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jvesiluoma's Avatar
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Originally Posted by chealyte View Post
request feature:
*always online lock : so phone will connect to internet all time if phone on or try pick up wifi.
-if phone got stolen and theif turn off and switch sim or take sim out turn on and try to make sure phone wont go online.. by doing so phone will try to broadcast it self location in anyway possible .. this lock will be unlock with master code if user do not have code phone will try to find away to go online.
Hmm, yes, I can tinker with phone options so that the phone will try to connect to internet when possible.

I tried to make scripts as hidden as possible, so that in case it is stolen, it will send it's location silently so that the thief will not notice it.

I thought that an option to gather as much info as possible would also be nice. N900 could scan for WLAN networks, bluetooth devices, take photos, record sound for 30 secs... Maybe that would also help recovering the phone.
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debernardis's Avatar
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I think your amazing efforts should be joined to those guys who are performing same things through sms or ssh. I haven't the urls at hand right now but they are in the forums.
This might result in a greatly useful app
Ernesto de Bernardis

Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2010
sounds like a great project! how is the whole thing performance-wise? i take it you have some kind of script running in the background that just checks if mentioned file is present on your remote webserver and if it is, it starts the webserver on the n900?
jvesiluoma's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pcerf View Post
sounds like a great project! how is the whole thing performance-wise? i take it you have some kind of script running in the background that just checks if mentioned file is present on your remote webserver and if it is, it starts the webserver on the n900?

Only script that is running on regular basis is script that outputs device ip and gps coordinates to my web server. That script is running in crontab and it is run every 15 minutes.

Same script gets the parameter file from my web server (via wget) and checks the file for a line for launching the web server. Other parameters can also be added to this file, e.g. a parameter for launching a somekind of scan sweep with all of N900 'senses' in case user cannot connect to it and launch them from web interface.

Web server is pretty dormant most of the time when there is no usage and I haven't seen (with my usage) anything difference whether the lighttpd web server is running on the background all the time, or not. I prefer to keep it running all the time.

I plan to add options for somekind of scan with all possibilities of N900. Also, with the ability to give custom commands directly from web interface, user can e.g. also use the abilities of phone-control script by MohammadAG (thanks for that btw, nice little tool ).
"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together...."
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yes, verrry interested!

Posts: 162 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Please, put the sources somewhere where we can have a look at it!

I installed lighttp+php on my nokia, and it works! Although I had to fiddle with dynamic links in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin because php-cgi5 was wrongly interchanged with php5.cgi.

What I need, and what I hope to find out from your scripts, is where the data of telephone numbers and similar stuff are hiding. I do know linux and I can program in php, but where the stuff is hidden on the N900 escapes me.

Posts: 393 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on Feb 2010
There is very much interest in this, please continue this effort.
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ United Kingdom
im definetely interested too i always worry that my phone will be stolen one day and my lock wont be enough
jvesiluoma's Avatar
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I'll post some scripts as soon as I can (may take a few days). I'll clean them up a bit first.

I'm currently renovating my home, so I'm a bit busy next few weeks, but I'll do what I can.
"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together...."
Posts: 393 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on Feb 2010
sounds good, please keep us posted

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