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blipnl's Avatar
Posts: 279 | Thanked: 231 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Holland
For general porposes
I was wondering what you would find the geekiest or coolest apps wich you would show off to your friends

What I could think of:

- Capsule 3d (3d viewing of demo files)
- Easy Debian (virtual PC!)
- Tweak Flash Plugin (flash 10 faker for flash 9 compatible movies etc.)
- ATI85 (texas instruments graphical calculator emulator)
- Transmission (torrent handler)

Not as if I want to compare my phone to my friends' but merely show what they have missed by buying something like HTC or iPhone4 Any ideas? Like augumented reality?
mikec's Avatar
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Nicolai's clock widget and my clock themes
N900_Email_Options Wiki Page

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Flip through my desktops and then Show about 12-15 windows in multi-tasking. X-term with whoami. SSH daemon.

Nothing real flashy, though. On the N97, even the iPhone guys would ooh and ahh at the betalabs photo browser flicking through 400 pics or so.
atilla's Avatar
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did you compare the n97 to the n900??
are you smoking something?
or maybe you drunk?
or maybe you are the 0,0001 percent who was happy with his n97?

Nobody likes us but we dont care....

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<10 chars limit>

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i would understand a bit if Uxl added mini on it
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;
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Conversations app. Many different online accounts are integrated in one place. It provides a great convenience to reach people. I would love to have Google Earth and Google Navigation were in Maemo5 or in the coming MeeGo.
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In terms of apps, there are hardly any I'm afraid.It's really sad.
All I can show off these days is some of N900's OS capabilities.

Such as:
- MicroB playing youtube videos in the background while multitasking.
- mplayer playing videos in the background while multitasking.
- xterminal (lol)
- old school midnight commander
- Ability to use queen beecon widget to make nearly any widget.
- Integration of many online accounts in contacts/conversations.
- Dual booting to NITDroid. But even HTC HD2 do this much better already.

There are far more cool stuff in Android/iPhone than N900 that's for sure.
But I still like the N900 due to hw keyboard, awesome multitasking capability.

Last edited by jakiman; 2010-08-25 at 21:20.

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N900 running Ubuntu, Nitdroid, Fedora, or its stock OS. Win win.

Agree ^^^ RDesktop.
blipnl's Avatar
Posts: 279 | Thanked: 231 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Holland
You are right folks many things seeming standard are only possible with Maemo 5.

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