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dr_frost_dk's Avatar
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You have 3 choices in custom brightness
Post #1:
- Simple Mod
- The modded stock brightness by gebeleysis
Post #2:
My Custom Brightness

I recommend the modded brightness by gebeleysis.

The simple mod, gives you 5 display settings that's much better then stock and no slow crappy light sensor

You can simply change one value in mce.ini to disable the light sensor & get better light values than stock

To do this: (remember to uninstall custom brightness mod first (if installed))
root or sudo gainroot
sed -ie 's/brightness-als/brightness-simple/' /etc/mce/mce.ini
Or you can just edit mce.ini, the sed command just changes this as you would manually by editing the mce.ini

After this restart your N900 or "killall mce" (still under root)

Modded brightness by gebeleysis


Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2012-08-08 at 13:16.

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POST #2 - Choice 2 - This is my custom brightness, it gives you full control (253 light steps) and also no slow crappy light sensor

This is a direct install, i don't know how to make apps / debs yet, i have only had this phone/computer for 20days so far.

This mod still works fine and does have the advantage of further customizing like 'Tinukedaya' has demonstrated with his cool theme.

Change log:
Have gone through the code of init.d and fixed the missing/weird fade out/dimming of screen, this now works like it should, but with a small delay

usual tools "needed"
rootsh, queen beecon widget

sudo gainroot or root
cd "folder"/custom_brightness
sh ./install
import beecon settings or make own beecon widgets
reboot for everything to take effect

"folder" = where you put it - like "/home/user/MyDocs"

Now with 2 versions of Brightness bar, Circle & Block mods from users from maemo

Adding Queen Beecon Widgets:

- Add Widget
- click "settings" on widget - tool icon
- click "advanced"
- scroll down
- click "Import - File to Buffer"
- click "Import - Buffer to Beecon"
- click "Yes"
- click "Save"

Settings for Brightness bar 2 & Circle
to change the 4 values, goto setting for the widget, go advanced like you would when you added the widget, here you can change:
level1=10 - change to what you need
level2=70 - change to what you need
level3=160 - change to what you need
level4=255 - change to what you need - only for brightness bar

FIX L.E.D brightness
When using this custom brightness one thing you will notice is that the LED is seriously bright, to fix this i use a program (app) called "LED Patterns" to adjust the LED brightness down to a level not so ignoring, also now you can make your own Light Sequence for the LED.

open terminal
sudo gainroot or root
cd "folder"/custom_brightness
sh ./uninstall
remove brightness beecon widgets
reboot for everything to take effect

"folder" = where you put it - like "/home/user/MyDocs"

And please post if it works properly

Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2012-02-27 at 19:14.

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I don't have any problem with the instructions until the Queen Beecon part. I've never used it before so I have no idea what I'm doing.

I created a new widget, clicked Advanced, scroll down, click "Import file to buffer", chose one of your files, then click "Import Buffer to Beecon" and it tells me "WARNING! Bad Checksum! Possibly incorrect Import instance data!"

Is that the correct way or should I be doing something else? Everything I try only leaves me with the default widget... thanks

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--- This post has been corrected, new zip uploaded ---

just tried it like this and it worked, well only with level3....
Add Widget
click "settings" on widget
click "advanced"
"Import - File to Buffer"
"Import - Buffer to Beecon"

But your right....
Only Level3 will Work

so to everybody out there trying this USE Queen_beecon_brightness_level3 and in the "command" edit the number it echo´s

My numbers are again:
Level1: 10
Level2: 70
Level3: 160
Level4: 255
but you can make them what ever you want.
and you of course don't need to use 4, use as many or few you want

--- This post has been corrected, new zip uploaded ---

Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2011-02-07 at 15:14.

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Of course I tried 1 and 2 and then gave up before attempting to import level 3

Thanks again, now I'm rebooting and crossing my fingers
Posts: 1,141 | Thanked: 781 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Magical Unicorn Land
It works, great work guys Now my sanity can slowly return...

Thanks to dr_frost_dk and JonWW

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-- Zip has been updated for none working beecon widgets --

only thing that doesn't work in this mod is when the screen "fades" if you press screen or a button to keep the screen from going dark, it doesn't go to the brightness that you have selected, unless you tap the keylock twice (screen off & on), or if you press one of the beecon L* settings.
I'm trying to find out how to disable that "fade" for this to never "fail", all so trying to find out how to just define 5 custom steps for the 5 normal steps.

Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2010-10-22 at 16:54.
Posts: 187 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on May 2010
How can i use this without installin beecon ?
dr_frost_dk's Avatar
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How can i use this without installin beecon ?
white this in terminal:
"root" or "sudo gainroot"
"echo 70 >/home/user/custom_brightness_settings"
"cat /home/user/custom_brightness_settings >/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness"

if you do the above and decide to install / use queen beecon than it is advised to:
In terminal:
"root" or "sudo gainroot"
"rm /home/user/custom_brightness_settings"
"exit" - to exit root
"echo 160 >/home/user/custom_brightness_settings" - make new settings file with user not root privileges
"exit" or close terminal
if these steps are not taken the beecon widgets cant write to custom_brightness_settings

replace 70 with to brightness level you want (0 to 255)

if you want to test a level just write in terminal
"root" or "sudo gainroot"
"echo 70 >/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness"

Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2010-10-22 at 18:18.
dr_frost_dk's Avatar
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Anybody else testing this mod?

This is still only version 1.0, i hope it helps you out there that like me that think that the standard light levels + light sensor is not that great.

and hopefully with more assistance we can make at system change to change the 5 brightness levels instead to 5 levels that suits the user.

i personally don't like the 5 normal steps, for me they are 4 steps witch are to dark and 1 that is way to bright.

Last edited by dr_frost_dk; 2010-10-22 at 19:22.

brightness, display, light sensor, screen

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