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, 14:08
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Looks wicked, cant wait to get home and test it, is there any chance this app could also be used to resize the bookmark shortcuts too?
also i've set my shortcut backgrounds to invisable except when clicked, will this change that or will it modify them as they are?
, 15:03
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, 15:17
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When I run the sh /home/user/MyDocs/filename -i command as given in the 2nd step above, xterm gives an output "incompatible theme"... Any workarounds? I have MohammadAG's modified hildon desktop installed. Can that be the reason?
, 15:27
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I'm running the Pleegoblue theme, which is a part of the Black Plastic theme package of D-livil.
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, 21:37
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The gui is finished! Go to this thread instead. Do not do the below.. it is not necessary any longer thanks to D-livils work.
Download (to /home/user/MyDocs/)
hildon-home.launch1.tar.gz (modified by CepiPerez)
Then extract it.
!! There is a better way doing this now. If you continue reading in the thread you will come to this post by CepiPerez. This will also allow you to change the bookmarks. !!
I have written how it works above...
Do not do the below. It is the old way....
The past week i have been working on a program to resize the program icons. It is pretty basic but works. It is still in a early release state but i have tried it and could not find any big bugs. This is the second program i have made so the code could probably look better.
Everything is done in the shell (terminal). I have not yet learned how to package it to deb. Also, it does not have a real gui. I have zenity helping me with that. To give an illusion of a gui. It works pretty well but is not as good looking as a real gui.
The program will ask you two questions. How big you want the background image and how big you want the foreground image to be. It will then download the custom hildon-home that Matan made and install it. It will ask you if you want to hold it (so it wont get replaced by the old during an upgrade). Lastly it finds which programs you have on the desktop and resize the icons to the values you set in the first step. The last step will take a minute or so.
The change will only affect your current theme and some of the stock icons that are not covered by the theme. If you wish to change the theme it is important to first uninstall to reset all the values. Desktop Shortcut Resizer finds your current icons by the name of your theme. It will not be succesful if you change it and then uninstall.
The size could be set between 0-256 pixels. I have put the default background value to 62 pixels and 42 pixels for the foreground.
The install process:
1. Download the program/script to your n900 (i.e. /home/user/MyDocs/) 2. Open terminal and: 5. done!
If you want to see all the commands. Just write as root
1. desktop-shortcut
You might want to make a test run first to see if it finds all your program icons.
1. desktop-shortcut -t
I have configured the program to find if you have any missing dependencies and if not install them for you. You will need wget, zenity and imagemagick. It will take a backup on your original icons during the install. In case you decide to uninstall the program later. If so it will reset to your original icons.
I encourage you to also take a normal backup. Which will happen if you do the "desktop-shortcut -b" command.
Please tell me what you think. Is it good? should something be done differently? Did i spell something wrong?
Some pictures below which shows the process.
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Last edited by AlMehdi; 2010-09-26 at 11:01.