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dantonic's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fleetwood View Post
Hi! I really love the Autodisconnect but I've been wondering if it could be even better. Here's my suggestion: there would be two "Network - GPRS" tabs in the settings, "Network - 2G" and "Network - 3G". Each would have data counters for that network and if there is not enough network activity for 3G, connection would be set to 2G and after that disconnected if the 2G counter is not exceeded. This would be really usefull since most of the day my N900 is unused but always online because of IM. If the phone is not really used for web surfing etc, 2G connection would be more than enough.
Yes, this option would be killer!
Posts: 561 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Spain
Indispensable to me this application.

How I can help to translate into Spanish?

If I allow access to the text file do the translation.

Also the board puden Transfix.
NokiaRocks's Avatar
Posts: 658 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I just discovered Nokia Messaging a few days ago and expecting some problems with autodisconnect.
Nokia Messaging won't push my mails after autodisconnect closed the connection once.
Any idea what to do ?
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Feb 2010

Just recently my autodisconnect, well ... just isn't.

It says monitoring a connection, say WIFI and it never disconnects.

I have watched IP traffic and it is neglegable, certainly a lot less than the setting requires.

Any ideas plz?

Posts: 561 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Spain
This application is necessary, but has a small problem that is causing me problems.

When I'm in a book and conincide converación time a request for data connection, if there is no wifi interreumpe the conversation to switch to 3G.

Is it possible to modify the application to avoid this? There are two solutions:

1) Reject the GPRS data connection to end the conversation.

2) Connect via GPRS while maintaining the type of connection you are at that time. If you are on 2G, then continue on 2G.
spanner's Avatar
Posts: 253 | Thanked: 184 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Bristol, UK
Originally Posted by uTMY View Post

Just recently my autodisconnect, well ... just isn't.

It says monitoring a connection, say WIFI and it never disconnects.

I have watched IP traffic and it is neglegable, certainly a lot less than the setting requires.
I had this problem after transferring a load of data through the WiFi interface. This was my diagnosis & solution:

No sign of recent development on this great app...

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Posts: 296 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I have no idea if this has been discussed before (50 pages ), but when I have set AutoDisconnect to switch from 2G to dual when connecting it kind of breaks. When I attempt to connect to the internet AutoDisconnect tries to switch to dual, but Maemo thinks it takes too long and I get the message ''unable to connect, retry?''. When I click ''yes'' AutoDisconnect has already switched back to 2G and you'll just be in a loop of trying to connect.
The only way to work around this is manually switching to dual (I use the switch thingy ) manually and then connect. Is there a way to let Maemo wait for cell data and then connect to the internet?
blipnl's Avatar
Posts: 279 | Thanked: 231 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Holland
I have a question about this app.

I am using a internet connection most of the time for msn and skype (occasional voip) and occasional browsing. I already have 2g/3g switcher installed, but I wondered if this app could help me switch between 2g/3g internet. So I can keep msn and skype running with gsm/2g, but when I get a skype call it switches to 3g? (same for browsing) That would be very convenient for battery life to me.

I have tried this app today and in the past but it did'nt seem to do what I want it to. I have tested with different settings, but maybe the 2g/3g switch functionality does not apply when having a GPRS connection enabled? I could not find clear details on the wiki or it is just me

If it does just that can someone please advise me on how to change settings? This app is pretty versitile so I might have overlooked something. Thanks!
Posts: 539 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Berlin, Germany
As the name says, this app will in first place disconnect your connection after configured timespan. It is not supposed to switch between different connection variants. Maybe you can find some app that looks at skype and initiates a connection switch when an incoming call arrives.
zlatko's Avatar
Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Recently I started to have problem with Autodisconnect not shutting down my GPRS interface. I can see in the log that it starts monitoring the interface, then after the initial wait interval it gives message "interface closed (externally)" and stops monitoring it. But actually interface is still up. So in result Autodisconnect never checks my GPRS interface. I have tried to toggle settings on/off but that was to no effect.
Any ideas?

EDIT: Rebooting device solved the problem for me.

Last edited by zlatko; 2010-11-04 at 18:36.

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