Poll: How many times do you have to remove the battery on your N900?
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How many times do you have to remove the battery on your N900?

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Madrid, Spain
Mine has never frozen.

The most noticeable and reproducible slowdowns are always caused by the Application Manager... man, what a piece of sh**...! My youn 4 year old nephew could have programmed it much better.
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Well My N900 had not froze ever since i purchased it , i did face a couple of problems with applications crashing ( Mostly the Browsers) and also When i had installed a custom kernel .

Without that it's perfect
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 732 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Finland
Originally Posted by Patroclo View Post
My N900 freezes each time I put it into the freezer.
pics or it didn't happen
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
urm mine is rock stable. if it seems unresponsive, it is usually down to an app that is chewing CPU cycles. i just leave it for a while (maybe 15 to 30 seconds) and the end task option usually pops up by then.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Same as Droll and never had to pull the battery
Posts: 324 | Thanked: 739 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Mine never freezes. Slowdown used to occur but I found out that it was due to the browser (the browser process won't ever finish even if you close all the windows), so I installed Browser Switchboard and configured it to close microb and now everything is fine.

Running it @805 MHz with SmartReflex on.

Last edited by traysh; 2010-08-12 at 16:36. Reason: Adding info
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Yorkshire, UK
I don't believe the results. My N900 freezes all the time, it is a piece of utter sh*te.

It freezes when I copy more music across. I know it is indexing but the CPU runs at 100% it seems, and then it gives up everything for around ten minutes. Doesn't tell me it is indexing like it used to, just hangs while it does something. It also does this if I connect via PC mode or mass storage mode. It just indexes itself to see what has changed. Usually nothing but it still takes the agonizing time to look.

Found a thread that said too much muic is bad for it. That is very true.
Also found the same thread that said music on a storage card is bad for it. Should be internal. So what is the point of a storage card?

Pulling the battery is the only way to resolve this, hildon just loves to hog the CPU. Although that has started corrupting the app manager, which forgets the repositroy AND installed apps.

Had to use "apt-get -f install" to resurrect this turkey and it wasted three hours of my life. Yesterday in fact.

Everytime I start music from scratch. It stutters, jumps to 100% and around 13 seconds of silence counts down through a track before I hear noise again. So I either need to wait, or pull the battery as the power button won't help me.

Every time I open app manager. I hvae nothing but problems and time outs while it gives up, trying to first up date and then whatever little trick it does that it isn't telling me. Even with my repositories disabled (all of them) it still wants to do it's thing and freezes as a result. Froce quit is the only usual result. However of course that corrupts it, requiring the apt-get -f route.

Every time I open a word document from internal memory using Koffice or Abiword, it will load it, crash. Hang for thirty seconds and then load it again.

Freezes when I get a call, I think that is between the phone app, the sound driver and the app I have for custom ring tones. One or the other doesn't work. And the result is around ten seconds of nothing as it struggles to cope. Usually results in a missed call.

If you use it for music, let the "power save" kick in to darken the screen. Then use the sliding swtich on the side of the phone to bring it back, nothing happens for a few seconds. Took me a while to figure out you are actually turning it off, so you need to do it twice to wake up from power mode. OR it only needs it once but the power save also puts the CPU to sleep and you have to wake it up from cold to do something. Bless the crappy little CPU.

Hangs every time mid way through a film and I press the screen to get the little icons for pause. Takes five seconds of stutturing noise and choppy film before it hangs and then gives me the icons. Sometimes dropping the app completely and dropping to desktop. The blessed little CPU can't hack film playback AND something pressing the screen at the same time. Perhaps it is watching the film as well and not paying attention?

If I do the above and it has gone back to desktop. It crashes when I want to continue playback. Saying the chosen format is "not supported." Despite having just played it. That requires a battery removal as it then goes onto say none of the files or music are supported. Of course after battery removal it indexes everything for around thirty minutes. Telling itself what is has and if things might have changed.

fMMS hangs my phone and drops connection as whatever internal process goes on kills something else and the phone gives up for a few moments. Luckily no one sends me photos anymore because I had to ask them not to. So fMMS isn't used that much.

Erm think that covers the day to day crashes and freezes. I don't use it for anything else, phone is crap, internet is crap as I can't get tabbed browsing with flash 10, so I have to use the horrible "create a web page all the time" browser. So it is a multimedia device first and foremost. And the CPU can't seem to hack this fact.

And recently the weak and uselss CPU is getting so crap at day to day tasks, while on charge via usb from the PC. I get the message more power is being use than supplied. Or something similar. It is that pants it is using more on indexing and its own internal "things" and freezing than it can draw in power from the PC.

And restarting itself. Yep done that four times now, usually over night. No idea why, once it was on charge, once I think it ran out of battery but restarted anyway and had some charge (go figure) the other two times, no idea. It does like to restart itself. Woke me up with the gay little hand shake tune. (And started indexing or whatever it does.)

Multi tasking my arse. My Tytn 2 was better than this.

Interesting vote though. Amazing what people put up with or how much difference there is amongst something manufactured the same way.

Since writing the above I went out for lunch. Tried to make a call. Heard a "zzzzt" Sounds and lost all phone capabilites. No carrier available error message and it wouldn't recognise SMS or phone. Had to reboot to get it back.

I love this phone.

Last edited by twigleaf1976; 2010-08-13 at 11:33. Reason: Another reason
Posts: 692 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Wow, sounds like you need to do a rootfs+eMMC reflash at the very least.
"Impossible is not in the Maemo vocabulary" - Caballero
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Yorkshire, UK
Originally Posted by GameboyRMH View Post
Wow, sounds like you need to do a rootfs+eMMC reflash at the very least.
I agree. Just haven't the time at the moment.
Posts: 137 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on May 2010
I've had to do 1 battery pull. And 2 soft resets. (had it for 3 months)

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