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F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
thanks that worked ( but i did = rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/quick* )

but still, camera does not launch using cam lens shortcut!

Posts: 318 | Thanked: 735 times | Joined on Oct 2009

sorry for the delay I was out for vacation.
BTW, before install 0.8 ( or once you've already installed 0.8 and you still get problems ) do a dpkg --purge quick-launch and the reinstall the 0.8 version this should make quick-launch works again.
I've also noticed that through the lens cover the camera-ui seems to won't to start, I'll dig on it.

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F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
thats cool, everyone needs holidays!! appreciate your hard work..

thank you b0unc3
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Sweden
I have found a bug(!?)
I have had some issues with my n900 so last night I did a total reflash (including EMMC)
I installed a couple of programs through the backup/restore utility.
Quicklaunch worked just fine.
Installed some more program and suddely quicklaunch ceazed to work.
So i started to uninstalled newly installed program, and found that when i uninstalled "transition control" quicklaunch started to work again.
tried to reinstall transition control again ( just to double check) and quicklaunch stopped working.
Maybe this has more to do with the transition control app, than quicklaunch.

I´m no programmer, but for me it feels like quicklauch has it´s own transition setting, and when transition control is installed it overrides them and quicklauch stops working.

Is it possible to recode quicklaunch so it uses some default setting for transition, or shoult I try to get the author of transition control to add support for quicklaunch?

Posts: 318 | Thanked: 735 times | Joined on Oct 2009

I haven't this app installed, I'll install it later to try to catch what's the problems.
Thanks for your input.

The Following User Says Thank You to b0unc3 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Sweden
no - thank YOU for a great app!
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Works as expected after dpkg purge, thx for the app!

Btw way it would be useful if you could have diferent shorcuts for the status bar and for camera lens open.

Anyway thnx again!
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Okay so just did dpkg --purge and reinstall.. and tested it out a bit..

First time I open shutter quicklaunch starts.. I can start all programs except the cameraapp.. CPU load goes to high a bit and nothing happens.

If I close the shutter and reopen it the cameraapp starts, and quicklaunch starts on top of it.. I can't start any of the other applications using the camera (fcamera, flashlight) because the camera is already in use by the cameraapp... :/

Am I the only one with these problems?
F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
no......... camera app does not launch..... any progress on this b0unc3??
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Btw, I must say I do like the redesign a whole lot.. really nice.

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