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It's in extras-testing currently and is expected to land in extras in about 10 days.
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
isn't this 110% how things should be?
Which part ? I would think that widget styling should not be user dependent.
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Just to formalize - if you tested the latest tweakflashver you can leave QA feedback here:
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Which part ? I would think that widget styling should not be user dependent.
afaik widget styling is normal user dependent. that just is the way it is. (read: I don't know better about reasons why etc..)
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Originally Posted by flareup View Post
now where's that N8xx version?
A small followup on this - there is slight issue that the N8xx Flash has a shorter version string so it's more difficult to fit in the later version numbers. It's not a showstopper though, it's just we can't use the same version strings.
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This ia a good initiative, but unfortunately, today I tried (first flash based thing that I could think of) the southpark site and the shows didn't load.

I'm afraid nokia needs to seriously consider if it will support N900 or not. I'm not willing to start all over again with there I was last winter - a fresh OS with almost no apps, nor am I willing to wait for a flimsy community support based Meego.

If there's no way of somehow bringing/dumping (or even officially supporting) flash from a meego image on the N900, N900 will be my last Nokia/meego/symbian/or anything else spawned by nokia ever.

I sure hope someone at nokia realizes the disappointment they're causing or I'll have to place nokia, (together with sony) on my "never buy anything from them again" list.
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Originally Posted by Bec View Post
This ia a good initiative, but unfortunately, today I tried (first flash based thing that I could think of) the southpark site and the shows didn't load.
As mentioned a few times (and in fact in the About of the app itself) it is not a Flash 10.x upgrade replacement, nor does it try to be. It is a hack to avoid WRONG site requirements.

If there's no way of somehow bringing/dumping (or even officially supporting) flash from a meego image on the N900, N900 will be my last Nokia/meego/symbian/or anything else spawned by nokia ever.
You mean from Harmattan. MeeGo images (as run by the Linux Foundation,, etc) do not (and will not) include Flash.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
A small followup on this - there is slight issue that the N8xx Flash has a shorter version string so it's more difficult to fit in the later version numbers. It's not a showstopper though, it's just we can't use the same version strings.
thanks for the updates on progress, realy apprecitate it and look forward to utilsing on n800.

will this problem affect functionality?
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got a small problem last night while streaming on youtube,

as the video loads after 30 secs, the browser (micro B) keeps refreshing, it keeps doing it that its impossible for me to finish watching a 3 min video.

i have not tried Tweak Flasher yet and i do not claim that the problem is because of tweak Flash.

just cant find a specific thread (or right thread) to post this.

NOTE: a reboot fixed the problem, i just wonder why this happened for the 2nd time to me.
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

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N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;
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Originally Posted by flareup View Post
thanks for the updates on progress, realy apprecitate it and look forward to utilsing on n800.

will this problem affect functionality?
No, but I don't think version tweaking will be overly productive on Diablo, because the chances of sites actually using something that IS too advanced for the plugin are a lot higher than with Fremantle. Will still make a version as it is fairly easy to do it, but... have realistic expectations
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facebook video, flash 10, flash 10.1, poormansflash10, tweak flash

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