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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Okay, 1.0.6 finally made it trough the build system and should be in the devel overlay shortly.

Please test the "First run issue"

I'll now include the two new suggested providers and continue to fix the remaining requests/bugs.
  • 1) after first install: launching via icon starts, does something, closes# **FIXED**
  • 2) several text input boxes are of too small height, they cut something fromthe font
  • 3) enter wrong (ie. misspelled password) account informations, no error message apears, instead it hangs forever win "18% ..."*not reproducible*
  • 4) Pressing a key long does repeat the character, not entering the blue key symbol (as is standard from firmware realese PR 1.2)
  • 5) Some minor english spelling problems, ie. the confirmation dialog "corecte number" or similar
  • 6) internation number format detection should be mad more robust: if the number is already stored in the format +49179xxxx" then it is not recognized, yielding double +49 etc *Not reproducible*
  • 7) Why is www2sms listed in Tools category instead of Network when I use Catorise? #**FIXED**
  • 8) Feature which selects automatically the first mobile phone number if a contact has more than one number? #**FIXED**
  • 9) If something went wrong with sending the "Send" button will stay greyed out forever and it is not even possible to select the written text and copy it (for a backup).
  • 10) remaining SMS
    **More or less done for 02online after sending, the remaing SMS are shown**
  • 11) contacts should be sorted like they are sorted in the address book
  • 12) search should support more than the first character
  • 13) Add MutluSMS (TU) provider #**DONE**
  • 14) Add Exetel (AU) provider #**DONE**
  • 15) Add voipbusterpro provider
  • 16) Add telbo provider


Last edited by blubbi; 2010-08-25 at 11:04.

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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by maya View Post
well, I do not know what you need, but the betamax has the same pattern. Something like:
https: / / / myaccount / sendsms.php
https: / / / myaccount / sendsms.php
always with login, password and phone number, of course.
Could you please use the following URL
and send a SMS?

I need the respons from the provider
A) When username and password are correct and the SMS was sended successfully

B) Username and password are correct, but no authenticated sender number was used

please paste the raw HTML code.

Maybe you can ask them to send you all there error codes.

blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Okay, here's v1.1.0
  • 1) after first install: launching via icon starts, does something, closes# **FIXED**
  • 2) several text input boxes are of too small height, they cut something from the font# **FIXED**
  • 3) enter wrong (ie. misspelled password) account informations, no error message apears, instead it hangs forever win "18% ..."*not reproducible*
  • 4) Pressing a key long does repeat the character, not entering the blue key symbol (as is standard from firmware realese PR 1.2)
  • 5) Some minor english spelling problems, ie. the confirmation dialog "corecte number" or similar# **FIXED**
  • 6) internation number format detection should be mad more robust: if the number is already stored in the format +49179xxxx" then it is not recognized, yielding double +49 etc *Not reproducible*
  • 7) Why is www2sms listed in Tools category instead of Network when I use Catorise? #**FIXED**
  • 8) Feature which selects automatically the first mobile phone number if a contact has more than one number? #**FIXED**
  • 9) If something went wrong with sending the "Send" button will stay grayed out forever and it is not even possible to select the written text and copy it (for a backup).
  • 10) remaining SMS
    **More or less done for o2online after sending, the remaining SMS are shown**
  • 11) contacts should be sorted like they are sorted in the address book
  • 12) search should support more than the first character
  • 13) Add MutluSMS (TU) provider #**DONE**
  • 14) Add Exetel (AU) provider #**DONE**
  • 15) Add voipbusterpro provider#**DONE**
  • 16) Add telbo provider#**DONE**

Last edited by blubbi; 2010-08-25 at 14:28.

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Maerkus's Avatar
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Germany
I have two questions to the latest version v1.1.0:
  • why is there a limitation to 125 characters
  • why is it now only possible to select the mobile numbers

Thank you for your work!!!
blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by Maerkus View Post
I have two questions to the latest version v1.1.0:
  • why is there a limitation to 125 characters
  • why is it now only possible to select the mobile numbers

Thank you for your work!!!
Which provider is limited to 125 chars?
Each provider has its own limit set (depends on what the provider allows on his website)

Landline numbers in general are uninteresting to send SMS to, aren't they?
And since the evolution binding for python is horrible it saves soe code to eliminate the Land-line numbers instead of moving them to the end of a dropdownlist.
Maerkus's Avatar
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by blubbi View Post
Which provider is limited to 125 chars?
Each provider has its own limit set (depends on what the provider allows on his website)

Landline numbers in general are uninteresting to send SMS to, aren't they?
And since the evolution binding for python is horrible it saves soe code to eliminate the Land-line numbers instead of moving them to the end of a dropdownlist.
The 125-char-problem was my fault. I thought I can use the settings from the last version but I had to do the account settings again. Now I have as much chars I need.

I imported lots of contacts from a csv-file and the mobile/landline number changed. OK, this is my problem but I liked the option of v1.0.5 to select one number.

The new remaining sms feature is great. Thanks for adding!
blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by Maerkus View Post
The 125-char-problem was my fault. I thought I can use the settings from the last version but I had to do the account settings again. Now I have as much chars I need.

I imported lots of contacts from a csv-file and the mobile/landline number changed. OK, this is my problem but I liked the option of v1.0.5 to select one number.

The new remaining sms feature is great. Thanks for adding!
Right, I did some changes to the database... sorry for this inconvenience.

Well, I might add an option to show land line numbers as well. But I consider them in general useless for sending SMS.

maya's Avatar
Posts: 141 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Brasil
Hi, blubb
I tested with voipbusterpro and sent the message correctly.
Telbo also believe that with work. (I'll insert credits and then comment)
but I have some simple suggestions and questions.
login in the initial letter is set to uppercase, (unnecessary)
In advanced config, I did not understand the usefulness of the "Sender".
You can send to multiple destinations?
Would it be possible to keep the history of messages on standard SMS app itself N900? (As WebText did)?

Last edited by maya; 2010-08-26 at 23:10.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Originally Posted by maya View Post
Hi, blubb
I tested with voipbusterpro and sent the message correctly.
Telbo also believe that with work. (I'll insert credits and then comment)
but I have some simple suggestions and questions.
login in the initial letter is set to uppercase, (unnecessary)
In advanced config, I did not understand the usefulness of the "Sender".
You can send to multiple destinations?
Would it be possible to keep the history of messages on standard SMS app itself N900? (As WebText did)?
I've been using 1.0.6 with the Exetel (AU) provider for the last month or so. A couple of the above I can answer for what/how they're supposed to work (and how they do for the Exetel sender, though I can't guarantee it's working correctly for other providers).

The "Sender" is used to be able to specify the sender number (your phone number) - some web sms providers require that the sender number is a part of the message sent to the provider, and the sender number is not necessarily the same as the account name. The Sender field in the Advanced Settings gives you somewhere to specify what number should be put in the web sms provider's sender field when it's required (as it is for Exetel).

As for the history of messages, when the message is sent successfully it should already be being saved in the standard N900 conversations. If it's not being saved on your provider, it'll probably be a bug in the recognition of a "successful send" for that provider.

Last edited by Dawnmist; 2010-08-27 at 01:14.

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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by Dawnmist View Post
I've been using 1.0.6 with the Exetel (AU) provider for the last month or so. A couple of the above I can answer for what/how they're supposed to work (and how they do for the Exetel sender, though I can't guarantee it's working correctly for other providers).

The "Sender" is used to be able to specify the sender number (your phone number) - some web sms providers require that the sender number is a part of the message sent to the provider, and the sender number is not necessarily the same as the account name. The Sender field in the Advanced Settings gives you somewhere to specify what number should be put in the web sms provider's sender field when it's required (as it is for Exetel).

As for the history of messages, when the message is sent successfully it should already be being saved in the standard N900 conversations. If it's not being saved on your provider, it'll probably be a bug in the recognition of a "successful send" for that provider.
100% Ack.


Maya, I already asked you to provide some details about the error codes returned, without these error codes it is impossible for me to check for success or failure. Currently www2sms just prints the result and checks if urllib exited normaly, but does not check for replies from the provider. So all www2sms can tell you is, if urllib got a valid response from the webserver.
Well it checks if the response contains an "OK" and if this is found it assumes the SMS was delivered. But this is just a bad and unclean guess.

			result = urllib2.urlopen(urlSon).read()
		except URLError, e:
			return False, 'Error connecting to service:%s\n\n %s' %(e.reason, result)
		except HTTPError, e:
			return False, 'Error %s returned from service\n\n %s' %(e.code, result)
		UpdatePbar(self, MainWindow, app, "2", "Checking reply")
		re_suc = re.compile('OK')
		    return True, '%s' %(result)
		    return False, 'Failed. Provider responded: %s' %(result)

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