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Originally Posted by airone View Post
For example I have iPhone 3GS with iOS3 and Nokia N8 running Symbian^3. After half year iOS4 and Symbian ^4 are presented. The difference between iPhone and Nokia is that i can update my iPhone with iOS4, but for my Nokia there is no update. I must buy the new Nokia N10 for example. That's the problem. The possibility to upgrade your Nokia phone and stay tuned. The only Nokia phone that is able to be updated is Nokia N900. You now that, but that is my point.
I don't know what the 'plan' regarding Symbian^3 updateability is, but the Qt story applies nevertheless - even older OSes get up-to-date Qt releases, so should be able to run all software, even that written for Symbian^4 or MeeGo. This is an important difference in comparison to the S60 days where the edition/FP determined what you can(not) do.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post

There is no doubt now that Nokia has lost many customers and potential buyers because of Maemo and i think Meego would in retrospect have to be their saviour or they will surely sink even further into the abiss.
what do you base this facts on?

Are u sure nokia had the plan to sell many n900 phone at all? In my country they havent even marketing it to the mass.
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Originally Posted by Odd_gunnic View Post
Let's not forget other manufacturers will be releasing MeeGo devices as well. If you keep this in mind the conversation changes. You might feel personally jaded by Nokia but does that mean you'd pass by an Asus or Acer flagship?
I don't think any other major manufacturers will release a Meego device in the first stage until Meego got many people to use and support then other major manufacturers will follow but it is not an easy way to make it happen by Nokia and I don't really think Nokia can archive it....
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Good point. But I think we'll see a varied amount of MeeGo devices earlier than the initial Android devices only because Meego's strategy, if intel and nokia are to be believed, encompasses the seamless synchronocity between netbook, tablet and handset -A strategy I think more companies are going to be endorsing. Overlayed on all this is the Qt strategy, which is supposed to bring some uniformity between the device platforms.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
I don't know what the 'plan' regarding Symbian^3 updateability is, but the Qt story applies nevertheless - even older OSes get up-to-date Qt releases, so should be able to run all software, even that written for Symbian^4 or MeeGo. This is an important difference in comparison to the S60 days where the edition/FP determined what you can(not) do.
program compatibility != os upgradeability

Qt offers the masses (initially) that their software will get updated; however the moment Qt gets past a certain set of features that can be supported by an older phone, then what?

That's not being addressed in regards to these updates in Qt. To my knowledge (and I might be fully wrong here) but Qt 4.7 will not be on the Nokia N810. Qt Mobility will never make it to Maemo 4.1 (Diablo) either. What does Qt offer in those situations once a device is old enough to not be supported by the new features?

It's all fine and dandy at this moment. Not so in the future. I think that part needs to be confirmed about how forward reaching these updates will be.

In the case of Diablo, it might not be that much further.

The fact that the OS will not get any updates is the other problem. Each iteration of Nokia's OS's being deadends... that's soon going to not be the norm due to iOS and Android not following that model. WinMo, Symbian and Maemo seem to be holding onto that archaic model; which I hope goes the **** away. I'd like to have an upgrade path that includes features, programs, bug fixes and OS updates included for my $500+ purchase. It would... at least be nice.

Last edited by gerbick; 2010-08-15 at 19:30.

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Originally Posted by Odd_gunnic View Post
Let's not forget other manufacturers will be releasing MeeGo devices as well.
Which manufacturers?
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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
Which manufacturers?
Handsets, Nokia and LG are known so far, their list of "partners" is quite long, but unconfirmed on if they'll be handset developers. "Devices" included auto manufacturers like GM and BMW, there will be some auto industry usage. There's also been a few tablets shown, but I couldn't remember their names - mostly Chinese companies.
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I have to see them before I believe it ;p
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
That's not being addressed in regards to these updates in Qt. To my knowledge (and I might be fully wrong here) but Qt 4.7 will not be on the Nokia N810. Qt Mobility will never make it to Maemo 4.1 (Diablo) either. What does Qt offer in those situations once a device is old enough to not be supported by the new features?

It's all fine and dandy at this moment. Not so in the future. I think that part needs to be confirmed about how forward reaching these updates will be.
Okay, as much as we're used to yell Nokia-abandonware, Qt had and still has a very strict policy about that.

See these platforms (note the S60 ones). Those platform are guaranteed to be supported in the next version, with a worst case deprecation in the release after that (so in the very worst case scenario, the very oldest S60 3rd FP1 can drop out in Qt 4.8, which would be around 2011Q4, 2012Q1). And that's 2007-8 hardware officially supported till 2012 as a WORST case scenario.

In the case of Diablo, it might not be that much further.
Yes, that ship has already sailed. Diablo never was an official Qt platform, sadly (it didn't even get the 4.6 update yet). Now, the good part is that Qt (and QtMobility) are *fully* GPL, so there is absolutely nothing preventing anyone from backporting it to Diablo. Ditto for 4.7, 4.8, etc (this also applies to S60 should it one day lose official support).
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Handsets, Nokia and LG are known so far, their list of "partners" is quite long, but unconfirmed on if they'll be handset developers. "Devices" included auto manufacturers like GM and BMW, there will be some auto industry usage. There's also been a few tablets shown, but I couldn't remember their names - mostly Chinese companies.
Either the other manfactures are really good at keeping the meego leaks or they are taking a wait and see approach with meego.

we've seen windows 7 leaks from several different manufactures
Samsung windows 7 phone

Asus windows 7 phone

HTC windows 7 leak

LG Windows 7 leak

If intel were to come out with there own phone ala google it might help peek interest in meego along side with all the nokia phones that will run meego.

teenage, wasteland

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