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What are you "farewellers" doing with your old N900s?

Mine had a tragic accident last month and I've been using a Nokia 6030 as a backup since. I miss the N900 and all it's quirks and non support.

So if any of you that are jumping ship wish to help out a fellow member, I'd be happy to take that old N900 off your hands!
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Linux 2.odd and Linux 2.even. I assure you that Maemo Summit 2008 was not a marketing effort targeting regular retail customers. It was a completely non-glossy developer event. That's a different audience.
I guess alot of us here do follow bits of information about the device more than the average buyer.
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i still like this device, am I going to be accused for fanboyism and have burnt in fire for that?

This thred shoud die...
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If such threads had their own subforum it could easily be transferred there and detagged on the feed.

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Originally Posted by longcat View Post
i still like this device, am I going to be accused for fanboyism and have burnt in fire for that?
Hopefully not.

Originally Posted by longcat View Post
This thred shoud die...
Why? The thread is still on-topic; it is discussing reasons why people arrive at the same point OP has arrived at. If you can't stand that, avoid the thread.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
I've seen nothing to even hint that Nokia shelved plans to release and fully support Maemo 6 on the N900 due to the merger into MeeGo. I don't believe such a plan ever existed.
I've seen nothing that supports that there will be anything other than a attempt to get MeeGo onto the N900 officially - and what will not be supported officially. I think the accompanying announcement when PR1.2 came out didn't exactly spell out that anything was coming that will be fully Nokia supported.

Be it Maemo 6, Harmattan or MeeGo Community Edition; go back and look at the way it was phrased. It will not be a supported OS despite the N900 being the current way to develop for MeeGo.

Beyond the codename itself, little information about Harmattan was public prior to Maemo Summit 2008. It was at that Summit, when community developers were just getting information on the general architecture of Fremantle for the first time, that Nokia began talking about Harmattan as the great thing that lay beyond.
It's 3/4ths through 2010; nothing supports what you're saying. Nokia themselves said "no"... did they not? No more talks about 2008 summits, or 2009 releases, in 2010 alongside PR1.2, they stated that Nokia would not support Harmattan/Maemo 6/MeeGo 1.1 on the N900.

The burden of proof to show otherwise is truly upon those that believe otherwise. Not on me to prove myself right. There is current evidence that states just that.

Do you have proof that states how Nokia will support, release and allow for updating to Harmattan/Maemo 6/MeeGo and it not be a community supported only endeavor? I'll accept links and/or pdf links. I don't listen to idle banter nor idealism too well any more.

That's what happened on the Flash

That 2008 Summit also marked a peak in community frustration with Nokia. The announcement that Fremantle wouldn't be made available for N8x0 devices hit hard, and a few good developers, important enough to be brought to the Summit on Nokia's dime, left in disgust. Had Nokia plans to bring Harmattan to the upcoming "Maemo 5 lead device", that would have been a good time to do it. "With the Internet Tablets, we've been leaving old devices behind when the next big thing arrives. Due to a performance jump and a lack of cellular data hardware, we're forced to do that again with Fremantle. Sorry. We've learned though, and it won't be happening again. Maemo 5 devices will be upgradable to Harmattan." Nope.
Deja vu.

By Maemo Summit 2009, MeeGo talks with Intel must have been underway, but that wasn't announced. A few details of the Harmattan hardware platform were announced though, and overall, they sounded quite similar to the N900s that were handed out--except for the shift to a capacitive, multitouch display. Was it, "Don't worry though, the Harmattan UI is fully usable without multitouch, and an upgrade will be available for the N900"? Nope. Paraphrasing, it was: "Supporting both resistive single-touch and capacitive multitouch would be hard in a UI."
And now that resistive versus capacitive screen discrepancy is what some folks from Nokia is using to say exactly why MeeGo will not come out officially for the N900. Right?

The MeeGo announcement didn't doom the N900. MeeGo just put a new, shiny coat of paint on the already approaching Harmattan release to make it more noticeable. Good or bad, what was, is, just under a new name.
It may still be coming... but I don't quite think that you understood what I wanted. Allow me to reiterate: I want Nokia to support the upgrade, not the community, not a second or third party, Nokia to support it. That is what is not going to happen.

I haven't stated anything else; I will not state anything else. I refuse to dive into semantics... I'm being rather straight-forward. Harmattan/Maemo 6/MeeGo on the N900 will not be an officially supported upgrade. That came directly from Nokia.

If it has changed, I'll accept being fully wrong upon a, Ovi Blog link only. Nothing lesser.

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Originally Posted by mchu6am4 View Post
and sadly bye bye Nokia as I've opted for an Android's a much more exciting and fun OS albeit not as powerful as Maemo!

Good bye for now...Ash
Strange i'm running Android on my N900 at this very minute courtesy of devs like dj_Steve. Even using the market place as well. Great to be an N900 owner..
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Originally Posted by Nagaroth View Post
Oh wow... I must have missed in the forum rules that for being entitled to an opinion you must first attain some undocumented amount of thanks first.
Has anyone said that the original poster is not entitled to an opinion? Could you point out where this was said?

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I turned to the iPhone 3G, then jumped back to the N900 and have to say cant wait to get back to the iPhone
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Originally Posted by gregc2009 View Post
What are you "farewellers" doing with your old N900s?

Mine had a tragic accident last month!
It's possible that some of the farewellers' N900s may also have met with "tragic accidents"?

Not that I condone that sort of thing... I frequently encourage my [not very techie] gf not to slam her delicate fist on her laptop when some flash-based website doesn't work the way she expects...
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