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Posts: 63 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009
ok. I was already mad about over priced games.
for Angry birds, you have to pay some penny in iPhone for full game, you have to pay 2 dollars for each levels.
and the game Zen Bound, it's 5 dollar. I was already mad.

and the frustration starts here.

I just bought these two games, and I just looked up my card use list.
and there was problem.

with price of my games, which is $5 and $2, there was two extra charges by Ovi, $1.53 and $1.52.

I was like "WTF."

and I sent email to Ovi, and it's been two weeks, they are completely ingnoring my email.

and I don't know if this will help me but I have to post Ovi's dirty work.

I know some will say

"fool it's your fault," I don't care.

I will send email again.

does anyone knows Ovi's phone number? (US)
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I'm sorry that you're having a problem; however per this forum, let me tell you what will go down next.

People will say something about you complaining about the prices, especially since you compared the prices to the Apple iPhone app versions, and then start going in and saying negative things like "You should have bought an iPhone..." or something like that, meanwhile never offering a real solution or answer as to why you were charged extra.

And so forth...

Now... what I think you should do is dispute it via your credit card company. They can do the investigation for you, in parts at least and get you some resolution as to why you were charged $3.05 on top of your $7.00 OVI purchase.

Regardless, ignore the flamers and I hope you get some resolution through that manner. First I've seen of anybody getting charged extra. Do those charges have some type of itemization number or declaration as to what it may be?

Just thought that bit of information might help others help you out... if they do.

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Can't speak to the unknown charges... should definitely get that resolved if you can spare the time (at least so other users don't get dinged as well).

But man, complaining about $2.. or $5 game prices...

How things have changed.

In my day, games started at $50. And probably had the same amount of developer and artist time.

$2 buys you a couple cans of coke. A bottle of water. A minute or two of cell roaming. A few km in a taxi.

Angry birds probably took a team of 5.. 2 months to develop, test, and ship. Hours of entertainment... for the same $2.

I'm not a developer, but sometimes I wonder how these guys do it.

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I so called it (see above)

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Posts: 63 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009
thank you Gerbick, and I'm not sure why is Ovi never respond to my email.
thank you again.
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I did a quick Google search, not an in-depth one and I honestly cannot locate a phone number that would possibly jump you over some hurdles.

I keep landing here:

I seriously would suggest going through your card - AMEX is great for these kind of things - to secure an explanation.

But even after speaking with a couple of OVI users, they couldn't answer your question either. Sorry man. And ignore the flames. They'll invariably bring absolutely nothing to the table but an unsolicited point of view that doesn't help you out at all.

I hope it works out for you in the end man.

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Posts: 33 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Could it be international transaction charges that you're seeing? I know each bank has a different definition for what constitutes an international transaction and also different fees for it.

Definitely dispute the charges with your bank. Even if it's a couple bucks, it's still unauthorized if coming from ovi. Goodluck.

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Posts: 247 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on May 2010 @ limassol cyprus
dispute dispute dispute!!! and dispute again.... dont let these ****ers get away with it! , cos if they do they will do it to more people, and probably are...
someone said this in another thread:"a satisfied customer will tell one person about it, but an unsatisfied customer will tell many"

I say not only dispute, but make sure you tell as many people as you can, so they dont get screwed either.....

Hope you sort this out, cos that amounts to stealing, and god knows after what nokia did to the n900 buyers, they really dont need to steal anymore... right?
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Surely it's illegal to levy additional and hidden charges on purchases? If something is advertised for $x, the customer must only pay $x. Ovi must make any additional charges abundantly clear at the point of sale, or refund those amounts that have been withdrawn without approval. If the bank is charging these amounts, again Ovi has to make it clear that there may be additional charges (although why there should be I have no idea, currency conversion is the only possible reason that comes to mind).

Best of luck getting these hidden charges reversed - this is just one more reason why Ovi Store is one big fail and why I'm steering well clear of it. It seems that many people have been hit by hidden charges to one degree or another, it's a complete fraud IMHO (IANAL).

Any developers that have wasted their time trying to help Nokia make a success of Ovi Store while watching them fck it up time and time again must now be crying into their beer and wondering why they ever bothered.

Not responding over clearly suspect financial matters is poor form from Ovi, but honestly what else would anyone expect? They're too busy writing a comic.
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on May 2010 @ limassol cyprus
Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post

Not responding over clearly suspect financial matters is poor form from Ovi, but honestly what else would anyone expect? They're too busy writing a comic.
Yeah! wat the fck is all that about anyway? wat a load of crap!!lol A comic?! pls.....

angrybirds, fool it's, i called it, not really, ovi has 20 apps, ovi is gay, your fault

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