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I know that the voltages can be changed using pre-configured profiles such as lv, ulv, ideal etc.
I need to know how to increase the voltage (from 54 to 56) for 950MHz in the lv profile. This is because ulv , xlv and ideal have stability issues for me....
Also, I know a thread on overclocking exits already so please forgive me for not scanning all the 450+ pages of that thread for the info i need.
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 78 times | Joined on May 2010
edit the "lv" file in /usr/share/kernel-power-settings

you should see something like 54:950. just change it to 56:950.

install nano to do it.

apt-get install nano
cd /usr/share/kernel-power-settings
nano lv
make your edits....
ctrl+x (to quit)
y (to save)
enter (to save with same name)
kernel-config load lv
Posts: 1,751 | Thanked: 844 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by m0da View Post
edit the "lv" file in /usr/share/kernel-power-settings

you should see something like 54:950. just change it to 56:950.

install nano to do it.

apt-get install nano
cd /usr/share/kernel-power-settings
nano lv
make your edits....
ctrl+x (to quit)
y (to save)
enter (to save with same name)
kernel-config load lv
It is not good to edit the files in "/usr/share/kernel-power-settings". And it is probably easier for you to use leafpad to edit the files.

1. install leafpad
2. open terminal
3. to make: /usr/sbin/kernel-config save myconfig
4. to edit: leafpad /home/user/.kernel/myconfig
5. to use: /usr/sbin/kernel-config load myconfig

Then you will have to load "myconfig" or what ever name you chose after every reboot.
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Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
It is not good to edit the files in "/usr/share/kernel-power-settings". And it is probably easier for you to use leafpad to edit the files.

1. install leafpad
2. open terminal
3. to make: /usr/sbin/kernel-config save myconfig
4. to edit: leafpad /home/user/.kernel/myconfig
5. to use: /usr/sbin/kernel-config load myconfig

Then you will have to load "myconfig" or what ever name you chose after every reboot.
Should be

1. install leafpad
2. open terminal
3. root
4. kernel-config save myconfig
5. leafpad /home/user/.kernel/myconfig
6. kernel-config load myconfig

If stable and you want to run these kernel settings as default

7. kernel-config default myconfig

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Originally Posted by James_Littler View Post
Should be

1. install leafpad
2. open terminal
3. root
4. kernel-config save myconfig
5. leafpad /home/user/.kernel/myconfig
6. kernel-config load myconfig

If stable and you want to run these kernel settings as default

7. kernel-config default myconfig
You don't need root if you do "/usr/sbin/kernel-config".. Titan added a sudoers-file long time ago. And i would not advice to put it as default.. it's better to use a QBW-widget or something.
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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Just to add some..

remember that for each 1 point you'll add or remove from the voltage value (wich has a range of 0 - 72) you will either add or remove 0.0125V.

to calculate the voltage you need to do this way:

example: 54:950,500 means: (0.0125 x 54) + 0.6= 1.275V@950Mhz DSP clock @500Mhz

Posts: 166 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Halifax, UK
you're wasting your time by doing that, just leave it on ideal
by adjusting it to use that profile you'll only gain a few minutes battery life over all
its not the cpu that wastes all your battery, its other things like your antena and screen that kill it
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 223 times | Joined on Apr 2013 @ Poland
Hi there all. I don't want to create another topic for quick question. However this is related:

currently Im haveing 3 n900 fully funcional and one of those I use for everyday as phone, mobile cpu etc:.

This one is particular good handling high frequencies with dangerously low voltages. After I discover it (apx. 2 weeks ago) Im using it fixed at 1000Mhz with non-overclocked DSP at 430Mhz with voltage set at 52!! Ideal profile sets it for 60 when starving is 55.

So yet no random reboots, non unstability noticed, no difference in performance, no overheating and extended battery life (3g always conected to internet, skype, lots of music and browsing) for few hours I have it connected to WLAN instead. Still it will made 20-24 hours so I can go with one charge a day wtih spare battery hidden in my pocket.

How it will affect the device for long run? I really don't mind if I burn this one soon cause I always have at least 2 spare ones (n900 devices of course), but if it will go one full year and then crash? With price it's on? It is at least affordable for me to buy one a year, question is how many devices can handle this? Or maybe the voltage should be like this?Already testing it on another n900 and for 3 days nothing bad happend.

/home/user # kernel-config show
current kernel configuration:
current frequency: 1000
supported frequencies: 125 250 500 550 600 720 805 850 900 950 1000 1100 1150 
min. frequency: 1000
max. frequency: 1000
avoid frequencies: 125 250 500 550 600 720 805 850 900 950 1100 1150 
active frequencies: 1000:52,430 
SmartReflex VDD1=0, VDD2=0
governor ondemand: ignore nice load= 1, up threshold= 100, sampling rate= 300000, powersave bias= 0
/home/user #

Last edited by Ridd92; 2016-02-28 at 17:43. Reason: Grammar correction

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