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Originally Posted by gft2k1 View Post
If you want to enable overclock in titan's power40:

download kernel-power-settings_0.11_armel.deb and copy the file to /home/user/MyDocs/tmp (please note if the tmp dir doesnt exist you will need to create it).

Open xterminal and as root:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/tmp
dpkg-deb -x kernel-power-settings_0.11_armel.deb /home/user/MyDocs/tmp

Now you should see in that directory two new dirs. One will be called usr and one called etc

You now need to copy those two folders into the system in "/" (not in "/root" !)

I use OpenSSH Server to do this (is simple )

If program ask you to overwrite file click yes to all.

Once you have done this the last step is to change the perms on the two binaries.

Open xterminal and as root:

chmod +x /usr/sbin/kernel-*

That's all !

Now keep in mind this means you wont get update notifications about kernel-power etc as you are essentially just copying files and not installing the package itself.
You dont need to do this now as the new multiboot fixed the comparability problem. Apt-get install kernel-power-settings will do the trick.
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Has anyone had any success with the 4gb Sandisk micro sd cards or are these still officially broken?
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Try it and see
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hi guys at first thx dj_steve with your help my N900 is an android now i the specifications i did read that bluetooth works so my question would it be possible to connect a bluetooth gps adapter to use navigon or tt on it? I dont know if the implemented BT Driver can emulate serial com ports. This is the way usually bluetooth adapter for gps are working.

Another little question if i open the musicplayer app i cant see any mp3. But when i use the Photo / backround app i can see all the pictures also from the n900 internal storage. Could anybody please explain what i maybe do wrong?

best regards Crown now an Android fan
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Originally Posted by crown77 View Post
hi guys at first thx dj_steve with your help my N900 is an android now i the specifications i did read that bluetooth works so my question would it be possible to connect a bluetooth gps adapter to use navigon or tt on it? I dont know if the implemented BT Driver can emulate serial com ports. This is the way usually bluetooth adapter for gps are working.

Another little question if i open the musicplayer app i cant see any mp3. But when i use the Photo / backround app i can see all the pictures also from the n900 internal storage. Could anybody please explain what i maybe do wrong?

best regards Crown now an Android fan
About the mp3's you need to create a folder in MyDocs (call it what you want) Move/copy your choise of music to it. NITdroid cant read/see the preefixed filders on the emmc. If you copy the music you will get double files in the native mplayer in maemo, but if you move it you wont
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Does anyone here try to use joikuspot mobile wifi connection as a wifi connection of a nitdroid? Hows the result? I tried it but cant connect., is there any workarounds?
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if joikuspot sets up a ad hoc connection nitdroid wont see it , if it makes a infrastructure one it should work

The Following User Says Thank You to dj_steve For This Useful Post:
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Ok, thanks for that info... More power on coding guys, hoping to see 3g data implemented on nitdroid in a couple of months. ;-D
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today i installed the newest version of the NITDroid (the installer one). Installation went fine, NITDroid is useable but I cant use the power kernels again. In Bootmenu I got maemo(default) on 0, maemo(default) on 1 and NITDroid on 2. Yesterday after the manual installation I was able to use the power 37 kernel. Anybody know what I'am doing wrong?

edit: redoing

cd /
tar xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot-power37.tar.gz

adds the entry for power37 to the bootmenu again that suits my needs for overclocking the psxemus in maemo. Thank you for your great work and help Jay-C, e-yes, dj_steve and mornage

Last edited by Enni; 2010-08-17 at 11:46.
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Originally Posted by Enni View Post
today i installed the newest version of the NITDroid (the installer one). Installation went fine, NITDroid is useable but I cant use the power kernels again. In Bootmenu I got maemo(default) on 0, maemo(default) on 1 and NITDroid on 2. Yesterday after the manual installation I was able to use the power 37 kernel. Anybody know what I'am doing wrong?
Same here.

I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling power40 and reinstalling multiboot-kernel-power_0.3_armel.deb. Still same. I don't see any item file or vmlinux file for power40 also. No idea what's wrong.
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