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Originally Posted by cseals3 View Post
Follow up to earlier comments:

Okay, I know I'm a little dense sometimes, but MAYBE I've discovered a problem?

I tried reformatting the mmc to make sure it wasn't a swap issue, still problems. So I reflashed again. THIS time, however, I checked Tools/Control Panel/About and found that I had version 4.2007.26-8, NOT 4.2007.36-2.

So I redownloaded the file from the link on Maemo, made sure that I got the following:


Re-flashed and STILL 4.2007.26-8!

Wazzup with that!!??? And yes, it finally crashes HARD, with battery removal the only option to reboot.

I guess it's back to 2006 for now... THANKS ALL!

Carl - frustrated Linux tinkerer
Strange, really stable here ... more stable than OS2006 I say. Also the device always look really fast. Never experienced a slow down.

Only rare problem have had is reboot/crash due to wifi usage.

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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Wow, you already did the mmc speed up patch? You are way ahead of most people. I have not tried yet
Fanoush kernel with MMC speed-up is a must ... really boost the whole system (if the OS is installed on the MMC card).

right now I'm using the multiblock writes version without any problem.

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Regarding the mmc driver install, it's really easy and doesn't take long. Fanoush pretty much has everything at his site

that you need, except perhaps for the flasher utility.

I just downloaded the file that he recommended (there are several versions) to my trusty ol' linux box, and flashed it to the 770 like you would an OS install. It was finished almost before I realized it.

I tried the standard "52Mhz" kernel first, then after seeing that work, went for the "multiblock" kernel. Biggest pain was having to find and download (apt-get) "unzip" to break out the .zip files. Not sure why they're in .zip format.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure that he has kernels for 2007HE. Also, I didn't try flashing the 770 directly on the device as he said could be done. I was more comfortable doing it from the laptop...

This should help speed things up even if you don't have your OS loaded on the mmc, because it will speed the swap file, right? It seems to work for me, but it would be interesting to have some sort of measurement.

Hope this helps someone, all have a great weekend!

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Originally Posted by cseals3 View Post
Come to think of it, I'm not sure that he has kernels for 2007HE.
2007HE use 2006OS kernel and initfs ... but for some reason last 200HE use OS2006 2.2006.39 one and not OS2006 3.2006.49 updated version.

Originally Posted by cseals3 View Post
This should help speed things up even if you don't have your OS loaded on the mmc, because it will speed the swap file, right? It seems to work for me, but it would be interesting to have some sort of measurement.
In fact since jffs2 is a compressed file system, the internal flash is really slower than mmc card. And with the right driver (fanoush mmc kernel) you can boost the speed of the mmc card ...

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Failed to see a speed difference after installed the MMCplus52Mhzmultiblockw on a 2007He2007.36-2 MMC 2 G Kingston system, whereas observed a 2X speed enhancement on a 2006OS 1G Kingston system.

The system still works and works fine, very disappointed that there is no speed difference contrary to other posts in the fora. I also installed the MMCplus52Mhz in the 2006OS MMC 1 G Kingston system, and it flies, at a speed at least 2X from before. What gives? Suggestions? Comments?

More details as follow,

I have 2 MMC cards, a 2G Kingston and a 1G Kingston MMC mobile. I have cloned 2007He2007.36-2 on the 2 G and 2006OS on the 1 G and both are rock solid stable, working fine. Well, wants to try the MMCplus52Mhz patch. Not quite sure how to go, so starts with the 1G 2006OS as a trial, went without a problem and the system now flies at a speed 2X when compared to before the patch. And upon bootup, saw two minor differences on top of the speed difference,

1) the bootmenu used to have the clock count down on the top right corner, disappeared upon choosing MMC2 boot, and will lock into that menu unless the center button is pressed.
2) Upon pressing the center button, it will boot up but the blue progress line on the bottom of the screen will fly only 3/4 of the way, not to the end, the system booted.

that is the 2006OS with the MMC52Mhz patch, is what everybody sees or mine is different? Upon measuring the speed, it is at least 2X faster in loading the opera page. and the system works fine.

Now here is the 2007He,

I now inserted the 2 G card which has the 2007He system cloned. (This is right after I patched under the with the 2006OS 1G system). it booted up and also lost the right top corner clock, i.e., it showed a difference. but the blue progress line went to the end and there was no measureable speed difference. The system runs fine, it just fails to show the speed enhancement that everybody has experienced.

OK, maybe it needs to be patched when the 2007He is running, is it, or is it NOT?

So I redo the MMC52Mhz patch under the 2007He system, and got the same results, no speed difference, it still boots with losing the clock counting on the right hand corner, and blue progress line goes to the end, speed remains the same, no enhancement.

Any gurus/sr/jr members/newbies suggestion, where to look, what to do, or just accept, I goofed?

I do not have a Linux box, so test under that is not possible. Both of my Kingston cards are from Neweggs, reputable source.

kind of frustrated now,


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-22 at 15:05.
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How I did it? I dl the the 2 files from Fanoush web site directly onto my MMC card, the kernel_flasher.tgz, and the I unzipped zImage file under Xterm, gainroot, tar the .tgz file, then flash the system while both flasher and zImage are at /.documents. How long it take? Less than 5 minutes. How does it work? See the above post.................

frustration persisted,
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Does your 2GB card support high speed or multi-block mode? Sounds like it may not.

Both OS 2007HE and OS 2006 will be using the same kernel - the kernel is stored in internal flash and the same kernel is used when booting from internal flash or MMC, so the only difference is likely to be your cards.

A better test of improved performance than looking at the boot progress bar is to to time a dd read (examples elsewhere in various SDHC threads).
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
So I redo the MMC52Mhz patch under the 2007He system, and got the same results, no speed difference, it still boots with losing the clock counting on the right hand corner, and blue progress line goes to the end, speed remains the same, no enhancement.
'losing the clock' means you pressed some key, it is there only if you don't touch any key.

As for speed, did you actually measure something or just looked at the blue bar? The bar is probably calibrated for N800 so it is too optimistic in both cases. Try to measure real time till system boots completely. Also dd test is best for testing raw card speed, seach forum for 'dd if=/dev/mmcblk0'.
Newbies click here before posting. Thanks.

If you really need to PM me with troubleshooting question please consider posting it to the forum instead. It is OK to PM me a link to such post then. Thank you.
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Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
'losing the clock' means you pressed some key, it is there only if you don't touch any key.
That is correct. If I did not touch anything, a clock count down from 29 to 0 and internal flash booted. But if I pressed the down arrow key to hi light the MMC2 boot up, but not pressing the center button, the clock count disappear and the menu stays on screen till I press the central button and booting start. I thought befor the patch, I would shift the hi light to MMC2 booting, and even if I did not press the central button, clock continue to count down and finish with MMC2 booting as mmc2 is now being hi light. I just try to convince myself that I did flash the patch and a change did occur, it is not important.
__________________________________________________ ________
As for speed, did you actually measure something or just looked at the blue bar? The bar is probably calibrated for N800 so it is too optimistic in both cases. Try to measure real time till system boots completely. Also dd test is best for testing raw card speed, seach forum for 'dd if=/dev/mmcblk0'.

__________________________________________________ ________

Yes, I did measure the time as I have reported in the past. I actually clocked the time to boot up and boot down, and 1st inet web page show up and 2nd inet page show up, and gnumeric spreadsheet recalc etc, they showed no difference. Again, I mentioned the blue progress bar just to show if anybody observe similar behavior, that will convince me the patch was flashed correctly.

And yes, I also clocked the same behavior on 2006OS MMC 1G system patch and no patch. OMG, it is flying at least 2X faster on webpage loading, again, initial loading is more dramatic than subsequent loading. So does gnumeric sheet is also faster, and mplayer loading 500 songs cut from 67s down to 31s. these are all measured against my prev post, ave of 3 trials. But............I dont use 2006OS! I have been using 2007He since the new 2007He release. I went back to 2006OS occasionally in the past, if I have to use some video stuff and since then I have learned how to do with videocenter/mplayer/media player, and have no intention of booting 2006OS.

Mil's comment about whether it is compatible with MMCplus patch is a thought. plan:

try to measure the dd if=. If it turns out to be no improvement, I am thinking to reflash the 2007He and reclone the 2007He 2G and then, of course re-patch the MMC. What really really piss me off, if the result remains the same, I would SCREAM. well, we'll see........ thanks Mil and Fanoush the quick response. Today is Saturday, I am having with videocentere hacking, will readdress the issue when I am bored.

I have attached the spreadsheet clocking of all 4 OS, the 2007He flash, 2007He MMC, 2007He MMC with MMCplus patch, and 2006 flash, 2006 MMC and 2006 MMC with patch.



2007He flash 2007He MMC 2007HeMMCplus 2006OS Flash 2006OS MMC 2006OS MMCplus
Boot 54 50 40 38 36 25
Inet 1st load 44 44 32 45 44 15
2nd load 8 9 7 7 8 6
Gnumeric load 13 11 10 16 15 11
recalc 8 8 5 7 7 6
switch off 8 10 8 10 9 11
loading 500songs
TVersity/inet 8 7 7 8
TVersity/mediastreamer 9 8 8 9
Mplayer 65 67 32 Not available
DSLreports 520 500 Not available
1stloading 11 11 8 10 7
2ndloading 12 10 9 11 7

I am sorry, dont know how to post table in this forum. Basically, it is a comparison among different OS, well, it is unreadable. I may try to post a .jpg later. sorry.


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-23 at 12:07.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Umm..................I think we have a problem here.

I did exactly like the following,
__________________________________________________ _______
#2 07-29-2007, 07:59 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 27

Re: How can I test my read speed of my MMC


In XTerminal, As root type: time dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=40000

Mine took 30secs but thats with the MMCPlus Modified kernel and MMCPlus card. I dont know what a good speed for a normal card and/or normal kernel is.

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#3 07-29-2007, 08:20 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 4

Re: How can I test my read speed of my MMC


I also have the modified kernel loaded on my 770. I used the zImage-su-18-200639-2gb-mmcplus52Mhz-multiblockw version. My test results with a Kingston 2GB MMC card is:

/home/user # time dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=40000
40000+0 records in
40000+0 records out
real 0m 29.83s
user 0m 0.09s
sys 0m 3.85s

__________________________________________________ ___QUOTE]

And the result, is exactly as above! I also confirm with a real time clock, and the result is also 29.5 seconds. Well, looks like my patch is alright, and I am curious to see those that did not patch and post what is the time counts for 40000 records on a 2007He2007.36-2 MMC system, the more the merrier, post any system you like, just for the record.

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Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-22 at 22:48.

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