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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
okay if u would read last post od dev, he removed all these options on purpose for new desing, bugfixes and rearengment. so i consider he would add it back soon, just give him sometime =)
Yes, but Direct Message via "d username message" is something understood by the Twitter servers no matter what application you use.

I just sent a direct message that way using TweeGo and it works as expected. So in the MEANTIME you can use that method for DMs using Tweego until the developer puts again a nice GUI for it.
anapospastos's Avatar
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In qt apps such tweego Im trying to write greek english capital letters and it writes them in english. Has anyone noticed that with another language (except english)? Is this a known bug in qt environment?
My name was Maemo, then it became Meego and now I'm getting a third one. I am Sailfish.
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Originally Posted by lifenexus View Post
Seems like a good idea. Actually, if u use the email type notification, wont the led part be covered? Eg, in witter, when i get new mentions, an email type notification shows up and the regular email led color glows etc..

Banner would be nice as it would tell abt the new tweets when using other apps.

About running in background, is it possible to have it running in background and not show up in the task list? Maybe run tweego from the status menu or something like that?
Yeah, something like how pidgin works with the status menu plugin.

Originally Posted by colm.smyth View Post
New version release today v4.0.1 i think its called.

Developer: Please before you do anything else, any other modifications, please get auto refresh working, this is critical. Then in terms of other features, just move the "Home" button over to the left, squeeze in a "DM" button, a "@" button for mentions and space permitting "RT of Me" button.

IMO these are the only things that need to be done for now but especially auto refresh, everything else such as twitpic and geo location can wait.

Please keep up the great work
Originally Posted by planetf1 View Post
Great to see the new version appear - it remains the slickest client.

I agree with the comments on getagging, search etc - that can wait, but I do think the following are cruicial in order (I cannot use the app without them)

- @mentions
- DM
- autorefresh

in that order.

Would be happy with having this as a series of smaller updates rather than queued up for a big update

Thanks for getting tweego back up and running.
Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Great App!! Congratulations to the developer.

We need like everybody says @Mentions, Lists (so we can filter timeline), autorefresh.

I think you can send direct messages typing "d username message". That method works for every third-party Twitter application:

Somebody try it and post results. I'm sure it will work as a workaround for DM in the meantime.
Well, about the DM, it's really easy to add "d username" method to send a DM, I will only have to put another button next to the retweet and reply.

But I believe that you wanna see your received DMs right (and sent, probably), so I was thinking about adding buttons like the home, so when you click, it will move the right timeline to the screen. The good thing is that the region where the home button is a list (like the timeline) so I can add as much buttons as wanted, the user can move between them easily.

About the auto refresh, before I do that I was thinking about correcting a bug before I can do that. The bug is that when you are seeing a page of tweets (every 20 tweets is a page for twitter api) and another tweet appears on your timeline, the last tweet of the page "n" is the first one on the page "n+1", so you may see some duplicates tweet when you hit more.

Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
the sending message should also get new tweets and when the sending fails it still trying instead of timeout error and never succseed.
I removed all error handling about timeout and request errors that's why this is happening :/ I'll try fix at least the timeout for the next version.

Originally Posted by anapospastos View Post
In qt apps such tweego Im trying to write greek english capital letters and it writes them in english. Has anyone noticed that with another language (except english)? Is this a known bug in qt environment?
Are you having this problem with another qt-based application? Have you tried with the virtual keyboard?

Darko and MJGibb

Ok, I have no idea why this is happening with you. Another user on twitter is reporting a bug like this one, but he can't even create a new account.

It sounds like TweeGo is crashing while doing the parser. Does your account have anything special, different from the common account?

I'm asking because of the just released Qt 4.7.1 changelog, exactly this line:

* Fixed a crash when parsing invalid tag names.

It may be that or not :/ It's hard to know why this is happening because I cannot reproduce this error here :/
TweeGo v0.6.5-1 just released!

Download it at Maemo Garage or at extras-devel
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For me, no.

On fresh PR1.3 i installed Nokia twitter widget, but removed it when tweego 0.4.0 was released.

Maybe some other program is in conflict with Tweego?

Tonight i will try to reinstall PR1.3 and install Tweego first to see is there any change...
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Glasgow
Nothing special about my account either - even tried a totally new twitter account but still seeing the same crash.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate further though! Bespoke software - tis a fine thing

Last edited by MJGibb; 2010-11-10 at 12:00.
anapospastos's Avatar
Posts: 553 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Not decided
Originally Posted by mikhail_ramalho View Post
Are you having this problem with another qt-based application? Have you tried with the virtual keyboard?
I ve got the same problem with other qt, python and qt web runtime based applications. Do you think that maybe it is a bug from ukeyboard? Virtual input is working just fine.
My name was Maemo, then it became Meego and now I'm getting a third one. I am Sailfish.

Last edited by anapospastos; 2010-11-09 at 19:13.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by MJGibb View Post
i get the below when running via xterm. fresh install, fresh oauth code etc. Running pr1.3. Crash occurs during the login process.

Any help much appreciated!

BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

~ $ tweego
+ LoginCtrl::LoginCtrl(bool, QGraphicsScene*)
+ LoginView::LoginView()
+ void LoginView::createUi()
+ void LoginView::_createLoginBackground()
+ void LoginView::_createButtons()
+ void LoginView::_createLogo()
+ QAbstractAnimation* LoginView::_createEntryAnimation()
+ QAbstractAnimation* LoginView::_createExitAnimation()
+ QAbstractAnimation* LoginView::_createEntryAnimation()
Object::connect: No such signal User::createTweetInfo(Tweet*)
+ void LoginView::emitLoginAccount()
TwitterAPI::requestFinished() parsing verify credentials
Segmentation fault
~ $
~ $
for me it is exactly the same! Any clue?
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Hi there, did a little bit of googling and reading around this forum but seems like no one else is getting this issue:

When I launch Tweego and select New Account and Allow Tweego, a msg pops up saying "Please Wait". A few second after, a second msg pops up saying "There was a network-related problem with completing the request. Please try again later".

I have ensured that I have an active working internet connection. Tried it over wifi and edge, but still getting the same msg for both. Any help?
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Sending a DM is ok, but need support to read them
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Another area -- resiliance. I notice when in a week signal area and loosing the data connection that sometimes tweego ends up hung & never recovers.

I don't think it should popup a message necessarily -- maybe just turn a status indicator red to show it's not connected, retry in background, then turn green once active again. Being able to queue posts for automatic retry late could be a future addition

tweego, twitter

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