Poll: Have you had charging or USB problems with your N900
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Have you had charging or USB problems with your N900

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Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Just wanted to throw this out there that my device (purchased off Amazon (US)) within the past four months just experienced the issue with the microUSB connector.

While the housing hasn't come completely out of the housing, it's certainly too loose to give any hope of charging the device.

Shipping to Nokia's Alabama repair center some time this week :'(
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Originally Posted by murales View Post
Hi Storkus, thanks for sharing your idea, but I'm afraid that this "port saver" solution would be uncomfortable at least... that would add some unwanted bulk to the device and, above all, what would keep the connector from exerting leverage on the usb port if it gets bent? Securing the cable wouldn't be enough, you should secure the connector itself to the case, i think.

I've also read of someone wondering about adding some epoxy glue between the connector and the mainboard but couldn't understand if the actually tried...
I thought of the idea of adding glue around the connector case to more firmly attach it to the board for a while, but if even Nokia won't do it for RMAs and such, then I'm guessing it's been tried and probably didn't work. For us, the additional problem is that you couldn't try it until the warranty expired and by then it may be too late anyway.

As for the port saver idea, I guess I should have mentioned I bought the Noreve case and that the port is covered most of the time by the flap. Otherwise, the idea of using glue or something else to more firmly secure the male end makes sense, though I'm wondering how to do it without spoiling the warranty or making it impossible to remove and replace later. What the scoffer didn't understand is that the entire idea is to remove as much stress as possible from the port and the connection, and adding something to the external case may fix that problem. As for the bulk, that's the entire point of using an angled connector: the cable comes down rather than out in order to maintain a low profile; this also makes securing it easier as well.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Thessaloniki, Greece
hello all,
I just wanted to report that my N900 had the very well known problem with the USB port. I took it to the nokia center where I bought it here in Thessaloniki (Greece) and they replaced it in a little more than 3 weeks with a brand new board (new IMEI too of course). The touch screen, the plastic cover etc is still the same.
Now I only have to hope it won't get loose ever again.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Italy
Ok guys, at he end I made up my mind and ordered my N900!
Even with this design flaw, it's still the device I want and I trust that it will keep on being supported by this great community for a long time!

Obviously, filing down that usb connector will be the first thing I'll do as soon as it gets delivered!
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2009
iv had my n900 since may and twice its came out its hard to feget to take extra care disconnecting.. luckily i have insurance only downfall is they replace with a new phone and i loose everything abit of a pain..especially you cant save contacts to simcard?? whats with that
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Last Friday, my USB port came with the charger, I went in the care center in Lille (point service mobile) and they said I will have to pay the motherboard....
That is obviously not an option, so I'm now wondering how to make them figure out that they actually have to replace it, considering that they don't seems to ear what I say.
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Originally Posted by storkus View Post
The idea is the "Port Saver", something used a lot in the test and measurement industry where connectors can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars and/or be hard to replace (that sounds familiar).
I though of this early on, but what I've been looking for is something with a mylar connection cable. For those not familiar, mylar is the flexible plastic circuitry used in places where flexabilty is key. For example, the N900 has flex connectors internally linking the LCD display and the main board. It's also used heavily in keyboards, including the N900 keyboard.

With the proper short micro USB mylar adapter, the "edge" coming out of the connector would be under 1mm. Throw a case on over it, and it wouldn't provide much leverage at all.

The issue then becomes making an output port available. You'd need enough space to handle the depth of a female micro USB port somewhere inside the case to pull that off, or a larger "shell" with space to do this. (Like a Mugen battery pack shell?) The N900 as it stands is so densely packed however, that I don't see any place with enough space to house such a connector without making the device physically larger.

If you're ok with losing the port all together (eg you just want to use it to charge) the mylar solution may be a good way to go. You could probably even create a mylar sheet with a loop large enough to do inductive charging. Most of my data transfer is via wifi or bluetooth, so for me this would be an acceptable solution.
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Originally Posted by eti1 View Post
so I'm now wondering how to make them figure out that they actually have to replace it,
You should ask in a local (French?) forum. Or google your local consumer protection. Here I would start with the gov't consumer affairs office. If that fails ... do you have some kind of low-cost smalls-claims court?
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Northern MY
just bought used n900 to take alook at the usb port.. here's the pic i take.. what a design.. the flex cable cant be take off.. its planted to the mobo.. here's a bigger picture.. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5248/...69406efc_b.jpg
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Last edited by benji.my; 2010-12-08 at 12:34.

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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Ruhrpott
so yeah ... at last ... it also happened to my n900 -__- so now i took it to a local nokia service point here in germany - and surprise surprise they know nothing about the usb port becoming broken/loose issue - so first thing they say to me is - uhh that looks bad might be not repairable and there is no service bulletin from nokia side stating that this is a warranty issue - so then i tell this guy - just google this problem and you mind find this website where a gazillion ppl have the same problem so nokia prolly knows about this...so how can they not know as a official nokia service point - then he goes on well - we can send it back to nokia but it might just come back like it is because as the technician said its not a warranty related issue. so yea now i wrote an email to the nokia customer care bla bla something - we'll see how that goes...and in 4 days ...it would have been our 1 year anniversary ...unbelievable a frickin 600 euro cell phone which doesnt even last a year ... aint that a *****...

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bad design, broken, charging, failure, hardware, loose, microusb, microusb port, n900, nokia, part, port, repair, return, surface mount, usb, usb port, warranty

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