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AndyNokia232's Avatar
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Ha ha, could you imagine?! Most of those iPhone owners probably wouldn't even know what you were talking about. Actually, one of my close friends saw my N900 yesterday and said, "is that an iPhone?" to which I said, "no, it's a Nokia N900." He looked at me as if I'd just told him I'd spent $450 on a pre-owned clamshell from 2003. "why didn't you get an iPhone?" he asked me, to which I replied, "I want a physical keyboard and I hate AT&T." So then he says, "So why not an Android, like the new G2?" My response sounded a bit cheesy, but I stand by it: "Because I've always trusted and enjoyed Nokia phones and this one has done nothing but impress me so far, and I'm not interested in trawling through 50,000 apps just to find the 12 that I will actually use". He just shrugged his shoulders, totally unconvinced. Another ignoramus!
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Originally Posted by sak500 View Post
Man you should type any letter in appstore and you'll get tons of apps based on that particular catagory. E.g i also have kmplayer and worldtv on my 900 but htere is HDTV , Live TV,, mtstv etc also available for iphone. With rez of the screen bordering HD comparing teh video quality of n900 to iphone 4 is day and night. While my N900 is overclocked to 1.1ghz, it's stutters and grinds to halt when i try applicataion manager . Also regular browsing scrolling is filled with hiccups and stutters> true i've some widgets on the desktops as well but again i'd rather use a nifty device as a main device than some jack of all master of none which takes more than a few secs to accept a call.

Also since you fanboys are at it, i was one of those who installed NITDROID the manual way, way before they made the installer for it so dont tell me N900 is not for me. We get one tower defence game on this and there are 100s of games liek that on iphone including Star Wars Battle of HOTH. Gameloft has gone crazy on iphone with Call of duty series for it.

I'm not gonna argue but i think i'm in better position to comment about both phones than your one sided experience with N900. And to let you know i never liked apple products and never used one before this. I got this off ebay to sell it off in my country since the prices were ridiculous and i thot i could make a quick buck. But within a day of use i dint 'want to let it go even though it's 16gb version and with 50+ apps on it im left with only 3~4 gb. That's 3 weeks of use compared to almost a year's use of N900 having 23GB internal and 5.6gb on external (bal for NIT) still free. How i wish iphone could use my 8GB class 6 i installed NIT on. That's the only negative thing about iphone .

If u guys want to site your opinion do it when you have both teh products not your utter fanboism.
.....and how much did you pay for your Godly iphone?I got mine second hand for 250 (pounds) back in February....'value for money' is not a synonym with apple, try to get an iphone4 with that,you have to PAY for your 'wonderful' apps, that`s the big difference with the N900, plus it`s expandability....just today Meego was announced for it....that is why I don`t go Apple crazed.....and because of the stubborness of Mr. jobs not to include Flash or at least give the freedom of open cource to it`s phone.....anyways, enough blabing for today
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Originally Posted by sophocha View Post
.....and how much did you pay for your Godly iphone?I got mine second hand for 250 (pounds) back in February....'value for money' is not a synonym with apple, try to get an iphone4 with that,you have to PAY for your 'wonderful' apps, that`s the big difference with the N900, plus it`s expandability....just today Meego was announced for it....that is why I don`t go Apple crazed.....and because of the stubborness of Mr. jobs not to include Flash or at least give the freedom of open cource to it`s phone.....anyways, enough blabing for today
I bought my N900 for 600$ back in jan 2010. Expecting it to be a bemoeth of a PDA but alas it's a tinkering toy for the nerds like us but not really practicle. Bought my iP4 for $735 back in sept off ebay, unlocked and Jailbroken.
Descalzo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by longcat View Post
Why bother telling us all of this, no one cares, it's your device - sell it if you like. If you want to share an experience, that's okay, but know that lots of people here thinks the other way, it's after all. So don't get insulted if someone is arrogant, posts like yours are common in past few months, lots of you complaining guys really have no idea why did you bought n900 at the first place. So if you still have doubts, sell it until you can regain even 50% of money invested in it, and go for something else...
When I was trying to decide between iPhone/Nexus One/N900 I was glad to see threads like this one. I spent weeks doing my homework, comparing features, sniffing out the real problems that real users have with it.

Threads like this fill an important niche. Some people really do want to know what they're in for, and threads like this are a good place to hear real complaints. Plus, for the first three pages of every one of these threads, every other post tells 3 easy fixes for each of the problems listed in the OP. This was information I needed.

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No Flash 10.1 support is the only thing that really annoys me.
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Originally Posted by cmsjkung View Post

After two months experience of using N900, I want to give up this device and change to use android device. The following are the major reasons:

N900 can run many different software but their quality are not as good as default web browser, so it is useless.

- No Flash Player 10.1 Support.

- Video Players (Default, SIB and KMPlayer) not as good as I expected, as it can play many different format of video files but lack of subtitle and audio selection supports.

- For game, most game emulators are running slow, dos box also has the same problem.

- Camera quality is not good as too much noise for night shot.

- No Meego OS support from Nokia.

- Phone function is not good to use.
Mybe its just me but:

1.- MicroB s very good, the only one u need for different functionality things are Macuco and/or Firefox, but everything works pretty well

2.- We know about the flash, but you cant tweak it so you
can play/view stuff in 10.1

3.- Video players ARE good, you can download a package for subtitles, i have no problem with the audio (less stutter thanks to brad and mohammads package hack)

4.- All emulators work fine here, even psx4m works fast (just need to configure and thats alla)

5.- Its a phone, not a digital camera, but stil has pretty good quality, you can find very good pointers/tricks in the forum to have less noise.

6.- Fk MeeGo i like a Maemo.

7.- I have no problems with the phone function, i actually love it.

But then again, this is just me.

jedi's Avatar
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Amazing how this thread is almost 4 months old, and the OP is still a regular here... guess the N900 ain't as bad as they originally thought...

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Originally Posted by jedi View Post
Amazing how this thread is almost 4 months old, and the OP is still a regular here... guess the N900 ain't as bad as they originally thought...
Lol did not even realise it was an old thread when I posted. Thought it was like 3 days old.
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
But let me start by saying I love my N900. Every single day without it is torturing me. It happens to be a great device but unfortunately made by a useless company. I was using my N900 for 3 months without a usb port and had to send it in cause I bricked my device and needed usb port to reflash. How did I brick my device? I got addicted to modding and didn't know when to stop. Unfortunately I eventually I modified a file which meant the device got stuck on the Nokia boot screen. My wife warned me for months to stop messing around with the N900 but it was just so amazing I could not stop.
Man, you know I always thought you're the most unfortunate human being on earth, as you seem to have to deal with more problems in N900 than the aggregate total of the problems that are reported by the entire N900 communities. And yet you don't seem to want to solve the problems you are facing, instead keep complaining everyday, even when many of those can be easily solved by flashing your firmware.

After all the complaining and ranting, now that you told me you love N900.

Shocked, I'm absolutely shocked. Can you understand my feeling? It's as shock as Bin Laden telling me he loves America, Hilary Clinton telling me she loves China, and Tiger Wood telling me he loves his wife - and they are telling me that all at once.

I can't breath, I can't breath....take my N900 near me please....

Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
I have been without N900 for over a month and still come here everyday looking for latest developments and have list of things I have to try out when I finally get N900 back (swappolube, theme customizer, fast modding script being top of the list). Everyday without my N900 I am cursing Nokia for depriving me of my darling N900.
The fact that you could still keep complaining how hard N900 is during the time you sent your N900 back to Nokia for repairing amused me. Then I assumed that you own an extra N900 to complain with. While you complain N900 you never fail to compare it with iPhone, so I also assumed you owned two N900 and multiple iPhones.

You're the most blessed unfortunate human being on earth.

Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Now some of you have responded to say you are being objective when you say the iphone is crap.
Well you must have mistaken me for someone else. I've never said I'm objective, and I've never said iPhone is crap. iPhone sucks, but that doesn't make it crap. I'm sorry to say you're wasting time on getting into something too personal.

You know the differences between N900 users and iPhone users?

N900 Users: When you cry out loud N900 is difficult and keep complaining and ranting, you would be excused and some even come to help you even when you weren't asked for one.

iPhone Users: You look like an absolute idiot when you cry for help.

delete me, infants and, their toys, worstthreadever

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