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Haha !

Ok guys, I thought I was alone, wondering why Ovi Maps is not Qt based.

Perhaps it is time to fill a bug : "Ovi Maps should be Qt based", milestone : Fremantle
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Originally Posted by iPHONErules View Post
my point is it CAN multi-task and I think it will happen this summer with 4G. What will be N900 advantage then? I still do not understand what MeeGo will accomplish in terms of revolutionarity and the WOW factor. Sure it will be open and run on multiple devices, SO WHAT. PCs have been doing this for a long time, but the WOW factor was always with the MACs.....Help me understand this Meego thing on a BIG picture scale.
Umm. I never felt a single wow factor with iPhone or MAC. Ever. But I'm a PC gamer...
If iPhone 4G or whatever has a hardware keyboard, then I'll start even considering it.

What N900 has which iPhone may never get:
- Play many different codecs. (xvid, ac3, ogg etc etc)
- Root / open access out of the box.
- No limit on what apps you can install without hacking.
- Hardware keyboard (to me, this is the biggest asset)
- No need for itunes app

To me, iPhone is like a Nintendo Wii. Made for masses.
Apple did a damn good job at that. Just like Nintendo.

N900 / Meego imo will be targeted at a different market.
N900 is more like a PS3. Only that it is already open. =P

If you don't see what the big fuss is about with the N900 or the Meego right now, then you obviously aren't the right type of customer that Nokia is intending to sell to. Symbian is still the main competitor for iPhone OS so you should look at Symbian phones instead.

Last edited by jakiman; 2010-02-28 at 22:46.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
How won't it? How won't addressing the scores of bugs not solve the grievances?
Because switching over is not 'addressing bugs', it's like saying installing Android on it would address the bugs. Do you honestly think that (no matter how buggy Fremantle is), replacing it with a *FIRST* release of a whole new OS (on all layers, system, middleware and UI) will result in something LESS buggy ?

How wouldn't added functionality not add value to your purchase?
No. MeeGo does not ADD functionality to Maemo per se. It REPLACES Maemo. That means some functionality will be added, some functionality will be different, and some will be lost. At first a lot more will be lost than added, and then slowly, as the platform matures, things will get better, just like they did in the previous Maemo iterations. At that point the N900 will be way too old to be useful, HW-wise. Qt is good, but it's no miracle cure, the code will not write itself in an instant.
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Originally Posted by jakiman View Post
N900 is more like a PS3.
I see it more like the Sega Dreamcast.

Rushed to the market, had some real cool stuff announced for it, even had the first "better than arcade" software - in this case "better than arcade" would be "better than the rest" in regards to the IM and Skype integration.

But it also was killed by subsequent, forthcoming announcements of what was coming down the pipe. Same as the N900 it seems.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Because switching over is not 'addressing bugs', it's like saying installing Android on it would address the bugs. Do you honestly think that (no matter how buggy Fremantle is), replacing it with a *FIRST* release of a whole new OS (on all layers, system, middleware and UI) will result in something LESS buggy ?
Please show me one quote where I said "switching". I'm talking about UPGRADES AND BUGFIXES. Fix the ****ing bugs first.

That's not so hard to understand. Fix it, then move on to the next OS. Diablo, there's bugs in that that persist to this very day in Fremantle. Fix it, then move your resources to MeeGo.

How hard is that to understand!? At times I absolutely hate talking with people that are so against anything other than what they see is "just fine"... so I yield.

Everything is just great. Nokia has nothing left to do.

Happy now?
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I see it more like the Sega Dreamcast.
LOL. You are right. Dreamcast. I still have one in my drawer somewhere. Even the light guns. =)
Dreamcast was one of the best consoles ever. All my friends bought one as well. So many great games.
I remember playing 4 player Virtua Tennis on my big 52" rear projection tv. Back on 1999. Was awesome.

It got killed by a number of reasons I guess. Playstation 1 for one. Less marketing.
Another reason was that you could easily get self-boot game ISO images.
Dreamcast didn't need any hacking / modchips on the console itself at all.

Would be awesome if N900 could emulate the DC games.

Last edited by jakiman; 2010-02-28 at 23:00.
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Yeah! Sonic, Ecco the Dolphin... yummy.
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Originally Posted by mika View Post
Ari Jaaksi resigned last week.

I thought it was a bit strange that I saw a job posting on LinkedIn for something that fits his job's description!
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gonna miss him.

doesn't look good though. too many people leave.

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