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Originally Posted by helex View Post
Ouh, okay. That's very strange.

It seems the IP adress is correctly stored. But perhaps there could be a problem with the encoding. In what country do you live and what N900 version do you own? (what keyboard)
I'm from Switzerland but I have a n900 from US with US keyboard.

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Originally Posted by alex25 View Post
I'm from Switzerland but I have a n900 from US with US keyboard.
Ah, hello Neighbor. I'm from south Germany.

I have no idea why it shouldn't work at your device. Perhaps you can delete the Database and try it again:
rm /home/user/.dreamremote/DreamRemote.db
(be careful with the rm command, it deletes files without queries)
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Even after deleting the database the problem persist.

However I found the solution. I had to add another remote (remote 2) and enter the exact same data as for remote 1. After that remote 1 worked. Even after deleting remote 2.
So there seems to be an index (starting at 0 or 1) problem in your DreamRemote codebase

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Originally Posted by alex25 View Post
However I found the solution. I had to add another remote (remote 2) and enter the exact same data as for remote 1. After that remote 1 worked. Even after deleting remote 2.
So there seems to be an index (starting at 0 or 1) problem in your DreamRemote codebase

I was now able to reconstruct this usercase.
Thanks for your help.
I guess it is because the slider to switch from one to a other remote is not initialized. I'm currently unable to fix this problem. But I hope I'll find enought time later this day.

Sadly I should update the version at exta testing. too.
I needed now several weeks to collect only 3 votes.
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Great application.
Password to be able to control my box from outside would be nice.
altough when I´m controlling it from outside It will be blindfolded.
A screenshot from the dreambox a second after last command would show where in the menus/epg I am. But I guess that would be a major rebuild.

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So, I've uploaded a new package to extra-Testing with a Bugfix for this issue.

I hope everybody would vote again to get this application soon to maemo extras:
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DreamRemote hits now Maemo Extras!

Thanks a lot to all brave voters and testers...
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Last edited by helex; 2010-09-14 at 22:50.

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ich schreib mal auf deutsch *g

kannst du vielleicht die ip eingaben ändern?

hab mir das per dyndns adresse eingerichtet also zugriff übers inet, net über wlan
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hello, it's works in Dreambox 500?
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Originally Posted by Airtux View Post
hello, it's works in Dreambox 500?
Yes, as far as I know should it work. :-)
But I don't own a DM500. Please report how it works at your Device. Thanks.

Originally Posted by bonkel View Post
ich schreib mal auf deutsch *g

kannst du vielleicht die ip eingaben ändern?

hab mir das per dyndns adresse eingerichtet also zugriff übers inet, net über wlan
Ich hatte anfangs mal daran gedacht, hab es aber nicht umgesetzt weil es mir zu kompliziert war und ich mir keinen so rechten Anwendungsfall dafür vorstellen konnte. Immerhin muss man ja immer irgendwie das TV Bild in sichtweite haben um zu sehen was man gerade so macht.

Ist das Webinterface bei Dir allerdings passwortgeschützt (was es eigentlich sein sollte wenn die Box übers Internet ansprechen kannst) wird DreamRemote nicht funktionieren... hierfür hab ich aktuell auch noch keine Lösung. Das Thema ist mir bisher zu heikel.

Kannst Du einfach mal die aktuelle IP Adresse Deiner Dreambox eingeben und testen ob Du sie über die Internet Verbindung (GPRS->Internet->Firewall deines Routers->Dreambox) ordnungsgemäß steuern kannst? Sonst wäre das ändern des Menüs umsonst.
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