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I just bought my new N800 from eBay. Itīs a very great tablet, but... There were no instructions included in my Nokia box and I donīt know what is the default lock code (not screen lock, code should be ex. "0000" or "1212") of the N800. I donīt want to lock my tablet if I donīt know the default unlock code -_- Can anyone help me?

thank you
krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Have you tried 12345?

That's the default lock code on many Nokia smartphones, perhaps it is on the tablets too.

Oh, welcome to the forum by the way! :-)

Last edited by krisse; 2007-09-25 at 17:56.
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Yep, it's supposed to be the same on the N800 too (I've never used it though).
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anidel's Avatar
Posts: 1,743 | Thanked: 1,231 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Twickenham, UK
It is not. I've also been wondering which one is the default one.
Is it written in the manula ? I don't remember I saw it.

EDIT: just checked, the default one is supposed to be 12345. Weird...
krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Has anyone here actually tried 12345?
anidel's Avatar
Posts: 1,743 | Thanked: 1,231 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Twickenham, UK
As you can read from our messages, yes... and it is not working. At least for me and sourceguy.

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