you and the BT devs. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself, we can't smell despair. Especially when you don't communicate.

Do you want help from some of the greatest minds in this community, with regards to things such as (but not limited to) project management, donation hunting, coding, packaging, installer development? Then dump your work on an FTP, or bittorent, dump your code and documentation on gitorious, and watch it take off and fly uninterrupted around the world. You will have hordes of supporters and contributors, and you won't have to manage all of it and burn out as you just did.

You decided to do this. You decided to do it on your own. You decided to think everyone who lays hands on whatever you've created is a ***** and will blow up a nuke plant nearby. You put yourself in this mess, so please at least have the courtesy to accept that.

Also accept the nearly unlimited help you would receive if you were to open up. I know MohammadAG and I were nearly checking daily for something. MohammadAG is exactly the kind of guy you could use, but you're spitting in everyone and their brother's face by behaving like this.

You want to share your microsd? Use dd and share it. You want to make a few bucks? Then say so. Be frigging honest.

Anyone can create the teasers you've created. How the hell do you expect us to take you seriously. For all we know, the MAC changing feature just modifies a field in Qt. The bash script just uses wait and prints whatever you want it to. There's no proof that you've accomplished anything. Feel free to join IRC to discuss this further.

Again, I call bollocks.

PS: You're the one who promised and didn't deliver, so yes, you owe us. Those who donated got conned. Don't mount your high-horse now. You're a fraud, nothing less, nothing more. I'm serious about this. There is a lot to be done, but it is nothing if you allow others to help. Open up and move on.

The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to CrashandDie For This Useful Post:
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Feb 2007
well, despite being somehow "rude", CrashandDie points aren't wrong. As I said in my previous post, NeoPwn didn't looked like an *open* project but more like a professional service.
That's true, just letting ppl download and try the actual alpha/beta/whatever could greatly change how ppl feel about this project and, most likely, more people will be attracted and interested in contributing.

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